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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 93.59 

thence clockwise along the 4.7-mile ra-
dius of Elmendorf AFB to long. 





W.; thence south along long. 






W. to lat. 61





N.; thence 

to lat. 61





N., long. 149






thence to lat. 61





N., long. 






W.; thence south along long. 






W. to the Glenn Highway; 

thence south and west along the Glenn 
Highway to Muldoon Road; thence di-
rect to the mouth of Ship Creek; 
thence direct to the point of beginning. 


Bryant segment. That area from 

the surface to and including 2,000 feet 
MSL, within a line beginning at lat. 





N., long. 149





W.; thence 

west along lat. 61





N., to long. 






W.; thence south along long. 






W., to the Glenn Highway; 

thence north and east along the Glenn 
Highway to Ski Bowl Road; thence 
southeast along the Ski Bowl Road to 
a point one-half mile south of the 
Glenn Highway; thence north and east 
one-half mile south of and parallel to 
the Glenn Highway to its intersection 
with a line one-half mile east of and 
parallel to the Bryant Airport Runway 
16/34 extended centerline; thence north-
east along a line one-half mile east of 
and parallel to Bryant Airport runway 
16/34 extended centerline to the point of 


Seward Highway segment. That 

area from the surface to and including 
4,100 feet MSL, within a line beginning 
at the intersection of a line bearing 


from the intersection of the new 

Seward Highway and International Air-
port Road, and O’Malley Road; thence 
east along O’Malley Road to its inter-
section with Lake Otis Park Way, lat. 





N., long 149





W.; thence 

northerly along Lake Otis Park Way to 
its intersection with Abbott Road, lat. 





N., long. 149





W.; thence 

east along Abbott Road to its intersec-
tion with Abbott Loop Road, lat. 





N., long. 149





W.; thence 

due north to intersect with Tudor 
Road, lat. 61





N., long. 149





W.; thence west along Tudor Road to 
its intersection with the new Seward 
Highway, lat. 61





N., long. 






W.; thence south along the 

new Seward Highway to its intersec-
tion with a line bearing 180


and 360


from the intersection of the new Sew-
ard Highway and International Airport 

Road; thence south to the point of be-

[Doc. No. 29029, 64 FR 14976, Mar. 29, 1999; 
Amdt. 93–77, 64 FR 17439, Apr. 9, 1999] 

§ 93.57

General rules: All segments. 

(a) Each person operating an aircraft 

to, from, or on an airport within the 
Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area 
shall operate that aircraft according to 
the rules set forth in this section and 
§§ 93.59, 93.61, 93.63, 93.65, 93.67, or 93.68 
as applicable, unless otherwise author-
ized or required by ATC. 

(b) Each person operating an airplane 

within the Anchorage, Alaska Ter-
minal Area shall conform to the flow of 
traffic depicted on the appropriate 
aeronautical charts. 

(c) Each person operating a heli-

copter shall operate it in a manner so 
as to avoid the flow of airplanes. 

(d) Except as provided in § 93.65 (d) 

and (e), and § 93.67(b), each person oper-
ating an aircraft in the Anchorage, 
Alaska, Terminal Area shall operate 
that aircraft only within the des-
ignated segment containing the arrival 
or departure airport. 

(e) Except as provided in §§ 93.63(d) 

and 93.67(b), each person operating an 
aircraft in the Anchorage, Alaska, Ter-
minal Area shall maintain two-way 
radio communications with the ATCT 
serving the segment containing the ar-
rival or departure airport. 

§ 93.59

General rules: International 


(a) No person may operate an aircraft 

at an altitude between 1,200 feet MSL 
and 2,000 feet MSL in that portion of 
this segment lying north of the 
midchannel of Knik Arm. 

(b) Each person operating an airplane 

at a speed of more than 105 knots with-
in this segment (except that part de-
scribed in paragraph (a) of this section) 
shall operate that airplane at an alti-
tude of at least 1,600 feet MSL until 
maneuvering for a safe landing requires 
further descent. 

