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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.225 

(2) Firefighting operations. 
(3) Flight operations when incident 

to the aerial application of chemicals 
and other substances. 

[Doc. No. 29312, 65 FR 16755, Mar. 29, 2000] 

§ 91.225

Automatic Dependent Surveil-

lance-Broadcast (ADS–B) Out equip-
ment and use. 

(a) After January 1, 2020, unless oth-

erwise authorized by ATC, no person 
may operate an aircraft in Class A air-
space unless the aircraft has equipment 
installed that— 

(1) Meets the performance require-

ments in– 

(i) TSO–C166b and Section 2 of RTCA 

DO–260B (as referenced in TSO–C166b); 

(ii) TSO–C166c and Section 2 of RTCA 

DO–260C as modified by DO–260C— 
Change 1 (as referenced in TSO–C166c); 

(2) Meets the requirements of § 91.227. 
(b) After January 1, 2020, except as 

prohibited in paragraph (h)(2) of this 
section or unless otherwise authorized 
by ATC, no person may operate an air-
craft below 18,000 feet MSL and in air-
space described in paragraph (d) of this 
section unless the aircraft has equip-
ment installed that— 

(1) Meets the performance require-

ments in— 

(i) TSO–C166b and Section 2 of RTCA 

DO–260B (as referenced in TSO–C166b); 

(ii) TSO–C166c and Section 2 of RTCA 

DO–260C as modified by DO–260C— 
Change 1 (as referenced in TSO–C166c); 

(iii) TSO–C154c and Section 2 of 

RTCA DO–282B (as referenced in TSO– 
C154c); or 

(iv) TSO–C154d and Section 2 of 

RTCA DO–282C (as referenced in TSO– 

(2) Meets the requirements of § 91.227. 
(c) Operators with equipment in-

stalled with an approved deviation 
under § 21.618 of this chapter also are in 
compliance with this section. 

(d) After January 1, 2020, except as 

prohibited in paragraph (i)(2) of this 
section or unless otherwise authorized 
by ATC, no person may operate an air-
craft in the following airspace unless 
the aircraft has equipment installed 
that meets the requirements in para-
graph (b) of this section: 

(1) Class B and Class C airspace areas; 

(2) Except as provided for in para-

graph (e) of this section, within 30 nau-
tical miles of an airport listed in ap-
pendix D, section 1 to this part from 
the surface upward to 10,000 feet MSL; 

(3) Above the ceiling and within the 

lateral boundaries of a Class B or Class 
C airspace area designated for an air-
port upward to 10,000 feet MSL; 

(4) Except as provided in paragraph 

(e) of this section, Class E airspace 
within the 48 contiguous states and the 
District of Columbia at and above 
10,000 feet MSL, excluding the airspace 
at and below 2,500 feet above the sur-
face; and 

(5) Class E airspace at and above 3,000 

feet MSL over the Gulf of Mexico from 
the coastline of the United States out 
to 12 nautical miles. 

(e) The requirements of paragraph (b) 

of this section do not apply to any air-
craft that was not originally certifi-
cated with an engine-driven electrical 
system, or that has not subsequently 
been certified with such a system in-
stalled, including balloons and gliders. 
These aircraft may conduct operations 
without ADS–B Out in the airspace 
specified in paragraph (d)(4) of this sec-
tion. These aircraft may also conduct 
operations in the airspace specified in 
paragraph (d)(2) of this section if those 
operations are conducted— 

(1) Outside any Class B or Class C air-

space area; and 

(2) Below the altitude of the ceiling 

of a Class B or Class C airspace area 
designated for an airport, or 10,000 feet 
MSL, whichever is lower. 

(f) Except as prohibited in paragraph 

(i)(2) of this section, each person oper-
ating an aircraft equipped with ADS–B 
Out must operate this equipment in 
the transmit mode at all times unless— 

(1) Otherwise authorized by the FAA 

when the aircraft is performing a sen-
sitive government mission for national 
defense, homeland security, intel-
ligence or law enforcement purposes 
and transmitting would compromise 
the operations security of the mission 
or pose a safety risk to the aircraft, 
crew, or people and property in the air 
or on the ground; or 

(2) Otherwise directed by ATC when 

transmitting would jeopardize the safe 
execution of air traffic control func-

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.225 

(g) Requests for ATC authorized devi-

ations from the requirements of this 
section must be made to the ATC facil-
ity having jurisdiction over the con-
cerned airspace within the time periods 
specified as follows: 

(1) For operation of an aircraft with 

an inoperative ADS–B Out, to the air-
port of ultimate destination, including 
any intermediate stops, or to proceed 
to a place where suitable repairs can be 
made or both, the request may be made 
at any time. 

