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Transportation Security Administration, DHS 

§ 1544.217 












locations.html.  In ad-

dition, ASTM Standard F792–88 (Re-
approved 1993) may be obtained from 
the American Society for Testing and 
Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West 
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959. 


Duty time limitations. Each aircraft 

operator must comply with the X-ray 
operator duty time limitations speci-
fied in its security program. 

[67 FR 8364, Feb. 22, 2002, as amended at 69 
FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004] 

§ 1544.213

Use of explosives detection 



Use of explosive detection equip-

ment.  If TSA so requires by an amend-
ment to an aircraft operator’s security 
program, each aircraft operator re-
quired to conduct screening under a se-
curity program must use an explosives 
detection system approved by TSA to 
screen checked baggage on inter-
national flights. 


Signs and inspection of photo-

graphic equipment and film. (1) At loca-
tions at which an aircraft operator or 
TSA uses an explosives detection sys-
tem that uses X-ray technology to in-
spect checked baggage the aircraft op-
erator must ensure that a sign is post-
ed in a conspicuous place where the 
aircraft operator accepts checked bag-
gage. The sign must notify individuals 
that such items are being inspected by 
an explosives detection system and ad-
vise them to remove all X-ray, sci-
entific, and high-speed film from 
checked baggage before inspection. 
This sign must also advise individuals 
that they may request that an inspec-
tion be made of their photographic 
equipment and film packages without 
exposure to an explosives detection 

(2) If the explosives detection system 

exposes any checked baggage to more 
than one milliroentgen during the in-
spection the aircraft operator must 
post a sign which advises individuals to 
remove film of all kinds from their ar-
ticles before inspection. If requested by 
individuals, their photographic equip-
ment and film packages must be in-
spected without exposure to an explo-
sives detection system. 

§ 1544.215

Security coordinators. 


Aircraft Operator Security Coordi-

nator. Each aircraft operator must des-
ignate and use an Aircraft Operator Se-
curity Coordinator (AOSC). The AOSC 
and any alternates must be appointed 
at the corporate level and must serve 
as the aircraft operator’s primary con-
tact for security-related activities and 
communications with TSA, as set forth 
in the security program. Either the 
AOSC, or an alternate AOSC, must be 
available on a 24-hour basis. 


Ground Security Coordinator. Each 

aircraft operator must designate and 
use a Ground Security Coordinator for 
each domestic and international flight 
departure to carry out the Ground Se-
curity Coordinator duties specified in 
the aircraft operator’s security pro-
gram. The Ground Security Coordi-
nator at each airport must conduct the 
following daily: 

(1) A review of all security-related 

functions for which the aircraft oper-
ator is responsible, for effectiveness 
and compliance with this part, the air-
craft operator’s security program, and 
applicable Security Directives. 

(2) Immediate initiation of corrective 

action for each instance of noncompli-
ance with this part, the aircraft opera-
tor’s security program, and applicable 
Security Directives. At foreign airports 
where such security measures are pro-
vided by an agency or contractor of a 
host government, the aircraft operator 
must notify TSA for assistance in re-
solving noncompliance issues. 


In-flight Security Coordinator. Each 

aircraft operator must designate and 
use the pilot in command as the In- 
flight Security Coordinator for each 
domestic and international flight to 
perform duties specified in the aircraft 
operator’s security program. 

§ 1544.217

Law enforcement personnel. 

(a) The following applies to oper-

ations at airports within the United 
States that are not required to hold a 
security program under part 1542 of 
this chapter. 

(1) For operations described in 

§ 1544.101(a) each aircraft operator must 
provide for law enforcement personnel 
meeting the qualifications and stand-
ards specified in §§ 1542.215 and 1542.217 
of this chapter. 

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skersey on DSK4WB1RN3PROD with CFR