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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.1507 

Subpart L—Continued Airworthi-

ness and Safety Improve-



: Amdt. 91–297, 72 FR 63410, Nov. 8, 

2007, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 91.1501

Purpose and definition. 

(a) This subpart requires operators to 

support the continued airworthiness of 
each airplane. These requirements may 
include, but are not limited to, revising 
the inspection program, incorporating 
design changes, and incorporating revi-
sions to Instructions for Continued 

(b) [Reserved] 

[Amdt. 91–297, 72 FR 63410, Nov. 8, 2007, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 91– 
350, 83 FR 9171, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 91.1503


§ 91.1505

Repairs assessment for pres-

surized fuselages. 

(a) No person may operate an Airbus 

Model A300 (excluding the -600 series), 
British Aerospace Model BAC 1–11, Boe-
ing Model 707, 720, 727, 737 or 747, 
McDonnell Douglas Model DC–8, DC–9/ 
MD–80 or DC–10, Fokker Model F28, or 
Lockheed Model L–1011 airplane beyond 
applicable flight cycle implementation 
time specified below, or May 25, 2001, 
whichever occurs later, unless repair 
assessment guidelines applicable to the 
fuselage pressure boundary (fuselage 
skin, door skin, and bulkhead webs) are 
incorporated within its inspection pro-
gram. The repair assessment guidelines 
must be approved by the responsible 
Aircraft Certification Service office for 
the type certificate for the affected air-

(1) For the Airbus Model A300 (ex-

cluding the –600 series), the flight cycle 
implementation time is: 

(i) Model B2: 36,000 flights. 
(ii) Model B4–100 (including Model 

B4–2C): 30,000 flights above the window 
line, and 36,000 flights below the win-
dow line. 

(iii) Model B4–200: 25,500 flights above 

the window line, and 34,000 flights 
below the window line. 

(2) For all models of the British Aero-

space BAC 1–11, the flight cycle imple-
mentation time is 60,000 flights. 

(3) For all models of the Boeing 707, 

the flight cycle implementation time is 
15,000 flights. 

(4) For all models of the Boeing 720, 

the flight cycle implementation time is 
23,000 flights. 

(5) For all models of the Boeing 727, 

the flight cycle implementation time is 
45,000 flights. 

(6) For all models of the Boeing 737, 

the flight cycle implementation time is 
60,000 flights. 

(7) For all models of the Boeing 747, 

the flight cycle implementation time is 
15,000 flights. 

(8) For all models of the McDonnell 

Douglas DC–8, the flight cycle imple-
mentation time is 30,000 flights. 

(9) For all models of the McDonnell 

Douglas DC–9/MD–80, the flight cycle 
implementation time is 60,000 flights. 

(10) For all models of the McDonnell 

Douglas DC–10, the flight cycle imple-
mentation time is 30,000 flights. 

(11) For all models of the Lockheed 

L–1011, the flight cycle implementation 
time is 27,000 flights. 

(12) For the Fokker F–28 Mark 1000, 

2000, 3000, and 4000, the flight cycle im-
plementation time is 60,000 flights. 

(b) [Reserved] 

[Doc. No. 29104, 65 FR 24125, Apr. 25, 2000; 65 
FR 35703, June 5, 2000; 65 FR 50744, Aug. 21, 
2000, as amended by Amdt. 91–266, 66 FR 
23130, May 7, 2001; Amdt. 91–277, 67 FR 72834, 
Dec. 9, 2002; Amdt. 91–283, 69 FR 45941, July 
30, 2004. Redesignated and amended by Amdt. 
91–297, 72 FR 63410, Nov. 8, 2007; Docket FAA– 
2018–0119, Amdt. 91–350, 83 FR 9171, Mar. 5, 

§ 91.1507

Fuel tank system inspection 


(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(g) of this section, this section applies 
to transport category, turbine-powered 
airplanes with a type certificate issued 
after January 1, 1958, that, as a result 
of original type certification or later 
increase in capacity, have— 

(1) A maximum type-certificated pas-

senger capacity of 30 or more, or 

(2) A maximum payload capacity of 

7,500 pounds or more. 

