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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.801 

(iii) Ferrying the aircraft for export 

delivery outside the United States. 

(4) Ferry, demonstration, and test 

flight of an aircraft brought to the 
United States for the purpose of dem-
onstration or testing the whole or any 
part thereof. 

[Doc. No. 18834, 54 FR 34320, Aug. 18, 1989, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–227, 56 FR 65661, Dec. 
17, 1991; Amdt. 91–296, 72 FR 31679, June 7, 

§ 91.713

Operation of civil aircraft of 

Cuban registry. 

No person may operate a civil air-

craft of Cuban registry except in con-
trolled airspace and in accordance with 
air traffic clearance or air traffic con-
trol instructions that may require use 
of specific airways or routes and land-
ings at specific airports. 

§ 91.715

Special flight authorizations 

for foreign civil aircraft. 

(a) Foreign civil aircraft may be op-

erated without airworthiness certifi-
cates required under § 91.203 if a special 
flight authorization for that operation 
is issued under this section. Applica-
tion for a special flight authorization 
must be made to the appropriate Flight 
Standards Division Manager, or Air-
craft Certification Service Division Di-
rector. However, in the case of an air-
craft to be operated in the U.S. for the 
purpose of demonstration at an air-
show, the application may be made to 
the appropriate Flight Standards Divi-
sion Manager or Aircraft Certification 
Service Division Director responsible 
for the airshow location. 

(b) The Administrator may issue a 

special flight authorization for a for-
eign civil aircraft subject to any condi-
tions and limitations that the Admin-
istrator considers necessary for safe 
operation in the U.S. airspace. 

(c) No person may operate a foreign 

civil aircraft under a special flight au-
thorization unless that operation also 
complies with part 375 of the Special 
Regulations of the Department of 
Transportation (14 CFR part 375). 

(Approved by the Office of Management and 
Budget under control number 2120–0005) 

[Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34320, Aug. 18, 1989, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–212, 54 FR 39293, Sept. 
25, 1989; Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 91–350, 
83 FR 9171, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§§ 91.717–91.799


Subpart I—Operating Noise Limits 



: Docket No. 18334, 54 FR 34321, Aug. 

18, 1989, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 91.801

Applicability: Relation to part 


(a) This subpart prescribes operating 

noise limits and related requirements 
that apply, as follows, to the operation 
of civil aircraft in the United States. 

(1) Sections 91.803, 91.805, 91.807, 

91.809, and 91.811 apply to civil subsonic 
jet (turbojet) airplanes with maximum 
weights of more than 75,000 pounds 

(i) If U.S. registered, that have stand-

ard airworthiness certificates; or 

(ii) If foreign registered, that would 

be required by this chapter to have a 
U.S. standard airworthiness certificate 
in order to conduct the operations in-
tended for the airplane were it reg-
istered in the United States. Those sec-
tions apply to operations to or from 
airports in the United States under 
this part and parts 121, 125, 129, and 135 
of this chapter. 

(2) Section 91.813 applies to U.S. oper-

ators of civil subsonic jet (turbojet) 
airplanes covered by this subpart. This 
section applies to operators operating 
to or from airports in the United 
States under this part and parts 121, 
125, and 135, but not to those operating 
under part 129 of this chapter. 

(3) Sections 91.803, 91.819, and 91.821 

apply to U.S.-registered civil super-
sonic airplanes having standard air-
worthiness certificates and to foreign- 
registered civil supersonic airplanes 
that, if registered in the United States, 
would be required by this chapter to 
have U.S. standard airworthiness cer-
tificates in order to conduct the oper-
ations intended for the airplane. Those 
sections apply to operations under this 
part and under parts 121, 125, 129, and 
135 of this chapter. 

(b) Unless otherwise specified, as 

used in this subpart ‘‘part 36’’ refers to 
14 CFR part 36, including the noise lev-
els under appendix C of that part, not-
withstanding the provisions of that 
part excepting certain airplanes from 
the specified noise requirements. For 
purposes of this subpart, the various 

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