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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.303 

available for inspection at the FAA and 
the National Archives and Records Ad-
ministration (NARA). Contact the FAA 
at: Office of Rulemaking (ARM–1), 800 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, 
DC 20590 (telephone 202–267–9677). For 
information on the availability of this 
material at NARA, visit 

or email  This material is 
also available from the following 
sources indicated in this paragraph (g). 

(1) U.S. Department of Transpor-

tation, Subsequent Distribution Office, 
DOT Warehouse M30, Ardmore East 
Business Center, 3341 Q 75th Avenue, 
Landover, MD 20785; telephone (301) 
322–5377; website:







the link ‘‘Search Technical Standard 

(i) TSO–C166b, Extended Squitter 

Automatic Dependent Surveillance- 
Broadcast (ADS–B) and Traffic Infor-
mation Service-Broadcast (TIS–B) 
Equipment Operating on the Radio 
Frequency of 1090 Megahertz (MHz), 
December 2, 2009. 

(ii) TSO–C166c, Extended Squitter 

Automatic Dependent Surveillance- 
Broadcast (ADS–B) and Traffic Infor-
mation Service-Broadcast (TIS–B) 
Equipment Operating on the Radio 
Frequency of 1090 Megahertz (MHz), 
March 10, 2023. 

(iii) TSO–C154c, Universal Access 

Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Depend-
ent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS–B) 
Equipment Operating on the Frequency 
of 978 MHz, December 2, 2009. 

(iv) TSO–C154d, Universal Access 

Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Depend-
ent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS–B) 
Equipment Operating on the Radio 
Frequency of 978 Megahertz (MHz), 
March 10, 2023. 

(2) RTCA, Inc., 1150 18th St. NW, 

Suite 910, Washington, DC 20036; tele-
phone (202) 833–9339; website: 

(i) RTCA DO–260B, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards for 1090 
MHz Extended Squitter Automatic De-
pendent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS– 
B) and Traffic Information Services- 
Broadcast (TIS–B), Section 2, Equip-
ment Performance Requirements and 
Test Procedures, December 2, 2009. 

(ii) RTCA DO–260C, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards for 1090 
MHz Extended Squitter Automatic De-
pendent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS– 
B) and Traffic Information Services- 
Broadcast (TIS–B), Section 2, Equip-
ment Performance Requirements and 
Test Procedures, December 17, 2020. 

(iii) RTCA DO–260C, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards for 1090 
MHz Extended Squitter Automatic De-
pendent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS– 
B) and Traffic Information Services- 
Broadcast (TIS–B), Change 1, January 
25, 2022. 

(iv) RTCA DO–282B, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards for 
Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) 
Automatic Dependent Surveillance- 
Broadcast (ADS–B), Section 2, Equip-
ment Performance Requirements and 
Test Procedures, December 2, 2009. 

(v) RTCA DO–282C, Minimum Oper-

ational Performance Standards 
(MOPS) for Universal Access Trans-
ceiver (UAT) Automatic Dependent 
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS–B), Sec-
tion 2, Equipment Performance Re-
quirements and Test Procedures, June 
23, 2022. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2007–29305, 75 FR 30194, May 
28, 2010; Amdt. 91–314–A, 75 FR 37712, June 30, 
2010, as amended at Amdt. 91–316, 75 FR 37712, 
June 30, 2010; Docket No. FAA–2023–1836; 
Amdt. No. 91–371, 88 FR 71477, Oct. 17, 2023] 

§§ 91.228–91.299


Subpart D—Special Flight 




: Docket No. 18334, 54 FR 34308, Aug. 

18, 1989, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 91.301


§ 91.303

Aerobatic flight. 

No person may operate an aircraft in 

aerobatic flight— 

(a) Over any congested area of a city, 

town, or settlement; 

(b) Over an open air assembly of per-


(c) Within the lateral boundaries of 

the surface areas of Class B, Class C, 
Class D, or Class E airspace designated 
for an airport; 

(d) Within 4 nautical miles of the 

center line of any Federal airway; 

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