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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.533 

§ 91.533

Flight attendant require-


(a) No person may operate an air-

plane unless at least the following 
number of flight attendants are on 
board the airplane: 

(1) For airplanes having more than 19 

but less than 51 passengers on board, 
one flight attendant. 

(2) For airplanes having more than 50 

but less than 101 passengers on board, 
two flight attendants. 

(3) For airplanes having more than 

100 passengers on board, two flight at-
tendants plus one additional flight at-
tendant for each unit (or part of a unit) 
of 50 passengers above 100. 

(b) No person may serve as a flight 

attendant on an airplane when required 
by paragraph (a) of this section unless 
that person has demonstrated to the 
pilot in command familiarity with the 
necessary functions to be performed in 
an emergency or a situation requiring 
emergency evacuation and is capable of 
using the emergency equipment in-
stalled on that airplane. 

§ 91.535

Stowage of food, beverage, 

and passenger service equipment 
during aircraft movement on the 
surface, takeoff, and landing. 

(a) No operator may move an aircraft 

on the surface, take off, or land when 
any food, beverage, or tableware fur-
nished by the operator is located at 
any passenger seat. 

(b) No operator may move an aircraft 

on the surface, take off, or land unless 
each food and beverage tray and seat 
back tray table is secured in its stowed 

(c) No operator may permit an air-

craft to move on the surface, take off, 
or land unless each passenger serving 
cart is secured in its stowed position. 

(d) No operator may permit an air-

craft to move on the surface, take off, 
or land unless each movie screen that 
extends into the aisle is stowed. 

(e) Each passenger shall comply with 

instructions given by a crewmember 
with regard to compliance with this 

[Doc. No. 26142, 57 FR 42672, Sept. 15, 1992] 

§§ 91.536–91.599


Subpart G—Additional Equipment 

and Operating Requirements 
for Large and Transport Cat-
egory Aircraft 



: Docket No. 18334, 54 FR 34318, Aug. 

18, 1989, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 91.601


This subpart applies to operation of 

large and transport category U.S.-reg-
istered civil aircraft. 

§ 91.603

Aural speed warning device. 

No person may operate a transport 

category airplane in air commerce un-
less that airplane is equipped with an 
aural speed warning device that com-
plies with § 25.1303(c)(1). 

§ 91.605

Transport category civil air-

plane weight limitations. 

(a) No person may take off any trans-

port category airplane (other than a 
turbine-engine-powered airplane cer-
tificated after September 30, 1958) un-

(1) The takeoff weight does not ex-

ceed the authorized maximum takeoff 
weight for the elevation of the airport 
of takeoff; 

(2) The elevation of the airport of 

takeoff is within the altitude range for 
which maximum takeoff weights have 
been determined; 

(3) Normal consumption of fuel and 

oil in flight to the airport of intended 
landing will leave a weight on arrival 
not in excess of the authorized max-
imum landing weight for the elevation 
of that airport; and 

(4) The elevations of the airport of in-

tended landing and of all specified al-
ternate airports are within the altitude 
range for which the maximum landing 
weights have been determined. 

(b) No person may operate a turbine- 

engine-powered transport category air-
plane certificated after September 30, 
1958, contrary to the Airplane Flight 
Manual, or take off that airplane un-

(1) The takeoff weight does not ex-

ceed the takeoff weight specified in the 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.607 

Airplane Flight Manual for the ele-
vation of the airport and for the ambi-
ent temperature existing at the time of 

(2) Normal consumption of fuel and 

oil in flight to the airport of intended 
landing and to the alternate airports 
will leave a weight on arrival not in ex-
cess of the landing weight specified in 
the Airplane Flight Manual for the ele-
vation of each of the airports involved 
and for the ambient temperatures ex-
pected at the time of landing; 

(3) The takeoff weight does not ex-

ceed the weight shown in the Airplane 
Flight Manual to correspond with the 
minimum distances required for take-
off, considering the elevation of the 
airport, the runway to be used, the ef-
fective runway gradient, the ambient 
temperature and wind component at 
the time of takeoff, and, if operating 
limitations exist for the minimum dis-
tances required for takeoff from wet 
runways, the runway surface condition 
(dry or wet). Wet runway distances as-
sociated with grooved or porous fric-
tion course runways, if provided in the 
Airplane Flight Manual, may be used 
only for runways that are grooved or 
treated with a porous friction course 
(PFC) overlay, and that the operator 
determines are designed, constructed, 
and maintained in a manner acceptable 
to the Administrator. 

(4) Where the takeoff distance in-

cludes a clearway, the clearway dis-
tance is not greater than one-half of— 

(i) The takeoff run, in the case of air-

planes certificated after September 30, 
1958, and before August 30, 1959; or 

(ii) The runway length, in the case of 

airplanes certificated after August 29, 

(c) No person may take off a turbine- 

engine-powered transport category air-
plane certificated after August 29, 1959, 
unless, in addition to the requirements 
of paragraph (b) of this section— 

(1) The accelerate-stop distance is no 

greater than the length of the runway 
plus the length of the stopway (if 
present); and 

(2) The takeoff distance is no greater 

than the length of the runway plus the 
length of the clearway (if present); and 

(3) The takeoff run is no greater than 

the length of the runway. 

[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34318, Aug. 18, 1989, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–256, 63 FR 8321, Feb. 18, 

§ 91.607

Emergency exits for airplanes 

carrying passengers for hire. 

(a) Notwithstanding any other provi-

sion of this chapter, no person may op-
erate a large airplane (type certificated 
under the Civil Air Regulations effec-
tive before April 9, 1957) in passenger- 
carrying operations for hire, with more 
than the number of occupants— 

(1) Allowed under Civil Air Regula-

tions § 4b.362 (a), (b), and (c) as in effect 
on December 20, 1951; or 

(2) Approved under Special Civil Air 

Regulations SR–387, SR–389, SR–389A, 
or SR–389B, or under this section as in 

However, an airplane type listed in the 
following table may be operated with 
up to the listed number of occupants 
(including crewmembers) and the cor-
responding number of exits (including 
emergency exits and doors) approved 
for the emergency exit of passengers or 
with an occupant-exit configuration 
approved under paragraph (b) or (c) of 
this section. 

Airplane type 

Maximum num-

ber of occupants 

including all 



number of exits 

authorized for 

passenger use 

B–307 ........................

61 4 

B–377 ........................

96 9 

C–46 ..........................

67 4 

CV–240 ......................

53 6 

CV–340 and CV–440 


DC–3 .........................

35 4 

DC–3 (Super) ............


DC–4 .........................

86 5 

DC–6 .........................

87 7 

DC–6B .......................

112 11 

L–18 ...........................

17 3 

L–049, L–649, L–749 


L–1049 series ............


M–202 ........................

53 6 

M–404 ........................

53 7 

Viscount 700 series ...


(b) Occupants in addition to those au-

thorized under paragraph (a) of this 
section may be carried as follows: 

(1) For each additional floor-level 

exit at least 24 inches wide by 48 inches 
high, with an unobstructed 20-inch- 
wide access aisleway between the exit 
and the main passenger aisle, 12 addi-
tional occupants. 

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