Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 91.1439
(b) Whenever the Administrator finds
that the programs described in para-
graph (a) of this section does not con-
tain adequate procedures and standards
to meet this part, the program man-
ager must, after notification by the
Administrator, make changes in those
programs requested by the Adminis-
(c) A program manager may petition
the Administrator to reconsider the
notice to make a change in a program.
The petition must be filed with the Ex-
ecutive Director, Flight Standards
Service, within 30 days after the pro-
gram manager receives the notice. Ex-
cept in the case of an emergency re-
quiring immediate action in the inter-
est of safety, the filing of the petition
stays the notice pending a decision by
the Administrator.
[Docket No. FAA–2001–10047, 68 FR 54561,
Sept. 17, 2003, as amended by Docket FAA–
2018–0119, Amdt. 91–350, 83 FR 9171, Mar. 5,
§ 91.1433
CAMP: Maintenance and pre-
ventive maintenance training pro-
Each program manager who main-
tains program aircraft under a CAMP
or a person performing maintenance or
preventive maintenance functions for
it must have a training program to en-
sure that each person (including in-
spection personnel) who determines the
adequacy of work done is fully in-
formed about procedures and tech-
niques and new equipment in use and is
competent to perform that person’s du-
§ 91.1435
CAMP: Certificate require-
(a) Except for maintenance, preven-
tive maintenance, alterations, and re-
quired inspections performed by repair
stations located outside the United
States certificated under the provi-
sions of part 145 of this chapter, each
person who is directly in charge of
maintenance, preventive maintenance,
or alterations for a CAMP, and each
person performing required inspections
for a CAMP must hold an appropriate
airman certificate.
(b) For the purpose of this section, a
person ‘‘directly in charge’’ is each per-
son assigned to a position in which
that person is responsible for the work
of a shop or station that performs
maintenance, preventive maintenance,
alterations, or other functions affect-
ing airworthiness. A person who is di-
rectly in charge need not physically
observe and direct each worker con-
stantly but must be available for con-
sultation and decision on matters re-
quiring instruction or decision from
higher authority than that of the per-
son performing the work.
§ 91.1437
CAMP: Authority to perform
and approve maintenance.
A program manager who maintains
program aircraft under a CAMP may
employ maintenance personnel, or
make arrangements with other persons
to perform maintenance and preventive
maintenance as provided in its mainte-
nance manual. Unless properly certifi-
cated, the program manager may not
perform or approve maintenance for re-
turn to service.
§ 91.1439
CAMP: Maintenance record-
ing requirements.
(a) Each program manager who main-
tains program aircraft under a CAMP
must keep (using the system specified
in the manual required in § 91.1427) the
following records for the periods speci-
fied in paragraph (b) of this section:
(1) All the records necessary to show
that all requirements for the issuance
of an airworthiness release under
§ 91.1443 have been met.
(2) Records containing the following
(i) The total time in service of the
airframe, engine, propeller, and rotor.
(ii) The current status of life-limited
parts of each airframe, engine, pro-
peller, rotor, and appliance.
(iii) The time since last overhaul of
each item installed on the aircraft that
are required to be overhauled on a
specified time basis.
(iv) The identification of the current
inspection status of the aircraft, in-
cluding the time since the last inspec-
tions required by the inspection pro-
gram under which the aircraft and its
appliances are maintained.
(v) The current status of applicable
airworthiness directives, including the
date and methods of compliance, and,
if the airworthiness directive involves
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