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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1429 

(3) The method of performing re-

quired inspections and a designation by 
occupational title of personnel author-
ized to perform each required inspec-

(4) Procedures for the reinspection of 

work performed under previous re-
quired inspection findings (buy-back 

(5) Procedures, standards, and limits 

necessary for required inspections and 
acceptance or rejection of the items re-
quired to be inspected and for periodic 
inspection and calibration of precision 
tools, measuring devices, and test 

(6) Procedures to ensure that all re-

quired inspections are performed. 

(7) Instructions to prevent any per-

son who performs any item of work 
from performing any required inspec-
tion of that work. 

(8) Instructions and procedures to 

prevent any decision of an inspector re-
garding any required inspection from 
being countermanded by persons other 
than supervisory personnel of the in-
spection unit, or a person at the level 
of administrative control that has 
overall responsibility for the manage-
ment of both the required inspection 
functions and the other maintenance, 
preventive maintenance, or alterations 

(9) Procedures to ensure that mainte-

nance (including required inspections), 
preventive maintenance, or alterations 
that are not completed because of work 
interruptions are properly completed 
before the aircraft is released to serv-

(c) Each program manager must put 

in the manual a suitable system (which 
may include an electronic or coded sys-
tem) that provides for the retention of 
the following information— 

(1) A description (or reference to data 

acceptable to the Administrator) of the 
work performed; 

(2) The name of the person per-

forming the work if the work is per-
formed by a person outside the organi-
zation of the program manager; and 

(3) The name or other positive identi-

fication of the individual approving the 

(d) For the purposes of this part, the 

program manager must prepare that 
part of its manual containing mainte-

nance information and instructions, in 
whole or in part, in a format accept-
able to the Administrator, that is re-
trievable in the English language. 

§ 91.1429

CAMP: Required inspection 


(a) No person who maintains an air-

craft under a CAMP may use any per-
son to perform required inspections un-
less the person performing the inspec-
tion is appropriately certificated, prop-
erly trained, qualified, and authorized 
to do so. 

(b) No person may allow any person 

to perform a required inspection un-
less, at the time the work was per-
formed, the person performing that in-
spection is under the supervision and 
control of the chief inspector. 

(c) No person may perform a required 

inspection if that person performed the 
item of work required to be inspected. 

(d) Each program manager must 

maintain, or must ensure that each 
person with whom it arranges to per-
form required inspections maintains, a 
current listing of persons who have 
been trained, qualified, and authorized 
to conduct required inspections. The 
persons must be identified by name, oc-
cupational title, and the inspections 
that they are authorized to perform. 
The program manager (or person with 
whom it arranges to perform its re-
quired inspections) must give written 
information to each person so author-
ized, describing the extent of that per-
son’s responsibilities, authorities, and 
inspectional limitations. The list must 
be made available for inspection by the 
Administrator upon request. 

§ 91.1431

CAMP: Continuing analysis 

and surveillance. 

(a) Each program manager who main-

tains program aircraft under a CAMP 
must establish and maintain a system 
for the continuing analysis and surveil-
lance of the performance and effective-
ness of its inspection program and the 
program covering other maintenance, 
preventive maintenance, and alter-
ations and for the correction of any de-
ficiency in those programs, regardless 
of whether those programs are carried 
out by employees of the program man-
ager or by another person. 

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