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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1615 

a climb during takeoff if the operator 
of that aircraft: 

(i) Receives any necessary approval 

from the appropriate authorities of 

(ii) Conducts operations that comply 

with applicable conditions established 
by the appropriate authorities of 
Djibouti and air traffic control instruc-
tions; and 

(iii) Is either on a published instru-

ment procedure or under the direction 
of air traffic control. 

(3) Aircraft descending into Djibouti 

Ambouli International Airport (HDAM) 
may operate overwater at altitudes 
below FL260 in the territory and air-
space of Somalia only to the extent 
necessary to permit descent for landing 
at Djibouti Ambouli International Air-
port (HDAM), if the operator of that 

(i) Receives any necessary approval 

from the appropriate authorities of 

(ii) Conducts operations that comply 

with applicable conditions established 
by the appropriate authorities of 
Djibouti and air traffic control instruc-
tions; and 

(iii) Is either on a published instru-

ment procedure or under the direction 
of air traffic control. 

(4) Flight operations may be con-

ducted in the territory and airspace of 
Somalia at altitudes below FL260 if 
such flight operations are conducted 
under a contract, grant, or cooperative 
agreement with a department, agency, 
or instrumentality of the U.S. Govern-
ment (or under a subcontract between 
the prime contractor of the U.S. Gov-
ernment department, agency, or in-
strumentality and the person described 
in paragraph (a) of this section) with 
the approval of the FAA or under an 
exemption issued by the FAA. The 
FAA will consider requests for ap-
proval or exemption in a timely man-
ner, with the order of preference being: 
First, for those operations in support 
of U.S. Government-sponsored activi-
ties; second, for those operations in 
support of government-sponsored ac-
tivities of a foreign country with the 
support of a U.S. Government depart-
ment, agency, or instrumentality; and 
third, for all other operations. 


Emergency situations. In an emer-

gency that requires immediate decision 
and action for the safety of the flight, 
the pilot in command of an aircraft 
may deviate from this section to the 
extent required by that emergency. Ex-
cept for U.S. air carriers and commer-
cial operators that are subject to the 
requirements of 14 CFR part 119, 121, 
125, or 135, each person who deviates 
from this section must, within 10 days 
of the deviation, excluding Saturdays, 
Sundays, and Federal holidays, submit 
to the responsible Flight Standards of-
fice a complete report of the operations 
of the aircraft involved in the devi-
ation, including a description of the de-
viation and the reasons for it. 


Expiration. This SFAR will remain 

in effect until January 7, 2027. The FAA 
may amend, rescind, or extend this 
SFAR, as necessary. 

[Docket FAA–2007–27602, Amdt.91–339, 81 FR 
726, Jan. 7, 2016, as amended by Amdt. 91– 
339A, 82 FR 58550, Dec. 13, 2017; Docket FAA– 
2018–0119, Amdt. 91–350, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 5, 
2018; Amdt. 91–339B, 84 FR 67671, Dec. 11, 2019; 
Docket No. FAA–2007–27602; Amdt. No. 91– 
339C, 87 FR 79245, Dec. 27, 2022] 

§ 91.1615

Special Federal Aviation Reg-

ulation No. 79—Prohibition Against 
Certain Flights in the Pyongyang 
Flight Information Region (FIR) 


Applicability. This Special Federal 

Aviation Regulation (SFAR) applies to 
the following persons: 

(1) All U.S. air carriers and U.S. com-

mercial operators; 

(2) All persons exercising the privi-

leges of an airman certificate issued by 
the FAA, except when such persons are 
operating U.S.-registered aircraft for a 
foreign air carrier; and 

(3) All operators of U.S.-registered 

civil aircraft, except when the operator 
of such aircraft is a foreign air carrier. 


