Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 91.23
may be used as evidence in any legal
proceeding under section 602, 609, or 901
of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958.
[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34292, Aug. 18, 1989, as
amended by Amdt. 91–291, June 21, 2006]
§ 91.19
Carriage of narcotic drugs,
marihuana, and depressant or stim-
ulant drugs or substances.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, no person may oper-
ate a civil aircraft within the United
States with knowledge that narcotic
drugs, marihuana, and depressant or
stimulant drugs or substances as de-
fined in Federal or State statutes are
carried in the aircraft.
(b) Paragraph (a) of this section does
not apply to any carriage of narcotic
drugs, marihuana, and depressant or
stimulant drugs or substances author-
ized by or under any Federal or State
statute or by any Federal or State
§ 91.21
Portable electronic devices.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, no person may oper-
ate, nor may any operator or pilot in
command of an aircraft allow the oper-
ation of, any portable electronic device
on any of the following U.S.-registered
civil aircraft:
(1) Aircraft operated by a holder of
an air carrier operating certificate or
an operating certificate; or
(2) Any other aircraft while it is op-
erated under IFR.
(b) Paragraph (a) of this section does
not apply to—
(1) Portable voice recorders;
(2) Hearing aids;
(3) Heart pacemakers;
(4) Electric shavers; or
(5) Any other portable electronic de-
vice that the operator of the aircraft
has determined will not cause inter-
ference with the navigation or commu-
nication system of the aircraft on
which it is to be used.
(c) In the case of an aircraft operated
by a holder of an air carrier operating
certificate or an operating certificate,
the determination required by para-
graph (b)(5) of this section shall be
made by that operator of the aircraft
on which the particular device is to be
used. In the case of other aircraft, the
determination may be made by the
pilot in command or other operator of
the aircraft.
§ 91.23
Truth-in-leasing clause require-
ment in leases and conditional sales
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, the parties to a
lease or contract of conditional sale in-
volving a U.S.-registered large civil
aircraft and entered into after January
2, 1973, shall execute a written lease or
contract and include therein a written
truth-in-leasing clause as a concluding
paragraph in large print, immediately
preceding the space for the signature of
the parties, which contains the fol-
lowing with respect to each such air-
(1) Identification of the Federal Avia-
tion Regulations under which the air-
craft has been maintained and in-
spected during the 12 months preceding
the execution of the lease or contract
of conditional sale, and certification by
the parties thereto regarding the air-
craft’s status of compliance with appli-
cable maintenance and inspection re-
quirements in this part for the oper-
ation to be conducted under the lease
or contract of conditional sale.
(2) The name and address (printed or
typed) and the signature of the person
responsible for operational control of
the aircraft under the lease or contract
of conditional sale, and certification
that each person understands that per-
son’s responsibilities for compliance
with applicable Federal Aviation Regu-
(3) A statement that an explanation
of factors bearing on operational con-
trol and pertinent Federal Aviation
Regulations can be obtained from the
responsible Flight Standards office.
(b) The requirements of paragraph (a)
of this section do not apply—
(1) To a lease or contract of condi-
tional sale when—
(i) The party to whom the aircraft is
furnished is a foreign air carrier or cer-
tificate holder under part 121, 125, 135,
or 141 of this chapter, or
(ii) The party furnishing the aircraft
is a foreign air carrier or a person oper-
ating under part 121, 125, and 141 of this
chapter, or a person operating under
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 91.25
part 135 of this chapter having author-
ity to engage in on-demand operations
with large aircraft.
(2) To a contract of conditional sale,
when the aircraft involved has not been
registered anywhere prior to the execu-
tion of the contract, except as a new
aircraft under a dealer’s aircraft reg-
istration certificate issued in accord-
ance with § 47.61 of this chapter.
(c) No person may operate a large
civil aircraft of U.S. registry that is
subject to a lease or contract of condi-
tional sale to which paragraph (a) of
this section applies, unless—
(1) The lessee or conditional buyer, or
the registered owner if the lessee is not
a citizen of the United States, has
mailed a copy of the lease or contract
that complies with the requirements of
paragraph (a) of this section, within 24
hours of its execution, to the Aircraft
Registration Branch, Attn: Technical
Section, P.O. Box 25724, Oklahoma
City, OK 73125;
(2) A copy of the lease or contract
that complies with the requirements of
paragraph (a) of this section is carried
in the aircraft. The copy of the lease or
contract shall be made available for re-
view upon request by the Adminis-
trator, and
(3) The lessee or conditional buyer, or
the registered owner if the lessee is not
a citizen of the United States, has noti-
fied by telephone or in person the re-
sponsible Flight Standards office. Un-
less otherwise authorized by that of-
fice, the notification shall be given at
least 48 hours before takeoff in the case
of the first flight of that aircraft under
that lease or contract and inform the
FAA of—
(i) The location of the airport of de-
(ii) The departure time; and
(iii) The registration number of the
aircraft involved.
(d) The copy of the lease or contract
furnished to the FAA under paragraph
(c) of this section is commercial or fi-
nancial information obtained from a
person. It is, therefore, privileged and
confidential and will not be made
available by the FAA for public inspec-
tion or copying under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)
unless recorded with the FAA under
part 49 of this chapter.
(e) For the purpose of this section, a
lease means any agreement by a person
to furnish an aircraft to another person
for compensation or hire, whether with
or without flight crewmembers, other
than an agreement for the sale of an
aircraft and a contract of conditional
sale under section 101 of the Federal
Aviation Act of 1958. The person fur-
nishing the aircraft is referred to as
the lessor, and the person to whom it is
furnished the lessee.
(Approved by the Office of Management and
Budget under control number 2120–0005)
[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34292, Aug. 18, 1989, as
amended by Amdt. 91–212, 54 FR 39293, Sept.
25, 1989; Amdt. 91–253, 62 FR 13253, Mar. 19,
1997; Amdt. 91–267, 66 FR 21066, Apr. 27, 2001;
Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 91–350, 83 FR
9171, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 91.25
Aviation Safety Reporting Pro-
gram: Prohibition against use of re-
ports for enforcement purposes.
The Administrator of the FAA will
not use reports submitted to the Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration under the Aviation Safety Re-
porting Program (or information de-
rived therefrom) in any enforcement
action except information concerning
accidents or criminal offenses which
are wholly excluded from the Program.
§§ 91.27–91.99
Subpart B—Flight Rules
: Docket No. 18334, 54 FR 34294, Aug.
18, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
§ 91.101
This subpart prescribes flight rules
governing the operation of aircraft
within the United States and within 12
nautical miles from the coast of the
United States.
§ 91.103
Preflight action.
Each pilot in command shall, before
beginning a flight, become familiar
with all available information con-
cerning that flight. This information
must include—
(a) For a flight under IFR or a flight
not in the vicinity of an airport,
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