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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 99.7 

§ 99.7

Special security instructions. 

Each person operating an aircraft in 

an ADIZ or Defense Area must, in addi-
tion to the applicable rules of this part, 
comply with special security instruc-
tions issued by the Administrator in 
the interest of national security, pur-
suant to agreement between the FAA 
and the Department of Defense, or be-
tween the FAA and a U.S. Federal se-
curity or intelligence agency. 

[69 FR 16756, Mar. 30, 2004] 

§ 99.9

Radio requirements. 

(a) A person who operates a civil air-

craft into an ADIZ must have a func-
tioning two-way radio, and the pilot 
must maintain a continuous listening 
watch on the appropriate aeronautical 
facility’s frequency. 

(b) No person may operate an aircraft 

into, within, or whose departure point 
is within an ADIZ unless— 

(1) The person files a DVFR flight 

plan containing the time and point of 
ADIZ penetration, and 

(2) The aircraft departs within five 

minutes of the estimated departure 
time contained in the flight plan. 

(c) If the pilot operating an aircraft 

under DVFR in an ADIZ cannot main-
tain two-way radio communications, 
the pilot may proceed, in accordance 
with original DVFR flight plan, or land 
as soon as practicable. The pilot must 
report the radio failure to an appro-
priate aeronautical facility as soon as 

(d) If a pilot operating an aircraft 

under IFR in an ADIZ cannot maintain 
two-way radio communications, the 
pilot must proceed in accordance with 
§ 91.185 of this chapter. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2001–10693, 66 FR 49822, Sept. 
28, 2001, as amended at 69 FR 16756, Mar. 30, 

§ 99.11

ADIZ flight plan requirements. 

(a) No person may operate an aircraft 

into, within, or from a departure point 
within an ADIZ, unless the person files, 
activates, and closes a flight plan with 
the appropriate aeronautical facility, 
or is otherwise authorized by air traffic 

(b) Unless ATC authorizes an abbre-

viated flight plan— 

(1) A flight plan for IFR flight must 

contain the information specified in 
§ 91.169; and 

(2) A flight plan for VFR flight must 

contain the information specified in 
§ 91.153(a) (1) through (6). 

(3) If airport of departure is within 

the Alaskan ADIZ and there is no facil-
ity for filing a flight plan then: 

(i) Immediately after takeoff or when 

within range of an appropriate aero-
nautical facility, comply with provi-
sions of paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) as ap-

(ii) Proceed according to the instruc-

tions issued by the appropriate aero-
nautical facility. 

(c) The pilot shall designate a flight 

plan for VFR flight as a DVFR flight 

(d) The pilot in command of an air-

craft for which a flight plan has been 
filed must file an arrival or completion 
notice with an appropriate aero-
nautical facility. 

[Doc. No. 25113, 53 FR 18217, May 20, 1988; 53 
FR 44182, Nov. 2, 1988, as amended by Amdt. 
99–15, 54 FR 34331, Aug. 18, 1989; 66 FR 49822, 
Sept. 28, 2001; 69 FR 16756, Mar. 30, 2004] 

§ 99.12


§ 99.13

Transponder-on requirements. 


Aircraft transponder-on operation. 

Each person operating an aircraft into 
or out of the United States into, with-
in, or across an ADIZ designated in 
subpart B of this part, if that aircraft 
is equipped with an operable radar bea-
con transponder, shall operate the 
transponder, including altitude encod-
ing equipment if installed, and shall 
reply on the appropriate code or as as-
signed by ATC. 


ATC transponder equipment and 

use.  Effective September 7, 1990, unless 
otherwise authorized by ATC, no per-
son may operate a civil aircraft into or 
out of the United States into, within, 
or across the contiguous U.S. ADIZ 
designated in subpart B of this part un-
less that aircraft is equipped with a 
coded radar beacon transponder. 


ATC transponder and altitude re-

porting equipment and use. Effective De-
cember 30, 1990, unless otherwise au-
thorized by ATC, no person may oper-
ate a civil aircraft into or out of the 
United States into, within, or across 

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