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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 91.851 


Airport use. Except in an emer-

gency, the following apply to each per-
son who operates a civil supersonic air-
plane to or from an airport in the 
United States: 

(1) Regardless of whether a type de-

sign change approval is applied for 
under part 21 of this chapter, no person 
may land or take off an airplane cov-
ered by this section for which the type 
design is changed, after July 31, 1978, in 
a manner constituting an ‘‘acoustical 
change’’ under § 21.93 unless the acous-
tical change requirements of part 36 
are complied with. 

(2) No flight may be scheduled, or 

otherwise planned, for takeoff or land-
ing after 10 p.m. and before 7 a.m. local 

§ 91.821

Civil supersonic airplanes: 

Noise limits. 

Except for Concorde airplanes having 

flight time before January 1, 1980, no 
person may operate in the United 
States, a civil supersonic airplane that 
does not comply with Stage 2 noise 
limits of part 36 in effect on October 13, 
1977, using applicable trade-off provi-

§§ 91.823–91.849


§ 91.851


For the purposes of §§ 91.851 through 

91.877 of this subpart: 

Chapter 4 noise level means a noise 

level at or below the maximum noise 
level prescribed in Chapter 4, Para-
graph 4.4, Maximum Noise Levels, of 
the International Civil Aviation Orga-
nization (ICAO) Annex 16, Volume I, 
Amendment 7, effective March 21, 2002. 
The Director of the Federal Register in 
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 
CFR part 51 approved the incorporation 
by reference of this document, which 
can be obtained from the International 
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 
Document Sales Unit, 999 University 
Street, Montreal, Quebec H3C 5H7, Can-
ada. Also, you may obtain documents 
on the Internet at 

eshop/index.cfm. Copies may be reviewed 
at the U.S. Department of Transpor-
tation, Docket Operations, West Build-
ing Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, 
DC 20590 or at the National Archives 

and Records Administration (NARA). 
For information on the availability of 
this material at NARA, call 202–741– 
6030, or go to:














Contiguous United States means the 

area encompassed by the 48 contiguous 
United States and the District of Co-

Fleet  means those civil subsonic jet 

(turbojet) airplanes with a maximum 
certificated weight of more than 75,000 
pounds that are listed on an operator’s 
operations specifications as eligible for 
operation in the contiguous United 

Import  means a change in ownership 

of an airplane from a non-U.S. person 
to a U.S. person when the airplane is 
brought into the United States for op-

Operations specifications means an 

enumeration of airplanes by type, 
model, series, and serial number oper-
ated by the operator or foreign air car-
rier on a given day, regardless of how 
or whether such airplanes are formally 
listed or designated by the operator. 

Owner means any person that has in-

dicia of ownership sufficient to register 
the airplane in the United States pur-
suant to part 47 of this chapter. 

New entrant means an air carrier or 

foreign air carrier that, on or before 
November 5, 1990, did not conduct oper-
ations under part 121 or 129 of this 
chapter using an airplane covered by 
this subpart to or from any airport in 
the contiguous United States, but that 
initiates such operation after that 

Stage 2 noise levels mean the require-

ments for Stage 2 noise levels as de-
fined in part 36 of this chapter in effect 
on November 5, 1990. 

Stage 3 noise levels mean the require-

ments for Stage 3 noise levels as de-
fined in part 36 of this chapter in effect 
on November 5, 1990. 

Stage 4 noise level means a noise level 

at or below the Stage 4 noise limit pre-
scribed in part 36 of this chapter. 

Stage 2 airplane means a civil sub-

sonic jet (turbojet) airplane with a 
maximum certificated weight of 75,000 
pounds or more that complies with 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 91.853 

Stage 2 noise levels as defined in part 
36 of this chapter. 

Stage 3 airplane means a civil sub-

sonic jet (turbojet) airplane with a 
maximum certificated weight of 75,000 
pounds or more that complies with 
Stage 3 noise levels as defined in part 
36 of this chapter. 

