14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 91.1071
§ 91.1071
Crewmember: Tests and
checks, grace provisions, training
to accepted standards.
(a) If a crewmember who is required
to take a test or a flight check under
this subpart, completes the test or
flight check in the month before or
after the month in which it is required,
that crewmember is considered to have
completed the test or check in the
month in which it is required.
(b) If a pilot being checked under this
subpart fails any of the required ma-
neuvers, the person giving the check
may give additional training to the
pilot during the course of the check. In
addition to repeating the maneuvers
failed, the person giving the check may
require the pilot being checked to re-
peat any other maneuvers that are nec-
essary to determine the pilot’s pro-
ficiency. If the pilot being checked is
unable to demonstrate satisfactory
performance to the person conducting
the check, the program manager may
not use the pilot, nor may the pilot
serve, as a flight crewmember in oper-
ations under this subpart until the
pilot has satisfactorily completed the
check. If a pilot who demonstrates un-
satisfactory performance is employed
as a pilot for a certificate holder oper-
ating under part 121, 125, or 135 of this
chapter, he or she must notify that cer-
tificate holder of the unsatisfactory
§ 91.1073
Training program: General.
(a) Each program manager must have
a training program and must:
(1) Establish, obtain the appropriate
initial and final approval of, and pro-
vide a training program that meets
this subpart and that ensures that each
crewmember, including each flight at-
tendant if the program manager uses a
flight attendant crewmember, flight
instructor, check pilot, and each per-
son assigned duties for the carriage and
handling of hazardous materials (as de-
fined in 49 CFR 171.8) is adequately
trained to perform these assigned du-
(2) Provide adequate ground and
flight training facilities and properly
qualified ground instructors for the
training required by this subpart.
(3) Provide and keep current for each
aircraft type used and, if applicable,
the particular variations within the
aircraft type, appropriate training ma-
terial, examinations, forms, instruc-
tions, and procedures for use in con-
ducting the training and checks re-
quired by this subpart.
(4) Provide enough flight instructors,
check pilots, and simulator instructors
to conduct required flight training and
flight checks, and simulator training
courses allowed under this subpart.
(b) Whenever a crewmember who is
required to take recurrent training
under this subpart completes the train-
ing in the month before, or the month
after, the month in which that training
is required, the crewmember is consid-
ered to have completed it in the month
in which it was required.
(c) Each instructor, supervisor, or
check pilot who is responsible for a
particular ground training subject, seg-
ment of flight training, course of train-
ing, flight check, or competence check
under this subpart must certify as to
the proficiency and knowledge of the
crewmember, flight instructor, or
check pilot concerned upon completion
of that training or check. That certifi-
cation must be made a part of the
crewmember’s record. When the certifi-
cation required by this paragraph is
made by an entry in a computerized
recordkeeping system, the certifying
instructor, supervisor, or check pilot,
must be identified with that entry.
However, the signature of the certi-
fying instructor, supervisor, or check
pilot is not required for computerized
(d) Training subjects that apply to
more than one aircraft or crewmember
position and that have been satisfac-
torily completed during previous train-
ing while employed by the program
manager for another aircraft or an-
other crewmember position, need not
be repeated during subsequent training
other than recurrent training.
(e) Aircraft simulators and other
training devices may be used in the
program manager’s training program if
approved by the Administrator.
(f) Each program manager is respon-
sible for establishing safe and efficient
crew management practices for all
phases of flight in program operations
including crew resource management
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