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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.1705 

command, or other persons who manip-
ulate the controls while under the su-
pervision of a pilot in command. 

(c) This subpart also applies to those 

persons who provide pilot training for a 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane. The 
requirements in this subpart are in ad-
dition to the requirements of parts 61, 
91, and 135 of this chapter. 

§ 91.1703

Compliance and eligibility. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, no person may ma-
nipulate the controls, act as PIC, act 
as second-in-command, or provide pilot 
training for a Mitsubishi MU–2B series 
airplane unless that person meets the 
requirements of this subpart. 

(b) A person who does not meet the 

requirements of this subpart may ma-
nipulate the controls of a Mitsubishi 
MU–2B series airplane if a pilot in com-
mand who meets the requirements of 
this subpart is occupying a pilot sta-
tion, no passengers or cargo are carried 
on board the airplane, and the flight is 
being conducted for one of the fol-
lowing reasons— 

(1) The pilot in command is providing 

pilot training to the manipulator of 
the controls; 

(2) The pilot in command is con-

ducting a maintenance test flight with 
a second pilot or certificated mechanic; 

(3) The pilot in command is con-

ducting simulated instrument flight 
and is using a safety pilot other than 
the pilot in command who manipulates 
the controls for the purposes of 
§ 91.109(b). 

(c) A person is required to complete 

Initial/transition training if that person 
has fewer than— 

(1) 50 hours of documented flight 

time manipulating the controls while 
serving as pilot in command of a 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane in 
the preceding 24 months; or 

(2) 500 hours of documented flight 

time manipulating the controls while 
serving as pilot in command of a 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane. 

(d) A person is eligible to receive 


qualification training in lieu of Initial/ 
transition training if that person has 
at least— 

(1) 50 hours of documented flight 

time manipulating the controls while 

serving as pilot in command of a 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane in 
the preceding 24 months; or 

(2) 500 hours of documented flight 

time manipulating the controls while 
serving as pilot in command of a 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane. 

(e) A person is required to complete 

Recurrent training within the preceding 
12 months. Successful completion of 
Initial/transition or Requalification 
training within the preceding 12 
months satisfies the requirement of 
Recurrent training. A person must suc-
cessfully complete Initial/transition 
training or Requalification training be-
fore being eligible to receive Recurrent 

(f) Successful completion of Initial/ 

transition training or Requalification 
training is a one-time requirement. A 
person may elect to retake Initial/tran-
sition training or Requalification 
training in lieu of Recurrent training. 

(g) A person is required to complete 

Differences training in accordance with 
an FAA approved MU–2B training pro-
gram if that person operates more than 
one MU–2B model as specified in 
§ 91.1707(c). 

§ 91.1705

Required pilot training. 

(a) Except as provided in § 91.1703(b), 

no person may manipulate the con-
trols, act as pilot in command, or act 
as second-in-command of a Mitsubishi 
MU–2B series airplane for the purpose 
of flight unless— 

(1) The requirements for ground and 

flight training on Initial/transition, 
Requalification, Recurrent, and Dif-
ferences training have been completed 
in accordance with an FAA approved 
MU–2B training program that meets 
the standards of this subpart; and 

(2) That person’s logbook has been 

endorsed in accordance with paragraph 
(f) of this section. 

(b) Except as provided in § 91.1703(b), 

no person may manipulate the con-
trols, act as pilot in command, or act 
as second-in-command, of a Mitsubishi 
MU–2B series airplane for the purpose 
of flight unless— 

(1) That person satisfactorily com-

pletes, if applicable, annual Recurrent 
pilot training on the 

Special Emphasis 

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