Code of Federal Regulations

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space
Volume: 2Date: 2024-01-01Original Date: 2024-01-01Title: Section 91.1103 - Pilots: Initial, transition, upgrade, requalification, and differences flight training.Context: Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space. CHAPTER I - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED). SUBCHAPTER F - AIR TRAFFIC AND GENERAL OPERATING RULES. PART 91 - GENERAL OPERATING AND FLIGHT RULES. Subpart K - Fractional Ownership Operations. - Program Management.
§ 91.1103 Pilots: Initial, transition, upgrade, requalification, and differences flight training. (a) Initial, transition, upgrade, requalification, and differences training for pilots must include flight and practice in each of the maneuvers and procedures contained in each of the curriculums that are a part of the approved training program. (b) The maneuvers and procedures required by paragraph (a) of this section must be performed in flight, except to the extent that certain maneuvers and procedures may be performed in an aircraft simulator, or an appropriate training device, as allowed by this subpart. (c) If the program manager's approved training program includes a course of training using an aircraft simulator or other training device, each pilot must successfully complete— (1) Training and practice in the simulator or training device in at least the maneuvers and procedures in this subpart that are capable of being performed in the aircraft simulator or training device; and
Code of Federal Regulations / Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space / Vol. 2 / 2024-01-01807
(2) A flight check in the aircraft or a check in the simulator or training device to the level of proficiency of a pilot in command or second in command, as applicable, in at least the maneuvers and procedures that are capable of being performed in an aircraft simulator or training device.