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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.1709 

(2) LEVEL B Training—Training that 

is conducted in the classroom environ-
ment with the aid of a qualified in-
structor who meets the requirements 
of this subpart. 

(3) LEVEL C Training—Training that 

is accomplished in an FAA-approved 
Level 5 or 6 flight training device. In 
addition to the basic FTD require-
ments, the FTD must be representative 
of the MU–2B cockpit controls and be 
specifically approved by the FAA for 
the MU–2B airplane. 

(4) Level E Training—Training that 

must be accomplished in the MU–2B 
airplane, Level C simulator, or Level D 

§ 91.1709

Training program approval. 

To obtain approval for an MU–2B 

training program, training providers 
must submit a proposed training pro-
gram to the Administrator. 

(a) Only training programs approved 

by the Administrator may be used to 
satisfy the standards of this subpart. 

(b) For part 91 training providers, 

training programs will be approved for 
24 months, unless sooner superseded or 

(c) The Administrator may require 

revision of an approved MU–2B training 
program at any time. 

(d) A training provider must present 

its approved training program and FAA 
approval documentation to any rep-
resentative of the Administrator, upon 

§ 91.1711

Aeronautical experience. 

No person may act as a pilot in com-

mand of a Mitsubishi MU–2B series air-
plane for the purpose of flight unless 
that person holds an airplane category 
and multi-engine land class rating, and 
has logged a minimum of 100 flight 
hours of PIC time in multi-engine air-

§ 91.1713

Instruction, checking, and 



Flight Instructor (Airplane). No 

flight instructor may provide instruc-
tion or conduct a flight review in a 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane un-
less that flight instructor 

(1) Meets the pilot training and docu-

mentation requirements of § 91.1705 be-

fore giving flight instruction in the 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane; 

(2) Meets the currency requirements 

of §§ 91.1715(a) and 91.1715(c) 

(3) Has a minimum total pilot time of 

2,000 pilot-in-command hours and 800 
pilot-in-command hours in multiengine 
airplanes; and 

(4) Has: 
(i) 300 pilot-in-command hours in the 

Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane, 50 
hours of which must have been within 
the preceding 12 months; or 

(ii) 100 pilot-in-command hours in the 

Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane, 25 
hours of which must have been within 
the preceding 12 months, and 300 hours 
providing instruction in a FAA-ap-
proved Mitsubishi MU–2B simulator or 
FAA-approved Mitsubishi MU–2B flight 
training device, 25 hours of which must 
have been within the preceding 12 


Flight Instructor (Simulator/Flight 

Training Device). No flight instructor 
may provide instruction for the 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane un-
less that instructor meets the require-
ments of this paragraph— 

(1) Each flight instructor who pro-

vides flight training for the Mitsubishi 
MU–2B series airplane must meet the 
pilot training and documentation re-
quirements of § 91.1705 before giving 
flight instruction for the Mitsubishi 
MU–2B series airplane; 

(2) Each flight instructor who pro-

vides flight training for the Mitsubishi 
MU–2B series airplane must meet the 
currency requirements of § 91.1715(c) be-
fore giving flight instruction for the 
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane; 

(3) Each flight instructor who pro-

vides flight training for the Mitsubishi 
MU–2B series airplane must have: 

(i) A minimum total pilot time of 

2000 pilot–in-command hours and 800 
pilot-in-command hours in multiengine 
airplanes; and 

(ii) Within the preceding 12 months, 

either 50 hours of Mitsubishi MU–2B se-
ries airplane pilot-in-command experi-
ence or 50 hours providing simulator or 
flight training device instruction for 
the Mitsubishi MU–2B. 


Checking and evaluation. No person 

may provide checking or evaluation for 
the Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane 

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