Flight prohibition. Except as pro-

vided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this 
section, no person described in para-
graph (a) of this section may conduct 
flight operations in the Pyongyang 
Flight Information Region (FIR) 


Permitted operations. This section 

does not prohibit persons described in 
paragraph (a) of this section from con-
ducting flight operations in the 
Pyongyang Flight Information Region 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.1617 

(FIR) (ZKKP), provided that such flight 
operations are conducted under a con-
tract, grant, or cooperative agreement 
with a department, agency, or instru-
mentality of the U.S. government (or 
under a subcontract between the prime 
contractor of the department, agency, 
or instrumentality and the person de-
scribed in paragraph (a) of this section) 
with the approval of the FAA, or under 
an exemption issued by the FAA. The 
FAA will consider requests for ap-
proval or exemption in a timely man-
ner, with the order of preference being: 
First, for those operations in support 
of U.S. government-sponsored activi-
ties; second, for those operations in 
support of government-sponsored ac-
tivities of a foreign country with the 
support of a U.S. Government depart-
ment, agency, or instrumentality; and 
third, for all other operations. 


Emergency situations. In an emer-

gency that requires immediate decision 
and action for the safety of the flight, 
the pilot in command of an aircraft 
may deviate from this section to the 
extent required by that emergency. Ex-
cept for U.S. air carriers and commer-
cial operators that are subject to the 
requirements of 14 CFR part 119, 121, 
125, or 135, each person who deviates 
from this section must, within 10 days 
of the deviation, excluding Saturdays, 
Sundays, and Federal holidays, submit 
to the responsible Flight Standards Of-
fice a complete report of the operations 
of the aircraft involved in the devi-
ation, including a description of the de-
viation and the reasons for it. 


Expiration. This SFAR will remain 

in effect until September 18, 2028. The 
FAA may amend, rescind, or extend 
this SFAR, as necessary. 

[Docket No. FAA–2018–0838, Amdt. No. 91–352, 
83 FR 47064, Sept. 18, 2018, as amended by 
Amdt. No. 91–352A, 85 FR 55377, Sept. 8, 2020; 
Docket No.: FAA–2018–0838; Amdt. No. 91– 
352B, 88 FR 63525, Sept. 15, 2023] 

§ 91.1617

Special Federal Aviation Reg-

ulation No. 117—Prohibition 
Against Certain Flights in the 
Tehran Flight Information Region 
(FIR) (OIIX). 


Applicability. This Special Federal 

Aviation Regulation (SFAR) applies to 
the following persons: 

(1) All U.S. air carriers and U.S. com-

mercial operators; 

(2) All persons exercising the privi-

leges of an airman certificate issued by 
the FAA, except when such persons are 
operating U.S.-registered aircraft for a 
foreign air carrier; and 

(3) All operators of U.S.-registered 

civil aircraft, except when the operator 
of such aircraft is a foreign air carrier. 


Flight prohibition. Except as pro-

vided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this 
section, no person described in para-
graph (a) of this section may conduct 
flight operations in the Tehran Flight 
Information Region (FIR) (OIIX). 


Permitted operations. This section 

does not prohibit persons described in 
paragraph (a) of this section from con-
ducting flight operations in the Tehran 
FIR (OIIX), provided that such flight 
operations are conducted under a con-
tract, grant, or cooperative agreement 
with a department, agency, or instru-
mentality of the U.S. Government (or 
under a subcontract between the prime 
contractor of the department, agency, 
or instrumentality and the person de-
scribed in paragraph (a) of this section) 
with the approval of the FAA, or under 
an exemption issued by the FAA. The 
FAA will consider requests for ap-
proval or exemption in a timely man-
ner, with the order of preference being: 
First, for those operations in support 
of U.S. Government-sponsored activi-
ties; second, for those operations in 
support of government-sponsored ac-
tivities of a foreign country with the 
support of a U.S. Government depart-
ment, agency, or instrumentality; and 
third, for all other operations. 


Emergency situations. In an emer-

gency that requires immediate decision 
and action for the safety of the flight, 
the pilot in command of an aircraft 
may deviate from this section to the 
extent required by that emergency. Ex-
cept for U.S. air carriers and commer-
cial operators that are subject to the 
requirements of 14 CFR parts 119, 121, 
125, or 135, each person who deviates 
from this section must, within 10 days 
of the deviation, excluding Saturdays, 
Sundays, and Federal holidays, submit 
to the responsible Flight Standards Of-
fice a complete report of the operations 
of the aircraft involved in the devi-
ation, including a description of the de-
viation and the reasons for it. 

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