(2) For operation of an aircraft that 

is not equipped with ADS–B Out, the 
request must be made at least 1 hour 
before the proposed operation. 

(h) For unmanned aircraft: 
(1) No person may operate an un-

manned aircraft under a flight plan and 
in two way communication with ATC 

(i) That aircraft has equipment in-

stalled that meets the performance re-
quirements in TSO–C166b (including 
Section 2 of RTCA DO–260B, as ref-
erenced in TSO–C166b), TSO–C166c (in-
cluding Section 2 of RTCA DO–260C as 
modified by DO–260C—Change 1, as ref-
erenced in TSO–C166c), TSO–C154c (in-
cluding Section 2 of RTCA DO–282B, as 
referenced in TSO–C154c), or TSO–C154d 
(including Section 2 of RTCA DO–282C, 
as referenced in TSO–C154d); and 

(ii) The equipment meets the require-

ments of § 91.227. 

(2) No person may operate an un-

manned aircraft under this part with 
Automatic Dependent Surveillance- 
Broadcast Out equipment in transmit 
mode unless: 

(i) The operation is conducted under 

a flight plan and the person operating 
that unmanned aircraft maintains two- 
way communication with ATC; or 

(ii) The use of ADS–B Out is other-

wise authorized by the Administrator. 

(i) The standards required in this sec-

tion are incorporated by reference with 
the approval of the Director of the Of-
fice of the Federal Register under 5 
U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. This in-
corporation by reference (IBR) mate-
rial is available for inspection at the 
FAA and the National Archives and 
Records Administration (NARA). Con-
tact the FAA at: Office of Rulemaking 
(ARM–1), 800 Independence Avenue SW, 
Washington, DC 20590 (telephone 202– 

267–9677). For information on the avail-
ability of this material at NARA, visit 

or email  This material is 
also available from the following 
sources in this paragraph (i). 

(1) U.S. Department of Transpor-

tation, Subsequent Distribution Office, 
DOT Warehouse M30, Ardmore East 
Business Center, 3341 Q 75th Avenue, 
Landover, MD 20785; telephone (301) 
322–5377; website:







the link ‘‘Search Technical Standard 

(i) TSO–C166b, Extended Squitter 

Automatic Dependent Surveillance- 
Broadcast (ADS–B) and Traffic Infor-
mation Service-Broadcast (TIS–B) 
Equipment Operating on the Radio 
Frequency of 1090 Megahertz (MHz), 
December 2, 2009. 

(ii) TSO–C166c, Extended Squitter 

Automatic Dependent Surveillance- 
Broadcast (ADS–B) and Traffic Infor-
mation Service-Broadcast (TIS–B) 
Equipment Operating on the Radio 
Frequency of 1090 Megahertz (MHz), 
March 10, 2023. 

(iii) TSO–C154c, Universal Access 

Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Depend-
ent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS–B) 
Equipment Operating on the Frequency 
of 978 MHz, December 2, 2009. 

(iv) TSO–C154d, Universal Access 

Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Depend-
ent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS–B) 
Equipment Operating on the Radio 
Frequency of 978 Megahertz (MHz), 
March 10, 2023. 

(2) RTCA, Inc., 1150 18th St. NW, 

Suite 910, Washington, DC 20036; tele-
phone (202) 833–9339; website: 

(i) RTCA DO–260B, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards for 1090 
MHz Extended Squitter Automatic De-
pendent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS– 
B) and Traffic Information Services- 
Broadcast (TIS–B), Section 2, Equip-
ment Performance Requirements and 
Test Procedures, December 2, 2009. 

(ii) RTCA DO–260C, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards for 1090 
MHz Extended Squitter Automatic De-
pendent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS– 
B) and Traffic Information Services- 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.227 

Broadcast (TIS–B), Section 2, Equip-
ment Performance Requirements and 
Test Procedures, December 17, 2020. 

(iii) RTCA DO–260C, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards for 1090 
MHz Extended Squitter Automatic De-
pendent Surveillance—Broadcast 
(ADS–B) and Traffic Information Serv-
ices—Broadcast (TIS–B), Change 1, 
January 25, 2022. 

