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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1059 

applicable unscheduled flight time lim-
itations, duty period limitations, and 
rest requirements of part 121 or part 135 
of this chapter instead of the flight 
time limitations, duty period limita-
tions, and rest requirements of this 

§ 91.1059

Flight time limitations and 

rest requirements: One or two pilot 

(a) No program manager may assign 

any flight crewmember, and no flight 
crewmember may accept an assign-
ment, for flight time as a member of a 
one- or two-pilot crew if that crew-
member’s total flight time in all com-
mercial flying will exceed— 

(1) 500 hours in any calendar quarter; 
(2) 800 hours in any two consecutive 

calendar quarters; 

(3) 1,400 hours in any calendar year. 
(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, during any 24 con-
secutive hours the total flight time of 
the assigned flight, when added to any 
commercial flying by that flight crew-
member, may not exceed— 

(1) 8 hours for a flight crew con-

sisting of one pilot; or 

(2) 10 hours for a flight crew con-

sisting of two pilots qualified under 
this subpart for the operation being 

(c) No program manager may assign 

any flight crewmember, and no flight 
crewmember may accept an assign-
ment, if that crewmember’s flight time 
or duty period will exceed, or rest time 
will be less than— 

Normal duty 

Extension of flight time 

(1) Minimum Rest Immediately Before Duty ..........................................

10 Hours ...........

10 Hours. 

(2) Duty Period .......................................................................................

Up to 14 Hours

Up to 14 Hours. 

(3) Flight Time For 1 Pilot ......................................................................

Up to 8 Hours ...

Exceeding 8 Hours up to 9 Hours. 

(4) Flight Time For 2 Pilots ....................................................................

Up to 10 Hours

Exceeding 10 Hours up to 12 Hours. 

(5) Minimum After Duty Rest .................................................................

10 Hours ...........

12 Hours. 

(6) Minimum After Duty Rest Period for Multi-Time Zone Flights .........

14 Hours ...........

18 Hours. 

§ 91.1061

Augmented flight crews. 

(a) No program manager may assign 

any flight crewmember, and no flight 
crewmember may accept an assign-
ment, for flight time as a member of an 
augmented crew if that crewmember’s 
total flight time in all commercial fly-
ing will exceed— 

(1) 500 hours in any calendar quarter; 
(2) 800 hours in any two consecutive 

calendar quarters; 

(3) 1,400 hours in any calendar year. 
(b) No program manager may assign 

any pilot to an augmented crew, unless 
the program manager ensures: 

(1) Adequate sleeping facilities are 

installed on the aircraft for the pilots. 

(2) No more than 8 hours of flight 

deck duty is accrued in any 24 consecu-
tive hours. 

(3) For a three-pilot crew, the crew 

must consist of at least the following: 

(i) A pilot in command (PIC) who 

meets the applicable flight crew-
member requirements of this subpart 
and § 61.57 of this chapter. 

(ii) A PIC qualified pilot who meets 

the applicable flight crewmember re-
quirements of this subpart and § 61.57(c) 
and (d) of this chapter. 

(iii) A second in command (SIC) who 

meets the SIC qualifications of this 
subpart. For flight under IFR, that per-
son must also meet the recent instru-
ment experience requirements of part 
61 of this chapter. 

(4) For a four-pilot crew, at least 

three pilots who meet the conditions of 
paragraph (b)(3) of this section, plus a 
fourth pilot who meets the SIC quali-
fications of this subpart. For flight 
under IFR, that person must also meet 
the recent instrument experience re-
quirements of part 61 of this chapter. 

(c) No program manager may assign 

any flight crewmember, and no flight 
crewmember may accept an assign-
ment, if that crewmember’s flight time 
or duty period will exceed, or rest time 
will be less than— 

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