(b) For each airplane on which an 

auxiliary fuel tank is installed under a 
field approval, before June 16, 2008, the 
operator must submit to the respon-
sible Aircraft Certification Service Of-
fice proposed maintenance instructions 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1603 

for the tank that meet the require-
ments of Special Federal Aviation Reg-
ulation No. 88 (SFAR 88) of this chap-

(c) After December 16, 2008, no oper-

ator may operate an airplane identified 
in paragraph (a) of this section unless 
the inspection program for that air-
plane has been revised to include appli-
cable inspections, procedures, and limi-
tations for fuel tank systems. 

(d) The proposed fuel tank system in-

spection program revisions specified in 
paragraph (c) of this section must be 
based on fuel tank system Instructions 
for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) that 
have been developed in accordance 
with the applicable provisions of SFAR 
88 of this chapter or § 25.1529 and part 
25, Appendix H, of this chapter, in ef-
fect on June 6, 2001 (including those de-
veloped for auxiliary fuel tanks, if any, 
installed under supplemental type cer-
tificates or other design approval) and 
that have been approved by the respon-
sible Aircraft Certification Service Of-

(e) After December 16, 2008, before re-

turning an airplane to service after any 
alterations for which fuel tank ICA are 
developed under SFAR 88, or under 
§ 25.1529 in effect on June 6, 2001, the op-
erator must include in the inspection 
program for the airplane inspections 
and procedures for the fuel tank sys-
tem based on those ICA. 

(f) The fuel tank system inspection 

program changes identified in para-
graphs (d) and (e) of this section and 
any later fuel tank system revisions 
must be submitted to the Flight Stand-
ards office responsible for review and 

(g) This section does not apply to the 

following airplane models: 

(1) Bombardier CL–44 
(2) Concorde 
(3) deHavilland D.H. 106 Comet 4C 
(4) VFW-Vereinigte Flugtechnische 

Werk VFW–614 

(5) Illyushin Aviation IL 96T 
(6) Bristol Aircraft Britannia 305 
(7) Handley Page Herald Type 300 
(8) Avions Marcel Dassault—Breguet 

Aviation Mercure 100C 

(9) Airbus Caravelle 

(10) Lockheed L–300 

[Amdt. 91–297, 72 FR 63410, Nov. 8, 2007, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 91– 
350, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 5, 2018] 

Subpart M—Special Federal 

Aviation Regulations 

§ 91.1603

Special Federal Aviation Reg-

ulation No. 112—Prohibition 
Against Certain Flights in the Ter-
ritory and Airspace of Libya. 


Applicability. This Special Federal 

Aviation Regulation (SFAR) applies to 
the following persons: 

(1) All U.S. air carriers and U.S. com-

mercial operators; 

(2) All persons exercising the privi-

leges of an airman certificate issued by 
the FAA, except when such persons are 
operating U.S.-registered aircraft for a 
foreign air carrier; and 

(3) All operators of U.S.-registered 

civil aircraft, except when the operator 
of such aircraft is a foreign air carrier. 


Flight prohibition. Except as pro-

vided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this 
section, no person described in para-
graph (a) of this section may conduct 
flight operations in the territory and 
airspace of Libya. 


Permitted operations. This section 

does not prohibit persons described in 
paragraph (a) of this section from con-
ducting flight operations in the terri-
tory and airspace of Libya, provided 
that such flight operations occur under 
a contract, grant, or cooperative agree-
ment with a department, agency, or in-
strumentality of the U.S. Government 
(or under a subcontract between the 
prime contractor of the department, 
agency, or instrumentality and the 
person described in paragraph (a) of 
this section), with the approval of the 
FAA, or under an exemption issued by 
the FAA. The FAA will consider re-
quests for approval or exemption in a 
timely manner, with the order of pref-
erence being: First, for those oper-
ations in support of U.S. Government- 
sponsored activities; second, for those 
operations in support of government- 
sponsored activities of a foreign coun-
try with the support of a U.S. Govern-
ment department, agency, or instru-
mentality; and third, for all other oper-

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