Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 91.1717
unless that person meets the require-
ments of this paragraph—
(1) For the purpose of checking, des-
ignated pilot examiners, training cen-
ter evaluators, and check airmen must
have completed the appropriate train-
ing in the Mitsubishi MU–2B series air-
plane in accordance with § 91.1705;
(2) For checking conducted in the
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane, each
designated pilot examiner and check
airman must have 100 hours pilot-in-
command flight time in the Mitsubishi
MU–2B series airplane and maintain
currency in accordance with § 91.1715.
§ 91.1715
Currency requirements and
flight review.
(a) The takeoff and landing currency
requirements of § 61.57 of this chapter
must be maintained in the Mitsubishi
MU–2B series airplane. Takeoff and
landings in other multiengine air-
planes do not meet the takeoff and
landing currency requirements for the
Mitsubishi MU–2B series plane. Takeoff
and landings in either the short-body
or long-body Mitsubishi MU–2B model
airplane may be credited toward take-
off and landing currency for both
Mitsubishi MU–2B model groups.
(b) Instrument experience obtained in
other category and class of aircraft
may be used to satisfy the instrument
currency requirements of § 61.57 of this
chapter for the Mitsubishi MU–2B se-
ries airplane.
(c) Satisfactory completion of a
flight review to satisfy the require-
ments of § 61.56 of this chapter is valid
for operation of a Mitsubishi MU–2B se-
ries airplane only if that flight review
is conducted in a Mitsubishi MU–2B se-
ries airplane or an MU–2B Simulator
approved for landings with an approved
course conducted under part 142 of this
chapter. The flight review for
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplanes
must include the
Special Emphasis
Items, and all items listed in the Train-
ing Course Final Phase Check in accord-
ance with an approved MU–2B Training
(d) A person who successfully com-
pletes the Initial/transition, Requali-
fication, or Recurrent training require-
ments under § 91.1705 of this chapter
also meet the requirements of § 61.56 of
this chapter and need not accomplish a
separate flight review provided that at
least 1 hour of the flight training was
conducted in the Mitsubishi MU–2B se-
ries airplane or an MU–2B Simulator
approved for landings with an approved
course conducted under part 142 of this
[Docket FAA–2006–24981, Amdt. 91–344, 81 FR
61591, Sept. 7, 2016; Amdt. 91–344A, 82 FR
21472, May 9, 2017]
§ 91.1717
Operating requirements.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, no person may oper-
ate a Mitsubishi MU–2B airplane in sin-
gle pilot operations unless that air-
plane has a functional autopilot.
(b) A person may operate a
Mitsubishi MU–2B airplane in single
pilot operations without a functional
autopilot when—
(1) Operating under day visual flight
rule requirements; or
(2) Authorized under a FAA approved
minimum equipment list for that air-
plane, operating under instrument
flight rule requirements in daytime
visual meteorological conditions.
(c) No person may operate a
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane un-
less a copy of the appropriate
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU–2B
Airplane Flight Manual is carried on
board the airplane and is accessible
during each flight at the pilot station.
(d) No person may operate a
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane un-
less an MU–2B series airplane check-
list, appropriate for the model being
operated and accepted by the Federal
Aviation Administration MU–2B Flight
Standardization Board, is accessible for
each flight at the pilot station and is
used by the flight crewmembers when
operating the airplane.
(e) No person may operate a
Mitsubishi MU–2B series airplane con-
trary to the standards of this subpart.
(f) If there are any differences be-
tween the training and operating re-
quirements of this subpart and the
MU–2B Airplane Flight Manual’s proce-
dures sections (Normal, Abnormal, and
Emergency) and the MU–2B airplane
series checklist incorporated by ref-
erence in § 91.1721, the person operating
the airplane must operate the airplane
in accordance with the training speci-
fied in this subpart.
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