Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 91.1077
training for all crewmembers used in
program operations.
(g) If an aircraft simulator has been
approved by the Administrator for use
in the program manager’s training pro-
gram, the program manager must en-
sure that each pilot annually com-
pletes at least one flight training ses-
sion in an approved simulator for at
least one program aircraft. The train-
ing session may be the flight training
portion of any of the pilot training or
check requirements of this subpart, in-
cluding the initial, transition, upgrade,
requalification, differences, or recur-
rent training, or the accomplishment
of a competency check or instrument
proficiency check. If there is no ap-
proved simulator for that aircraft type
in operation, then all flight training
and checking must be accomplished in
the aircraft.
§ 91.1075
Training program: Special
Other than the program manager,
only the following are eligible under
this subpart to conduct training, test-
ing, and checking under contract or
other arrangement to those persons
subject to the requirements of this sub-
(a) Another program manager oper-
ating under this subpart:
(b) A training center certificated
under part 142 of this chapter to con-
duct training, testing, and checking re-
quired by this subpart if the training
(1) Holds applicable training speci-
fications issued under part 142 of this
(2) Has facilities, training equipment,
and courseware meeting the applicable
requirements of part 142 of this chap-
(3) Has approved curriculums, cur-
riculum segments, and portions of cur-
riculum segments applicable for use in
training courses required by this sub-
part; and
(4) Has sufficient instructors and
check pilots qualified under the appli-
cable requirements of §§ 91.1089 through
91.1095 to conduct training, testing, and
checking to persons subject to the re-
quirements of this subpart.
(c) A part 119 certificate holder oper-
ating under part 121 or part 135 of this
(d) As authorized by the Adminis-
trator, a training center that is not
certificated under part 142 of this chap-
§ 91.1077
Training program and revi-
sion: Initial and final approval.
(a) To obtain initial and final ap-
proval of a training program, or a revi-
sion to an approved training program,
each program manager must submit to
the Administrator—
(1) An outline of the proposed or re-
vised curriculum, that provides enough
information for a preliminary evalua-
tion of the proposed training program
or revision; and
(2) Additional relevant information
that may be requested by the Adminis-
(b) If the proposed training program
or revision complies with this subpart,
the Administrator grants initial ap-
proval in writing after which the pro-
gram manager may conduct the train-
ing under that program. The Adminis-
trator then evaluates the effectiveness
of the training program and advises the
program manager of deficiencies, if
any, that must be corrected.
(c) The Administrator grants final
approval of the proposed training pro-
gram or revision if the program man-
ager shows that the training conducted
under the initial approval in paragraph
(b) of this section ensures that each
person who successfully completes the
training is adequately trained to per-
form that person’s assigned duties.
(d) Whenever the Administrator finds
that revisions are necessary for the
continued adequacy of a training pro-
gram that has been granted final ap-
proval, the program manager must,
after notification by the Adminis-
trator, make any changes in the pro-
gram that are found necessary by the
Administrator. Within 30 days after the
program manager receives the notice,
it may file a petition to reconsider the
notice with the Administrator. The fil-
ing of a petition to reconsider stays the
notice pending a decision by the Ad-
ministrator. However, if the Adminis-
trator finds that there is an emergency
that requires immediate action in the
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