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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.419 

authorized representative of the Na-
tional Transportation Safety Board 
(NTSB). In addition, the owner or oper-
ator shall present Form 337 described 
in paragraph (d) of this section for in-
spection upon request of any law en-
forcement officer. 

(d) When a fuel tank is installed 

within the passenger compartment or a 
baggage compartment pursuant to part 
43 of this chapter, a copy of FAA Form 
337 shall be kept on board the modified 
aircraft by the owner or operator. 

(Approved by the Office of Management and 
Budget under control number 2120–0005) 

[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34311, Aug. 18, 1989, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–311, 75 FR 5223, Feb. 1, 
2010; Amdt. 91–323, 76 FR 39260, July 6, 2011] 

§ 91.419

Transfer of maintenance 


Any owner or operator who sells a 

U.S.-registered aircraft shall transfer 
to the purchaser, at the time of sale, 
the following records of that aircraft, 
in plain language form or in coded form 
at the election of the purchaser, if the 
coded form provides for the preserva-
tion and retrieval of information in a 
manner acceptable to the Adminis-

(a) The records specified in 

§ 91.417(a)(2). 

(b) The records specified in 

§ 91.417(a)(1) which are not included in 
the records covered by paragraph (a) of 
this section, except that the purchaser 
may permit the seller to keep physical 
custody of such records. However, cus-
tody of records by the seller does not 
relieve the purchaser of the responsi-
bility under § 91.417(c) to make the 
records available for inspection by the 
Administrator or any authorized rep-
resentative of the National Transpor-
tation Safety Board (NTSB). 

§ 91.421

Rebuilt engine maintenance 


(a) The owner or operator may use a 

new maintenance record, without pre-
vious operating history, for an aircraft 
engine rebuilt by the manufacturer or 
by an agency approved by the manufac-

(b) Each manufacturer or agency 

that grants zero time to an engine re-
built by it shall enter in the new 

(1) A signed statement of the date the 

engine was rebuilt; 

(2) Each change made as required by 

airworthiness directives; and 

(3) Each change made in compliance 

with manufacturer’s service bulletins, 
if the entry is specifically requested in 
that bulletin. 

(c) For the purposes of this section, a 

rebuilt engine is a used engine that has 
been completely disassembled, in-
spected, repaired as necessary, reas-
sembled, tested, and approved in the 
same manner and to the same toler-
ances and limits as a new engine with 
either new or used parts. However, all 
parts used in it must conform to the 
production drawing tolerances and lim-
its for new parts or be of approved 
oversized or undersized dimensions for 
a new engine. 

§§ 91.423–91.499


Subpart F—Large and Turbine- 

Powered Multiengine Air-
planes and Fractional Owner-
ship Program Aircraft 



: Docket No. 18334, 54 FR 34314, Aug. 

18, 1989, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 91.501


(a) This subpart prescribes operating 

rules, in addition to those prescribed in 
other subparts of this part, governing 
the operation of large airplanes of U.S. 
registry, turbojet-powered multiengine 
civil airplanes of U.S. registry, and 
fractional ownership program aircraft 
of U.S. registry that are operating 
under subpart K of this part in oper-
ations not involving common carriage. 
The operating rules in this subpart do 
not apply to those aircraft when they 
are required to be operated under parts 
121, 125, 129, 135, and 137 of this chapter. 
(Section 91.409 prescribes an inspection 
program for large and for turbine-pow-
ered (turbojet and turboprop) multien-
gine airplanes and turbine-powered 
rotorcraft of U.S. registry when they 
are operated under this part or part 129 
or 137.) 

(b) Operations that may be conducted 

under the rules in this subpart instead 
of those in parts 121, 129, 135, and 137 of 
this chapter when common carriage is 
not involved, include— 

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