14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 91.1619
Expiration. This SFAR will remain
in effect until October 31, 2024. The
FAA may amend, rescind, or extend
this SFAR, as necessary.
[Docket No. FAA-2020-0874, Amdt. No. 91-359,
85 FR 68440, Oct. 29, 2020, as amended by
Amdt. No. 91–359A, 87 FR 57384, Sept. 20, 2022]
§ 91.1619
Special Federal Aviation Reg-
ulation No. 119—Prohibition
Against Certain Flights in the
Kabul Flight Information Region
Applicability. This Special Federal
Aviation Regulation (SFAR) applies to
the following persons:
(1) All U.S. air carriers and U.S. com-
mercial operators;
(2) All persons exercising the privi-
leges of an airman certificate issued by
the FAA, except when such persons are
operating U.S.-registered aircraft for a
foreign air carrier; and
(3) All operators of U.S.-registered
civil aircraft, except when the operator
of such aircraft is a foreign air carrier.
Flight prohibition. Except as pro-
vided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this
section, no person described in para-
graph (a) of this section may conduct
flight operations in the Kabul Flight
Information Region (FIR) (OAKX).
Permitted operations. This section
does not prohibit persons described in
paragraph (a) of this section from con-
ducting flight operations in the Kabul
Flight Information Region (FIR)
(OAKX) under the following cir-
(1) Overflights of the Kabul Flight In-
formation Region (FIR) (OAKX) may
be conducted at altitudes at and above
Flight Level (FL) 320, subject to the
approval of, and in accordance with the
conditions established by, the appro-
priate authorities of Afghanistan.
(2) Flight operations may be con-
ducted in the Kabul Flight Information
Region (FIR) (OAKX) at altitudes
below FL320, provided that such flight
operations occur under a contract,
grant, or cooperative agreement with a
department, agency, or instrumen-
tality of the U.S. Government (or
under a subcontract between the prime
contractor of the U.S. Government de-
partment, agency, or instrumentality
and the person described in paragraph
(a) of this section) with the approval of
the FAA or under an exemption issued
by the FAA. The FAA will consider re-
quests for approval or exemption in a
timely manner, with the order of pref-
erence being: first, for those operations
in support of U.S. Government-spon-
sored activities; second, for those oper-
ations in support of government-spon-
sored activities of a foreign country
with the support of a U.S. Government
department, agency, or instrumen-
tality; and third, for all other oper-
Emergency situations. In an emer-
gency that requires immediate decision
and action for the safety of the flight,
the pilot in command of an aircraft
may deviate from this section to the
extent required by that emergency. Ex-
cept for U.S. air carriers and commer-
cial operators that are subject to the
requirements of 14 CFR part 119, 121,
125, or 135, each person who deviates
from this section must, within 10 days
of the deviation, excluding Saturdays,
Sundays, and Federal holidays, submit
to the responsible Flight Standards Of-
fice a complete report of the operations
of the aircraft involved in the devi-
ation, including a description of the de-
viation and the reasons for it.
Expiration. This SFAR will remain
in effect until July 25, 2025. The FAA
may amend, rescind, or extend this
SFAR as necessary.
[Docket No. FAA–2023–1415; Amdt. No. 91–369,
88 FR 47771, July 25, 2023]
Subpart N—Mitsubishi MU–2B Se-
ries Special Training, Experi-
ence, and Operating Require-
: Docket FAA–2006–24981, Amdt. 91–
344, 81 FR 61591, Sept. 7, 2016, unless other-
wise noted.
§ 91.1701
(a) On and after November 7, 2016, all
training conducted in an MU–2B must
follow an approved MU–2B training
program that meets the standards of
this subpart.
(b) This subpart applies to all persons
who operate a Mitsubishi MU–2B series
airplane, including those who act as
pilot in command, act as second-in-
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 91.1705
command, or other persons who manip-
ulate the controls while under the su-
pervision of a pilot in command.
(c) This subpart also applies to those
persons who provide pilot training for a
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane. The
requirements in this subpart are in ad-
dition to the requirements of parts 61,
91, and 135 of this chapter.
§ 91.1703
Compliance and eligibility.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, no person may ma-
nipulate the controls, act as PIC, act
as second-in-command, or provide pilot
training for a Mitsubishi MU–2B series
airplane unless that person meets the
requirements of this subpart.
(b) A person who does not meet the
requirements of this subpart may ma-
nipulate the controls of a Mitsubishi
MU–2B series airplane if a pilot in com-
mand who meets the requirements of
this subpart is occupying a pilot sta-
tion, no passengers or cargo are carried
on board the airplane, and the flight is
being conducted for one of the fol-
lowing reasons—
(1) The pilot in command is providing
pilot training to the manipulator of
the controls;
(2) The pilot in command is con-
ducting a maintenance test flight with
a second pilot or certificated mechanic;
(3) The pilot in command is con-
ducting simulated instrument flight
and is using a safety pilot other than
the pilot in command who manipulates
the controls for the purposes of
§ 91.109(b).
(c) A person is required to complete
Initial/transition training if that person
has fewer than—
(1) 50 hours of documented flight
time manipulating the controls while
serving as pilot in command of a
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane in
the preceding 24 months; or
(2) 500 hours of documented flight
time manipulating the controls while
serving as pilot in command of a
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane.
(d) A person is eligible to receive
qualification training in lieu of Initial/
transition training if that person has
at least—
(1) 50 hours of documented flight
time manipulating the controls while
serving as pilot in command of a
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane in
the preceding 24 months; or
(2) 500 hours of documented flight
time manipulating the controls while
serving as pilot in command of a
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane.
(e) A person is required to complete
Recurrent training within the preceding
12 months. Successful completion of
Initial/transition or Requalification
training within the preceding 12
months satisfies the requirement of
Recurrent training. A person must suc-
cessfully complete Initial/transition
training or Requalification training be-
fore being eligible to receive Recurrent
(f) Successful completion of Initial/
transition training or Requalification
training is a one-time requirement. A
person may elect to retake Initial/tran-
sition training or Requalification
training in lieu of Recurrent training.
(g) A person is required to complete
Differences training in accordance with
an FAA approved MU–2B training pro-
gram if that person operates more than
one MU–2B model as specified in
§ 91.1707(c).
§ 91.1705
Required pilot training.
(a) Except as provided in § 91.1703(b),
no person may manipulate the con-
trols, act as pilot in command, or act
as second-in-command of a Mitsubishi
MU–2B series airplane for the purpose
of flight unless—
(1) The requirements for ground and
flight training on Initial/transition,
Requalification, Recurrent, and Dif-
ferences training have been completed
in accordance with an FAA approved
MU–2B training program that meets
the standards of this subpart; and
(2) That person’s logbook has been
endorsed in accordance with paragraph
(f) of this section.
(b) Except as provided in § 91.1703(b),
no person may manipulate the con-
trols, act as pilot in command, or act
as second-in-command, of a Mitsubishi
MU–2B series airplane for the purpose
of flight unless—
(1) That person satisfactorily com-
pletes, if applicable, annual Recurrent
pilot training on the
Special Emphasis
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