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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.135 

§ 91.131

Operations in Class B air-



Operating rules. No person may op-

erate an aircraft within a Class B air-
space area except in compliance with 
§ 91.129 and the following rules: 

(1) The operator must receive an ATC 

clearance from the ATC facility having 
jurisdiction for that area before oper-
ating an aircraft in that area. 

(2) Unless otherwise authorized by 

ATC, each person operating a large tur-
bine engine-powered airplane to or 
from a primary airport for which a 
Class B airspace area is designated 
must operate at or above the des-
ignated floors of the Class B airspace 
area while within the lateral limits of 
that area. 

(3) Any person conducting pilot 

training operations at an airport with-
in a Class B airspace area must comply 
with any procedures established by 
ATC for such operations in that area. 


Pilot requirements. (1) No person 

may take off or land a civil aircraft at 
an airport within a Class B airspace 
area or operate a civil aircraft within a 
Class B airspace area unless— 

(i) The pilot in command holds at 

least a private pilot certificate; 

(ii) The pilot in command holds a 

recreational pilot certificate and has 

(A) The requirements of § 61.101(d) of 

this chapter; or 

(B) The requirements for a student 

pilot seeking a recreational pilot cer-
tificate in § 61.94 of this chapter; 

(iii) The pilot in command holds a 

sport pilot certificate and has met— 

(A) The requirements of § 61.325 of 

this chapter; or 

(B) The requirements for a student 

pilot seeking a recreational pilot cer-
tificate in § 61.94 of this chapter; or 

(iv) The aircraft is operated by a stu-

dent pilot who has met the require-
ments of § 61.94 or § 61.95 of this chapter, 
as applicable. 

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of 

paragraphs (b)(1)(ii), (b)(1)(iii) and 
(b)(1)(iv) of this section, no person may 
take off or land a civil aircraft at those 
airports listed in section 4 of appendix 
D to this part unless the pilot in com-
mand holds at least a private pilot cer-


Communications and navigation 

equipment requirements. Unless other-
wise authorized by ATC, no person may 
operate an aircraft within a Class B 
airspace area unless that aircraft is 
equipped with— 


For IFR operation. An operable 

VOR or TACAN receiver or an operable 
and suitable RNAV system; and 


For all operations. An operable 

two-way radio capable of communica-
tions with ATC on appropriate fre-
quencies for that Class B airspace area. 


Other equipment requirements. No 

person may operate an aircraft in a 
Class B airspace area unless the air-
craft is equipped with— 

(1) The applicable operating trans-

ponder and automatic altitude report-
ing equipment specified in § 91.215 (a), 
except as provided in § 91.215 (e), and 

(2) After January 1, 2020, the applica-

ble Automatic Dependent Surveillance- 
Broadcast Out equipment specified in 
§ 91.225. 

[Doc. No. 24458, 56 FR 65658, Dec. 17, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–282, 69 FR 44880, July 
27, 2004; Amdt. 91–296, 72 FR 31678, June 7, 
2007; Amdt. 91–314, 75 FR 30193, May 28, 2010] 

§ 91.133

Restricted and prohibited 


(a) No person may operate an aircraft 

within a restricted area (designated in 
part 73) contrary to the restrictions 
imposed, or within a prohibited area, 
unless that person has the permission 
of the using or controlling agency, as 

(b) Each person conducting, within a 

restricted area, an aircraft operation 
(approved by the using agency) that 
creates the same hazards as the oper-
ations for which the restricted area 
was designated may deviate from the 
rules of this subpart that are not com-
patible with the operation of the air-

§ 91.135

Operations in Class A air-


Except as provided in paragraph (d) 

of this section, each person operating 
an aircraft in Class A airspace must 
conduct that operation under instru-
ment flight rules (IFR) and in compli-
ance with the following: 

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