Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 93.129
(2) [Reserved]
(3) The allocation of 37 IFR reserva-
tions per hour for air carriers except
commuters at Washington National
Airport does not include charter
flights, or other nonscheduled flights of
scheduled or supplemental air carriers.
These flights may be conducted with-
out regard to the limitation of 37 IFR
reservations per hour.
(4) The allocation of IFR reservations
for air carriers except commuters at
LaGuardia, Newark, O’Hare, and Wash-
ington National Airports does not in-
clude extra sections of scheduled
flights. The allocation of IFR reserva-
tions for scheduled commuters at
Washington National Airport does not
include extra sections of scheduled
flights. These flights may be conducted
without regard to the limitation upon
the hourly IFR reservations at those
(5) Any reservation allocated to, but
not taken by, air carrier operations
(except commuters) is available for a
scheduled commuter operation.
(6) Any reservation allocated to, but
not taken by, air carrier operations
(except commuters) or scheduled com-
muter operations is available for other
(c) For purposes of this subpart—
(1) The number of operations allo-
cated to
air carriers except commuters, as
used in paragraph (a) of this section re-
fers to the number of operations con-
ducted by air carriers with turboprop
and reciprocating engine aircraft hav-
ing a certificated maximum passenger
seating capacity of 75 or more or with
turbojet powered aircraft having a cer-
tificated maximum passenger seating
capacity of 56 or more, or, if used for
cargo service in air transportation,
with any aircraft having a maximum
payload capacity of 18,000 pounds or
(2) The number of operations allo-
cated to scheduled commuters, as used
in paragraph (a) of this section, refers
to the number of operations conducted
by air carriers with turboprop and re-
ciprocating engine aircraft having a
certificated maximum passenger seat-
ing capacity of less than 75 or by tur-
bojet aircraft having a certificated
maximum passenger seating capacity
of less than 56, or if used for cargo serv-
ice in air transportation, with any air-
craft having a maximum payload ca-
pacity of less than 18,000 pounds. For
purposes of aircraft operations at Ron-
ald Reagan Washington National Air-
port, the term ‘‘commuters’’ means
aircraft operations using aircraft hav-
ing a certificated maximum seating ca-
pacity of 76 or less.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of
paragraph (c)(2) of this section, a lim-
ited number of operations allocated for
‘‘scheduled commuters’’ under para-
graph (a) of this section may be con-
ducted with aircraft described in
§ 93.221(e) of this part pursuant to the
requirements of § 93.221(e).
[Doc. No. 9113, 34 FR 2603, Feb. 26, 1969, as
amended by Amdt. 93–37, 45 FR 62408, Sept.
18, 1980; Amdt. 93–44, 46 FR 58048, Nov. 27,
1981; Amdt. 93–46, 49 FR 8244, Mar. 6, 1984;
Amdt. 93–57, 54 FR 34906, Aug. 22, 1989; 54 FR
37303, Sept. 8, 1989; Amdt. 93–59, 54 FR 39843,
Sept. 28, 1989; Amdt. 93–62, 56 FR 41207, Aug.
19, 1991; Amdt. 93–78, 64 FR 53564, Oct. 1, 1999;
Amdt. 93–84, 70 FR 29063, May 19, 2005]
§ 93.125
Arrival or departure reserva-
Except between 12 Midnight and 6
a.m. local time, no person may operate
an aircraft to or from an airport des-
ignated as a high density traffic air-
port unless he has received, for that op-
eration, an arrival or departure res-
ervation from ATC.
[Doc. No. 9974, 37 FR 22794, Oct. 25, 1972]
§ 93.129
Additional operations.
IFR. The operator of an aircraft
may take off or land the aircraft under
IFR at a designated high density traf-
fic airport without regard to the max-
imum number of operations allocated
for that airport if the operation is not
a scheduled operation to or from a high
density airport and he obtains a depar-
ture or arrival reservation, as appro-
priate, from ATC. The reservation is
granted by ATC whenever the aircraft
may be accommodated without signifi-
cant additional delay to the operations
allocated for the airport for which the
reservations is requested.
VFR. The operator of an aircraft
may take off and land the aircraft
under VFR at a designated high den-
sity traffic airport without regard to
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