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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.1062 

3-Pilot crew 

4-Pilot crew 

(1) Minimum Rest Immediately Before Duty .......................................

10 Hours .............................

10 Hours 

(2) Duty Period ....................................................................................

Up to 16 Hours ...................

Up to 18 Hours 

(3) Flight Time .....................................................................................

Up to 12 Hours ...................

Up to 16 Hours 

(4) Minimum After Duty Rest ..............................................................

12 Hours .............................

18 Hours 

(5) Minimum After Duty Rest Period for Multi-Time Zone Flights ......

18 hours .............................

24 hours 

§ 91.1062

Duty periods and rest re-

quirements: Flight attendants. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, a program manager 
may assign a duty period to a flight at-
tendant only when the assignment 
meets the applicable duty period limi-
tations and rest requirements of this 

(1) Except as provided in paragraphs 

(a)(4), (a)(5), and (a)(6) of this section, 
no program manager may assign a 
flight attendant to a scheduled duty 
period of more than 14 hours. 

(2) Except as provided in paragraph 

(a)(3) of this section, a flight attendant 
scheduled to a duty period of 14 hours 
or less as provided under paragraph 
(a)(1) of this section must be given a 
scheduled rest period of at least 9 con-
secutive hours. This rest period must 
occur between the completion of the 
scheduled duty period and the com-
mencement of the subsequent duty pe-

(3) The rest period required under 

paragraph (a)(2) of this section may be 
scheduled or reduced to 8 consecutive 
hours if the flight attendant is pro-
vided a subsequent rest period of at 
least 10 consecutive hours; this subse-
quent rest period must be scheduled to 
begin no later than 24 hours after the 
beginning of the reduced rest period 
and must occur between the comple-
tion of the scheduled duty period and 
the commencement of the subsequent 
duty period. 

(4) A program manager may assign a 

flight attendant to a scheduled duty 
period of more than 14 hours, but no 
more than 16 hours, if the program 
manager has assigned to the flight or 
flights in that duty period at least one 
flight attendant in addition to the min-
imum flight attendant complement re-
quired for the flight or flights in that 
duty period under the program man-
ager’s management specifications. 

(5) A program manager may assign a 

flight attendant to a scheduled duty 

period of more than 16 hours, but no 
more than 18 hours, if the program 
manager has assigned to the flight or 
flights in that duty period at least two 
flight attendants in addition to the 
minimum flight attendant complement 
required for the flight or flights in that 
duty period under the program man-
ager’s management specifications. 

(6) A program manager may assign a 

flight attendant to a scheduled duty 
period of more than 18 hours, but no 
more than 20 hours, if the scheduled 
duty period includes one or more 
flights that land or take off outside the 
48 contiguous states and the District of 
Columbia, and if the program manager 
has assigned to the flight or flights in 
that duty period at least three flight 
attendants in addition to the minimum 
flight attendant complement required 
for the flight or flights in that duty pe-
riod under the program manager’s 
management specifications. 

(7) Except as provided in paragraph 

(a)(8) of this section, a flight attendant 
scheduled to a duty period of more 
than 14 hours but no more than 20 
hours, as provided in paragraphs (a)(4), 
(a)(5), and (a)(6) of this section, must be 
given a scheduled rest period of at least 
12 consecutive hours. This rest period 
must occur between the completion of 
the scheduled duty period and the com-
mencement of the subsequent duty pe-

(8) The rest period required under 

paragraph (a)(7) of this section may be 
scheduled or reduced to 10 consecutive 
hours if the flight attendant is pro-
vided a subsequent rest period of at 
least 14 consecutive hours; this subse-
quent rest period must be scheduled to 
begin no later than 24 hours after the 
beginning of the reduced rest period 
and must occur between the comple-
tion of the scheduled duty period and 
the commencement of the subsequent 
duty period. 

(9) Notwithstanding paragraphs 

(a)(4), (a)(5), and (a)(6) of this section, if 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1063 

a program manager elects to reduce 
the rest period to 10 hours as author-
ized by paragraph (a)(8) of this section, 
the program manager may not sched-
ule a flight attendant for a duty period 
of more than 14 hours during the 24- 
hour period commencing after the be-
ginning of the reduced rest period. 

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of 

this section, a program manager may 
apply the flight crewmember flight 
time and duty limitations and rest re-
quirements of this part to flight at-
tendants for all operations conducted 
under this part provided that the pro-
gram manager establishes written pro-
cedures that— 

(1) Apply to all flight attendants used 

in the program manager’s operation; 

(2) Include the flight crewmember 

rest and duty requirements of §§ 91.1057, 
91.1059, and 91.1061, as appropriate to 
the operation being conducted, except 
that rest facilities on board the air-
craft are not required; 

(3) Include provisions to add one 

flight attendant to the minimum flight 
attendant complement for each flight 
crewmember who is in excess of the 
minimum number required in the air-
craft type certificate data sheet and 
who is assigned to the aircraft under 
the provisions of § 91.1061; and 

(4) Are approved by the Adminis-

trator and described or referenced in 
the program manager’s management 

§ 91.1063

Testing and training: Appli-

cability and terms used. 

(a) Sections 91.1065 through 91.1107: 
(1) Prescribe the tests and checks re-

quired for pilots and flight attendant 
crewmembers and for the approval of 
check pilots in operations under this 

(2) Prescribe the requirements for es-

tablishing and maintaining an ap-
proved training program for crew-
members, check pilots and instructors, 
and other operations personnel em-
ployed or used by the program manager 
in program operations; 

(3) Prescribe the requirements for the 

qualification, approval and use of air-
craft simulators and flight training de-
vices in the conduct of an approved 
training program; and 

(4) Permits training center personnel 

authorized under part 142 of this chap-
ter who meet the requirements of 
§ 91.1075 to conduct training, testing 
and checking under contract or other 
arrangements to those persons subject 
to the requirements of this subpart. 

(b) If authorized by the Adminis-

trator, a program manager may com-
ply with the applicable training and 
testing sections of part 121, subparts N 
and O of this chapter instead of 
§§ 91.1065 through 91.1107, provided that 
the following additional limitations 
and allowances apply to program man-
agers so authorized: 


Operating experience and operations 

familiarization.  Program managers are 
not required to comply with the oper-
ating experience requirements of 
§ 121.434 or the operations familiariza-
tion requirements of § 121.435 of this 


Upgrade training. (i) Each program 

manager must include in upgrade 
ground training for pilots, instruction 
in at least the subjects identified in 
§ 121.419(a) of this chapter, as applicable 
to their assigned duties; and, for pilots 
serving in crews of two or more pilots, 
beginning on April 27, 2022, instruction 
and facilitated discussion in the sub-
jects identified in § 121.419(c) of this 

(ii) Each program manager must in-

clude in upgrade flight training for pi-
lots, flight training for the maneuvers 
and procedures required in § 121.424(a), 
(c), (e), and (f) of this chapter; and, for 
pilots serving in crews of two or more 
pilots, beginning on April 27, 2022, the 
flight training required in § 121.424(b) of 
this chapter. 


Initial and recurrent leadership and 

command and mentoring training. Pro-
gram managers are not required to in-
clude leadership and command training 
in §§ 121.409(b)(2)(ii)(B)(

6), 121.419(c)(1), 

121.424(b) and 121.427(d)(1) of this chap-
ter, and mentoring training in 
§§ 121.419(c)(2) and 121.427(d)(1) of this 
chapter in initial and recurrent train-
ing for pilots in command who serve in 
operations that use only one pilot. 


One-time leadership and command 

and mentoring training. Section 121.429 
of this chapter does not apply to pro-
gram managers conducting operations 

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