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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.410 

times, or cycles of operation accumu-
lated under the previous program must 
be applied in determining inspection 
due times under the new program. 

(Approved by the Office of Management and 
Budget under control number 2120–0005) 

[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34311, Aug. 18, 1989; 
Amdt. 91–211, 54 FR 41211, Oct. 5, 1989; Amdt. 
91–267, 66 FR 21066, Apr. 27, 2001; Amdt. 91–282, 
69 FR 44882, July 27, 2004; Docket FAA–2018– 
0119, Amdt. 91–350, 83 FR 9171, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 91.410


§ 91.411

Altimeter system and altitude 

reporting equipment tests and in-

(a) No person may operate an air-

plane, or helicopter, in controlled air-
space under IFR unless— 

(1) Within the preceding 24 calendar 

months, each static pressure system, 
each altimeter instrument, and each 
automatic pressure altitude reporting 
system has been tested and inspected 
and found to comply with appendices E 
and F of part 43 of this chapter; 

(2) Except for the use of system drain 

and alternate static pressure valves, 
following any opening and closing of 
the static pressure system, that system 
has been tested and inspected and 
found to comply with paragraph (a), 
appendix E, of part 43 of this chapter; 

(3) Following installation or mainte-

nance on the automatic pressure alti-
tude reporting system of the ATC 
transponder where data correspondence 
error could be introduced, the inte-
grated system has been tested, in-
spected, and found to comply with 
paragraph (c), appendix E, of part 43 of 
this chapter. 

(b) The tests required by paragraph 

(a) of this section must be conducted 

(1) The manufacturer of the airplane, 

or helicopter, on which the tests and 
inspections are to be performed; 

(2) A certificated repair station prop-

erly equipped to perform those func-
tions and holding— 

(i) An instrument rating, Class I; 
(ii) A limited instrument rating ap-

propriate to the make and model of ap-
pliance to be tested; 

(iii) A limited rating appropriate to 

the test to be performed; 

(iv) An airframe rating appropriate 

to the airplane, or helicopter, to be 
tested; or 

(3) A certificated mechanic with an 

airframe rating (static pressure system 
tests and inspections only). 

(c) Altimeter and altitude reporting 

equipment approved under Technical 
Standard Orders are considered to be 
tested and inspected as of the date of 
their manufacture. 

(d) No person may operate an air-

plane, or helicopter, in controlled air-
space under IFR at an altitude above 
the maximum altitude at which all al-
timeters and the automatic altitude re-
porting system of that airplane, or hel-
icopter, have been tested. 

[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34308, Aug. 18, 1989, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–269, 66 FR 41116, Aug. 6, 
2001; 72 FR 7739, Feb. 20, 2007] 

§ 91.413

ATC transponder tests and in-


(a) No persons may use an ATC trans-

ponder that is specified in 91.215(a), 
121.345(c), or § 135.143(c) of this chapter 
unless, within the preceding 24 cal-
endar months, the ATC transponder 
has been tested and inspected and 
found to comply with appendix F of 
part 43 of this chapter; and 

(b) Following any installation or 

maintenance on an ATC transponder 
where data correspondence error could 
be introduced, the integrated system 
has been tested, inspected, and found 
to comply with paragraph (c), appendix 
E, of part 43 of this chapter. 

(c) The tests and inspections speci-

fied in this section must be conducted 

(1) A certificated repair station prop-

erly equipped to perform those func-
tions and holding— 

(i) A radio rating, Class III; 
(ii) A limited radio rating appro-

priate to the make and model trans-
ponder to be tested; 

(iii) A limited rating appropriate to 

the test to be performed; 

(2) A holder of a continuous air-

worthiness maintenance program as 
provided in part 121 or § 135.411(a)(2) of 
this chapter; or 

(3) The manufacturer of the aircraft 

on which the transponder to be tested 

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