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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.130 

glide path that are conducted for the 
purpose of remaining on the glide path. 


Approaches.  Except when con-

ducting a circling approach under part 
97 of this chapter or unless otherwise 
required by ATC, each pilot must— 

(1) Circle the airport to the left, if op-

erating an airplane; or 

(2) Avoid the flow of fixed-wing air-

craft, if operating a helicopter. 


Departures.  No person may oper-

ate an aircraft departing from an air-
port except in compliance with the fol-

(1) Each pilot must comply with any 

departure procedures established for 
that airport by the FAA. 

(2) Unless otherwise required by the 

prescribed departure procedure for that 
airport or the applicable distance from 
clouds criteria, each pilot of a turbine- 
powered airplane and each pilot of a 
large airplane must climb to an alti-
tude of 1,500 feet above the surface as 
rapidly as practicable. 


Noise abatement. Where a formal 

runway use program has been estab-
lished by the FAA, each pilot of a large 
or turbine-powered airplane assigned a 
noise abatement runway by ATC must 
use that runway. However, consistent 
with the final authority of the pilot in 
command concerning the safe oper-
ation of the aircraft as prescribed in 
§ 91.3(a), ATC may assign a different 
runway if requested by the pilot in the 
interest of safety. 


Takeoff, landing, taxi clearance. No 

person may, at any airport with an op-
erating control tower, operate an air-
craft on a runway or taxiway, or take 
off or land an aircraft, unless an appro-
priate clearance is received from ATC. 

[Doc. No. 24458, 56 FR 65658, Dec. 17, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–234, 58 FR 48793, Sept. 
20, 1993; Amdt. 91–296, 72 FR 31678, June 7, 
2007; 77 FR 28250, May 14, 2012] 

§ 91.130

Operations in Class C air-



General.  Unless otherwise author-

ized by ATC, each aircraft operation in 
Class C airspace must be conducted in 
compliance with this section and 
§ 91.129. For the purpose of this section, 
the primary airport is the airport for 
which the Class C airspace area is des-
ignated. A satellite airport is any other 

airport within the Class C airspace 


Traffic patterns. No person may 

take off or land an aircraft at a sat-
ellite airport within a Class C airspace 
area except in compliance with FAA 
arrival and departure traffic patterns. 


Communications. Each person oper-

ating an aircraft in Class C airspace 
must meet the following two-way radio 
communications requirements: 


Arrival or through flight. Each per-

son must establish two-way radio com-
munications with the ATC facility (in-
cluding foreign ATC in the case of for-
eign airspace designated in the United 
States) providing air traffic services 
prior to entering that airspace and 
thereafter maintain those communica-
tions while within that airspace. 


Departing flight. Each person— 

(i) From the primary airport or sat-

ellite airport with an operating control 
tower must establish and maintain 
two-way radio communications with 
the control tower, and thereafter as in-
structed by ATC while operating in the 
Class C airspace area; or 

(ii) From a satellite airport without 

an operating control tower, must es-
tablish and maintain two-way radio 
communications with the ATC facility 
having jurisdiction over the Class C 
airspace area as soon as practicable 
after departing. 


Equipment requirements. Unless 

otherwise authorized by the ATC hav-
ing jurisdiction over the Class C air-
space area, no person may operate an 
aircraft within a Class C airspace area 
designated for an airport unless that 
aircraft is equipped with the applicable 
equipment specified in § 91.215, and 
after January 1, 2020, § 91.225. 


Deviations.  An operator may devi-

ate from any provision of this section 
under the provisions of an ATC author-
ization issued by the ATC facility hav-
ing jurisdiction over the airspace con-
cerned. ATC may authorize a deviation 
on a continuing basis or for an indi-
vidual flight, as appropriate. 

[Doc. No. 24458, 56 FR 65659, Dec. 17, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–232, 58 FR 40736, July 
30, 1993; Amdt. 91–239, 59 FR 11693, Mar. 11, 
1994; Amdt. 91–314, 75 FR 30193, May 28, 2010] 

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