14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 93.219
(b) Canadian carriers shall have a
guaranteed base level of slots of 42
slots at LaGuardia, 36 slots at O’Hare
for the Sumner season, and 32 slots at
O’Hare in the Winter season.
(c) Any modification to the slot base
by the Government of Canada or the
Canadian carriers that results in a de-
crease of the guaranteed base in para-
graph (b) of this section shall perma-
nently modify the base number of
[Doc. No. FAA–1999–4971, 64 FR 53565, Oct. 1,
§ 93.219
Allocation of slots for essential
air service operations and applica-
ble limitations.
Whenever the Office of the Secretary
of Transportation determines that
slots are needed for operations to or
from a High Density Traffic Airport
under the Department of Transpor-
tation’s Essential Air Service (EAS)
Program, those slots shall be provided
to the designated air carrier or com-
muter operator subject to the following
(a) Slots obtained under this section
may not be bought, sold, leased or oth-
erwise transferred, except that such
slots may be traded for other slots on a
one-for-one basis at the same airport.
(b) Any slot obtained under this sec-
tion must be returned to the FAA if it
will not be used for EAS purposes for
more than a 2-week period. A slot re-
turned under this paragraph may be re-
allocated to the operator which re-
turned it upon request to the FAA of-
fice specified in § 93.221(a)(1) if that slot
has not been reallocated to an operator
to provide substitute essential air serv-
(c) Slots shall be allocated for EAS
purposes in a time period within 90
minutes of the time period requested.
(d) The Department will not honor
requests for slots for EAS purposes to a
point if the requesting carrier has pre-
viously traded away or sold slots it had
used or obtained for use in providing
essential air service to that point.
(e) Slots obtained under Civil Aero-
nautics Board Order No. 84–11–40 shall
be considered to have been obtained
under this section.
§ 93.221
Transfer of slots.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in
this subpart, effective April 1, 1986,
slots may be bought, sold or leased for
any consideration and any time period
and they may be traded in any com-
bination for slots at the same airport
or any other high density traffic air-
port. Transfers, including leases, shall
comply with the following conditions:
(1) Requests for confirmation must be
submitted in writing to Slot Adminis-
tration Office, AGC–230, Office of the
Chief Counsel, Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration, 800 Independence Ave.,
SW., Washington, DC 20591, in a format
to be prescribed by the Administrator.
Requests will provide the names of the
transferor and recipient; business ad-
dress and telephone number of the per-
sons representing the transferor and
recipient; whether the slot is to be used
for an arrival or departure; the date
the slot was acquired by the transferor;
the section of this subpart under which
the slot was allocated to the trans-
feror; whether the slot has been used
by the transferor for international or
essential air service operations; and
whether the slot will be used by the re-
cipient for international or essential
air service operations. After with-
drawal priorities have been established
under § 93.223 of this part, the requests
must include the slot designations of
the transferred slots as described in
§ 93.223(b)(5).
(2) The slot transferred must come
from the transferor’s then-current
FAA-approved base.
(3) Written evidence of each trans-
feror’s consent to the transfer must be
provided to the FAA.
(4) The recipient of a transferred slot
may not use the slot until written con-
firmation has been received from the
(5)(i) Until a slot obtained by a new
entrant or limited incumbent carrier in
a lottery held under § 93.225 after June
1, 1991, has been used by the carrier
that obtained it for a continuous 24-
month period after the lottery in ac-
cordance with § 93.227(a), that slot may
be transferred only by trade for one or
more slots at the same airport or to
other new entrant or limited incum-
bent carriers under § 93.221(a)(5)(iii).
This transfer restriction shall apply to
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