Stage 4 airplane means an airplane 

that has been shown not to exceed the 
Stage 4 noise limit prescribed in part 36 
of this chapter. A Stage 4 airplane 
complies with all of the noise oper-
ating rules of this part. 

Stage 5 airplane means an airplane 

that has been shown not to exceed the 
Stage 5 noise limit prescribed in part 36 
of this chapter. A Stage 5 airplane 
complies with all of the noise oper-
ating rules of this part. 

Stage 5 noise level means a noise level 

at or below the Stage 5 noise limit pre-
scribed in part 36 of this chapter. 

[Doc. No. 26433, 56 FR 48658, Sept. 25, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 91–252, 61 FR 66185, Dec. 
16, 1996; Amdt. 91–275, 67 FR 45237, July 8, 
2002; Amdt. 91–288, 70 FR 38749, July 5, 2005; 72 
FR 68475, Dec. 5, 2007; Docket FAA–2015–3782, 
Amdt. 91–349, 82 FR 46132, Oct. 4, 2017] 

§ 91.853

Final compliance: Civil sub-

sonic airplanes. 

Except as provided in § 91.873, after 

December 31, 1999, no person shall oper-
ate to or from any airport in the con-
tiguous United States any airplane 
subject to § 91.801(c), unless that air-
plane has been shown to comply with 
Stage 3, Stage 4, or Stage 5 noise lev-

[Docket FAA–2015–3782, Amdt. 91–349, 82 FR 
46132, Oct. 4, 2017] 

§ 91.855

Entry and nonaddition rule. 

No person may operate any airplane 

subject to § 91.801(c) of this subpart to 
or from an airport in the contiguous 
United States unless one or more of the 
following apply: 

(a) The airplane complies with Stage 

3, Stage 4, or Stage 5 noise levels. 

(b) The airplane complies with Stage 

2 noise levels and was owned by a U.S. 
person on and since November 5, 1990. 
Stage 2 airplanes that meet these cri-
teria and are leased to foreign airlines 
are also subject to the return provi-
sions of paragraph (e) of this section. 

(c) The airplane complies with Stage 

2 noise levels, is owned by a non-U.S. 
person, and is the subject of a binding 
lease to a U.S. person effective before 
and on September 25, 1991. Any such 
airplane may be operated for the term 
of the lease in effect on that date, and 
any extensions thereof provided for in 
that lease. 

(d) The airplane complies with Stage 

2 noise levels and is operated by a for-
eign air carrier. 

(e) The airplane complies with Stage 

2 noise levels and is operated by a for-
eign operator other than for the pur-
pose of foreign air commerce. 

(f) The airplane complies with Stage 

2 noise levels and— 

(1) On November 5, 1990, was owned 


(i) A corporation, trust, or partner-

ship organized under the laws of the 
United States or any State (including 
individual States, territories, posses-
sions, and the District of Columbia); 

(ii) An individual who is a citizen of 

the United States; or 

(iii) An entity owned or controlled by 

a corporation, trust, partnership, or in-
dividual described in paragraph (f)(1) (i) 
or (ii) of this section; and 

(2) Enters into the United States not 

later than 6 months after the expira-
tion of a lease agreement (including 
any extensions thereof) between an 
owner described in paragraph (f)(1) of 
this section and a foreign airline. 

(g) The airplane complies with Stage 

2 noise levels and was purchased by the 
importer under a written contract exe-
cuted before November 5, 1990. 

(h) Any Stage 2 airplane described in 

this section is eligible for operation in 
the contiguous United States only as 
provided under § 91.865 or 91.867. 

[Doc. No. 26433, 56 FR 48658, Sept. 25, 1991; 56 
FR 51167, Oct. 10, 1991, as amended by Amdt. 
91–288, 70 FR 38750, July 5, 2005; Docket FAA– 
2015–3782, Amdt. 91–349, 82 FR 46132, Oct. 4, 

§ 91.857

Stage 2 operations outside of 

the 48 contiguous United States. 

An operator of a Stage 2 airplane 

that is operating only between points 
outside the contiguous United States 
on or after November 5, 1990, must in-
clude in its operations specifications a 
statement that such airplane may not 

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