(iv) RTCA DO–282B, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards for 
Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) 
Automatic Dependent Surveillance- 
Broadcast (ADS–B), Section 2, Equip-
ment Performance Requirements and 
Test Procedures, December 2, 2009. 

(v) RTCA DO–282C, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards 
(MOPS) for Universal Access Trans-
ceiver (UAT) Automatic Dependent 
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS–B), Sec-
tion 2, Equipment Performance Re-
quirements and Test Procedures, June 
23, 2022. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2007–29305, 75 FR 30193, May 
28, 2010; Amdt. 91–314–A, 75 FR 37712, June 30, 
2010, as amended at Amdt. 91–316, 75 FR 37712, 
June 30, 2010; Amdt. 91–336, 80 FR 6900, Feb. 
9, 2015; Amdt. 91–336A, 80 FR 11537, Mar. 4, 
2015; Amdt. 91–355, 84 FR 34287, July 18, 2019; 
Amdt. No. 91–361, 86 FR 4513, Jan. 15, 2021; 
Docket No. FAA–2023–1836; Amdt. No. 91–371, 
88 FR 71476, Oct. 17, 2023] 

§ 91.227

Automatic Dependent Surveil-

lance-Broadcast (ADS–B) Out equip-
ment performance requirements. 


Definitions.  For the purposes of 

this section: 

ADS–B Out is a function of an air-

craft’s onboard avionics that periodi-
cally broadcasts the aircraft’s state 
vector (3-dimensional position and 3-di-
mensional velocity) and other required 
information as described in this sec-

Navigation Accuracy Category for Posi-

tion  (NAC


) specifies the accuracy of a 

reported aircraft’s position. 

Navigation Accuracy Category for Ve-

locity (NAC


) specifies the accuracy of a 

reported aircraft’s velocity. 

Navigation Integrity Category (NIC) 

specifies an integrity containment ra-
dius around an aircraft’s reported posi-

Position Source refers to the equip-

ment installed onboard an aircraft used 
to process and provide aircraft position 

(for example, latitude, longitude, and 
velocity) information. 

Source Integrity Level (SIL) indicates 

the probability of the reported hori-
zontal position exceeding the contain-
ment radius defined by the NIC on a 
per sample or per hour basis. 

System Design Assurance (SDA) indi-

cates the probability of an aircraft 
malfunction causing false or mis-
leading information to be transmitted. 

Total latency is the total time be-

tween when the position is measured 
and when the position is transmitted 
by the aircraft. 

Uncompensated latency is the time for 

which the aircraft does not compensate 
for latency. 


1090 MHz ES and UAT Broadcast 

Links and Power Requirements— 

(1) Aircraft operating in Class A air-

space must have equipment installed 
that meets the antenna and power out-
put requirements of Class A1S, A1, A2, 
A3, B1S, or B1 equipment as defined in 
TSO–C166b and Section 2 of RTCA DO– 
260B (as referenced in TSO–C166b), or 
TSO–C166c and Section 2 of RTCA DO– 
260C as modified by DO–260C—Change 1 
(as referenced in TSO–C166c). 

(2) Aircraft operating in airspace des-

ignated for ADS–B Out, but outside of 
Class A airspace, must have equipment 
installed that meets the antenna and 
output power requirements of either: 

(i) Class A1S, A1, A2, A3, B1S, or B1 

as defined in TSO–C166b and Section 2 
of RTCA DO–260B (as referenced in 
TSO–C166b) or TSO–C166c and Section 2 
of RTCA DO–260C as modified by DO– 
260C—Change 1 (as referenced in TSO– 
C166c); or 

(ii) Class A1S, A1H, A2, A3, B1S, or B1 

equipment as defined in TSO–C154c and 
Section 2 of RTCA DO–282B (as ref-
erenced in TSO–C154c), or TSO–C154d 
and Section 2 of RTCA DO–282C (as ref-
erenced in TSO–C154d). 


ADS–B Out Performance Require-

ments for NAC 




, NIC, SDA,  and 


(1) For aircraft broadcasting ADS–B 

Out as required under § 91.225 (a) and 

(i) The aircraft’s NAC


must be less 

than 0.05 nautical miles; 

(ii) The aircraft’s NAC


must be less 

than 10 meters per second; 

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