(c) Each person operating an airplane 

at a speed of 105 knots or less within 
this segment (except that part de-
scribed in paragraph (a) of this section) 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 93.61 

shall operate that airplane at an alti-
tude of at least 900 feet MSL until ma-
neuvering for a safe landing requires 
further descent. 

§ 93.61

General rules: Lake Hood seg-


(a) No person may operate an aircraft 

at an altitude between 1,200 feet MSL 
and 2,000 feet MSL in that portion of 
this segment lying north of the 
midchannel of Knik Arm. 

(b) Each person operating an airplane 

within this segment (except that part 
described in paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion) shall operate that airplane at an 
altitude of at least 600 feet MSL until 
maneuvering for a safe landing requires 
further descent. 

§ 93.63

General rules: Merrill segment. 

(a) No person may operate an aircraft 

at an altitude between 600 feet MSL 
and 2,000 feet MSL in that portion of 
this segment lying north of the 
midchannel of Knik Arm. 

(b) Each person operating an airplane 

at a speed of more than 105 knots with-
in this segment (except for that part 
described in paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion) shall operate that airplane at an 
altitude of at least 1,200 feet MSL until 
maneuvering for a safe landing requires 
further descent. 

(c) Each person operating an airplane 

at a speed of 105 knots or less within 
this segment (except for that part de-
scribed in paragraph (a) of this section) 
shall operate that airplane at an alti-
tude of at least 900 feet MSL until ma-
neuvering for a safe landing requires 
further descent. 

(d) Whenever the Merrill ATCT is not 

operating, each person operating an 
aircraft either in that portion of the 
Merrill segment north of midchannel of 
Knik Arm, or in the Seward Highway 
segment at or below 1200 feet MSL, 
shall contact Anchorage Approach Con-
trol for wake turbulence and other 
advisories. Aircraft operating within 
the remainder of the segment should 
self-announce intentions on the Merrill 
Field CTAF. 

§ 93.65

General rules: Elmendorf seg-


(a) Each person operating a turbine- 

powered aircraft within this segment 

shall operate that aircraft at an alti-
tude of at least 1,700 feet MSL until 
maneuvering for a safe landing requires 
further descent. 

(b) Each person operating an airplane 

(other than turbine-powered aircraft) 
at a speed of more than 105 knots with-
in this segment shall operate that air-
plane at an altitude of at least 1,200 
feet MSL until maneuvering for a safe 
landing requires further descent. 

(c) Each person operating an airplane 

(other than turbine-powered aircraft) 
at a speed of 105 knots or less within 
the segment shall operate that airplane 
at an altitude of at least 800 feet MSL 
until maneuvering for a safe landing 
requires further descent. 

(d) A person landing or departing 

from Elmendorf AFB, may operate that 
aircraft at an altitude between 1,500 
feet MSL and 1,700 feet MSL within 
that portion of the International and 
Lake Hood segments lying north of the 
midchannel of Knik Arm. 

(e) A person landing or departing 

from Elmendorf AFB, may operate that 
aircraft at an altitude between 900 feet 
MSL and 1,700 feet MSL within that 
portion of the Merrill segment lying 
north of the midchannel of Knik Arm. 

(f) A person operating in VFR condi-

tions, at or below 600 feet MSL, north 
of a line beginning at the intersection 
of Farrell Road and the long. 149





W.; thence west along Farrell Road to 
the east end of Sixmile Lake; thence 
west along a line bearing on the middle 
of Lake Lorraine to the northwest 
bank of Knik Arm; is not required to 
establish two-way radio communica-
tions with ATC. 

[Doc. No. 29029, 64 FR 14977, Mar. 29, 1999; 
Amdt. 93–77, 64 FR 17439, Apr. 9, 1999] 

§ 93.67

General rules: Bryant segment. 

(a) Each person operating an airplane 

to or from the Bryant Airport shall 
conform to the flow of traffic shown on 
the appropriate aeronautical charts, 
and while in the traffic pattern, shall 
operate that airplane at an altitude of 
at least 1,000 feet MSL until maneu-
vering for a safe landing requires fur-
ther descent. 

(b) Each person operating an aircraft 

within the Bryant segment should self- 
announce intentions on the Bryant 
Airport CTAF. 

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