Code of Federal Regulations

Title 49 - Transportation
Volume: 9Date: 2023-10-01Original Date: 2023-10-01Title: Section 1544.228 - Access to cargo and cargo screening: Security threat assessments for cargo personnel in the United States.Context: Title 49 - Transportation. Subtitle B - Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued). CHAPTER XII - TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. SUBCHAPTER C - CIVIL AVIATION SECURITY. PART 1544 - AIRCRAFT OPERATOR SECURITY: AIR CARRIERS AND COMMERCIAL OPERATORS. Subpart C - Operations.
§ 1544.228 Access to cargo and cargo screening: Security threat assessments for cargo personnel in the United States. This section applies in the United States to each aircraft operator operating under a full program under § 1544.101(a) or a full all-cargo program under § 1544.101(h). (a) Before an aircraft operator authorizes and before an individual performs a function described in paragraph (b) of this section— (1) Each individual must successfully complete a security threat assessment or comparable security threat assessment described in part 1540 subpart C of this chapter; and (2) Each aircraft operator must complete the requirements in part 1540 subpart C. (b) The security threat assessment required in paragraph (a) of this section applies to the following: (1) Each individual who has unescorted access to cargo and access to information that such cargo will be transported on a passenger aircraft; or who has unescorted access to cargo that has been screened for transport on a passenger aircraft; or who performs certain functions related to the transportation, dispatch, or security of cargo for transport on a passenger aircraft or all-cargo aircraft, as specified in the aircraft operator's security program; from the time—
Code of Federal Regulations / Title 49 - Transportation / Vol. 9 / 2023-10-01358
(i) The cargo reaches a location where an aircraft operator with a full all-cargo program consolidates or inspects it pursuant to security program requirements until the cargo enters an airport Security Identification Display Area or is transferred to another TSA-regulated aircraft operator, foreign air carrier, or indirect air carrier; or (ii) An aircraft operator with a full program accepts the cargo until the cargo— (A) Enters an airport Security Identification Display Area; (B) Is removed from the destination airport; or (C) Is transferred to another TSA-regulated aircraft operator, foreign air carrier, or indirect air carrier. (2) Each individual the aircraft operator authorizes to screen cargo or to supervise the screening of cargo under § 1544.205. [74 FR 47704, Sept. 16, 2009]