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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.1415 

flight permit under §§ 21.197 and 21.199 
of this chapter. 

(d) A person authorized to use an ap-

proved Minimum Equipment List 
issued for a specific aircraft under part 
121, 125, or 135 of this chapter must use 
that Minimum Equipment List to com-
ply with this section. 

§ 91.1411

Continuous airworthiness 

maintenance program use by frac-
tional ownership program manager. 

Fractional ownership program air-

craft may be maintained under a con-
tinuous airworthiness maintenance 
program (CAMP) under §§ 91.1413 
through 91.1443. Any program manager 
who elects to maintain the program 
aircraft using a continuous airworthi-
ness maintenance program must com-
ply with §§ 91.1413 through 91.1443. 

§ 91.1413

CAMP: Responsibility for air-


(a) For aircraft maintained in ac-

cordance with a Continuous Airworthi-
ness Maintenance Program, each pro-
gram manager is primarily responsible 
for the following: 

(1) Maintaining the airworthiness of 

the program aircraft, including air-
frames, aircraft engines, propellers, ro-
tors, appliances, and parts. 

(2) Maintaining its aircraft in accord-

ance with the requirements of this 

(3) Repairing defects that occur be-

tween regularly scheduled mainte-
nance required under part 43 of this 

(b) Each program manager who main-

tains program aircraft under a CAMP 

(1) Employ a Director of Maintenance 

or equivalent position. The Director of 
Maintenance must be a certificated 
mechanic with airframe and power-
plant ratings who has responsibility for 
the maintenance program on all pro-
gram aircraft maintained under a con-
tinuous airworthiness maintenance 
program. This person cannot also act 
as Chief Inspector. 

(2) Employ a Chief Inspector or 

equivalent position. The Chief Inspec-
tor must be a certificated mechanic 
with airframe and powerplant ratings 
who has overall responsibility for in-
spection aspects of the CAMP. This 

person cannot also act as Director of 

(3) Have the personnel to perform the 

maintenance of program aircraft, in-
cluding airframes, aircraft engines, 
propellers, rotors, appliances, emer-
gency equipment and parts, under its 
manual and this chapter; or make ar-
rangements with another person for 
the performance of maintenance. How-
ever, the program manager must en-
sure that any maintenance, preventive 
maintenance, or alteration that is per-
formed by another person is performed 
under the program manager’s oper-
ating manual and this chapter. 

§ 91.1415

CAMP: Mechanical reliability 


(a) Each program manager who main-

tains program aircraft under a CAMP 
must report the occurrence or detec-
tion of each failure, malfunction, or de-
fect in an aircraft concerning— 

(1) Fires during flight and whether 

the related fire-warning system func-
tioned properly; 

(2) Fires during flight not protected 

by related fire-warning system; 

(3) False fire-warning during flight; 
(4) An exhaust system that causes 

damage during flight to the engine, ad-
jacent structure, equipment, or compo-

(5) An aircraft component that 

causes accumulation or circulation of 
smoke, vapor, or toxic or noxious 
fumes in the crew compartment or pas-
senger cabin during flight; 

(6) Engine shutdown during flight be-

cause of flameout; 

(7) Engine shutdown during flight 

when external damage to the engine or 
aircraft structure occurs; 

(8) Engine shutdown during flight be-

cause of foreign object ingestion or 

(9) Shutdown of more than one en-

gine during flight; 

(10) A propeller feathering system or 

ability of the system to control over-
speed during flight; 

(11) A fuel or fuel-dumping system 

that affects fuel flow or causes haz-
ardous leakage during flight; 

(12) An unwanted landing gear exten-

sion or retraction or opening or closing 
of landing gear doors during flight; 

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