Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 91.139
(d) When a NOTAM has been issued
under paragraph (a)(3) of this section,
no person may operate an aircraft
within the designated area unless at
least one of the following conditions is
(1) The operation is conducted di-
rectly to or from an airport within the
area, or is necessitated by the imprac-
ticability of VFR flight above or
around the area due to weather or ter-
rain, and the operation is not con-
ducted for the purpose of observing the
incident or event.
(2) The aircraft is operating under an
ATC approved IFR flight plan.
(3) The aircraft is carrying incident
or event personnel, or law enforcement
(4) The aircraft is carrying properly
accredited news representatives and,
prior to entering that area, a flight
plan is filed with the appropriate FSS
or ATC facility specified in the
(e) Flight plans filed and notifica-
tions made with an FSS or ATC facil-
ity under this section shall include the
following information:
(1) Aircraft identification, type and
(2) Radio communications fre-
quencies to be used.
(3) Proposed times of entry of, and
exit from, the designated area.
(4) Name of news media or organiza-
tion and purpose of flight.
(5) Any other information requested
by ATC.
§ 91.138
Temporary flight restrictions
in national disaster areas in the
State of Hawaii.
(a) When the Administrator has de-
termined, pursuant to a request and
justification provided by the Governor
of the State of Hawaii, or the Gov-
ernor’s designee, that an inhabited
area within a declared national dis-
aster area in the State of Hawaii is in
need of protection for humanitarian
reasons, the Administrator will issue a
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) desig-
nating an area within which temporary
flight restrictions apply. The Adminis-
trator will designate the extent and du-
ration of the temporary flight restric-
tions necessary to provide for the pro-
tection of persons and property on the
(b) When a NOTAM has been issued in
accordance with this section, no person
may operate an aircraft within the des-
ignated area unless at least one of the
following conditions is met:
(1) That person has obtained author-
ization from the official in charge of
associated emergency or disaster relief
response activities, and is operating
the aircraft under the conditions of
that authorization.
(2) The aircraft is carrying law en-
forcement officials.
(3) The aircraft is carrying persons
involved in an emergency or a legiti-
mate scientific purpose.
(4) The aircraft is carrying properly
accredited newspersons, and that prior
to entering the area, a flight plan is
filed with the appropriate FAA or ATC
facility specified in the NOTAM and
the operation is conducted in compli-
ance with the conditions and restric-
tions established by the official in
charge of on-scene emergency response
(5) The aircraft is operating in ac-
cordance with an ATC clearance or in-
(c) A NOTAM issued under this sec-
tion is effective for 90 days or until the
national disaster area designation is
terminated, whichever comes first, un-
less terminated by notice or extended
by the Administrator at the request of
the Governor of the State of Hawaii or
the Governor’s designee.
[Doc. No. 26476, 56 FR 23178, May 20, 1991, as
amended by Amdt. 91–270, 66 FR 47377, Sept.
11, 2001]
§ 91.139
Emergency air traffic rules.
(a) This section prescribes a process
for utilizing Notices to Airmen
(NOTAMs) to advise of the issuance
and operations under emergency air
traffic rules and regulations and des-
ignates the official who is authorized
to issue NOTAMs on behalf of the Ad-
ministrator in certain matters under
this section.
(b) Whenever the Administrator de-
termines that an emergency condition
exists, or will exist, relating to the
FAA’s ability to operate the air traffic
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 91.141
control system and during which nor-
mal flight operations under this chap-
ter cannot be conducted consistent
with the required levels of safety and
(1) The Administrator issues an im-
mediately effective air traffic rule or
regulation in response to that emer-
gency condition; and
(2) The Administrator or the Asso-
ciate Administrator for Air Traffic
may utilize the NOTAM system to pro-
vide notification of the issuance of the
rule or regulation.
Those NOTAMs communicate informa-
tion concerning the rules and regula-
tions that govern flight operations, the
use of navigation facilities, and des-
ignation of that airspace in which the
rules and regulations apply.
(c) When a NOTAM has been issued
under this section, no person may oper-
ate an aircraft, or other device gov-
erned by the regulation concerned,
within the designated airspace except
in accordance with the authorizations,
terms, and conditions prescribed in the
regulation covered by the NOTAM.
§ 91.141
Flight restrictions in the prox-
imity of the Presidential and other
No person may operate an aircraft
over or in the vicinity of any area to be
visited or traveled by the President,
the Vice President, or other public fig-
ures contrary to the restrictions estab-
lished by the Administrator and pub-
lished in a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM).
§ 91.143
Flight limitation in the prox-
imity of space flight operations.
When a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) is
issued in accordance with this section,
no person may operate any aircraft of
U.S. registry, or pilot any aircraft
under the authority of an airman cer-
tificate issued by the Federal Aviation
Administration, within areas des-
ignated in a NOTAM for space flight
operation except when authorized by
[Doc. No. FAA–2004–19246, 69 FR 59753, Oct. 5,
§ 91.144
Temporary restriction on
flight operations during abnormally
high barometric pressure condi-
Special flight restrictions. When any
information indicates that barometric
pressure on the route of flight cur-
rently exceeds or will exceed 31 inches
of mercury, no person may operate an
aircraft or initiate a flight contrary to
the requirements established by the
Administrator and published in a No-
tice to Airmen issued under this sec-
Waivers. The Administrator is au-
thorized to waive any restriction
issued under paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion to permit emergency supply,
transport, or medical services to be de-
livered to isolated communities, where
the operation can be conducted with an
acceptable level of safety.
[Amdt. 91–240, 59 FR 17452, Apr. 12, 1994; 59 FR
37669, July 25, 1994]
§ 91.145
Management of aircraft oper-
ations in the vicinity of aerial dem-
onstrations and major sporting
(a) The FAA will issue a Notice to
Airmen (NOTAM) designating an area
of airspace in which a temporary flight
restriction applies when it determines
that a temporary flight restriction is
necessary to protect persons or prop-
erty on the surface or in the air, to
maintain air safety and efficiency, or
to prevent the unsafe congestion of air-
craft in the vicinity of an aerial dem-
onstration or major sporting event.
These demonstrations and events may
(1) United States Naval Flight Dem-
onstration Team (Blue Angels);
(2) United States Air Force Air Dem-
onstration Squadron (Thunderbirds);
(3) United States Army Parachute
Team (Golden Knights);
(4) Summer/Winter Olympic Games;
(5) Annual Tournament of Roses
Football Game;
(6) World Cup Soccer;
(7) Major League Baseball All-Star
(8) World Series;
(9) Kodak Albuquerque International
Balloon Fiesta;
(10) Sandia Classic Hang Gliding
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