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49 CFR Ch. XII (10–1–23 Edition) 

§ 1552.5 

§ 1552.5



Imposition of fees. The following 

fee is required for TSA to conduct a se-
curity threat assessment for a can-
didate for flight training subject to the 
requirements of § 1552.3: $130. 


Remittance of fees. (1) A candidate 

must remit the fee required under this 
subpart to TSA, in a form and manner 
acceptable to TSA, each time the can-
didate or the flight school is required 
to submit the information required 
under § 1552.3 to TSA. 

(2) TSA will not issue any fee re-

funds, unless a fee was paid in error. 

Subpart B—Flight School Security 

Awareness Training 

§ 1552.21

Scope and definitions. 


Scope.  This subpart applies to 

flight schools that provide instruction 
under 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, Part A, in 
the operation of aircraft or aircraft 
simulators, and to employees of such 
flight schools. 


Definitions:  As used in this sub-


Flight school employee means a flight 

instructor or ground instructor certifi-
cated under 14 CFR part 61, 141, or 142; 
a chief instructor certificated under 14 
CFR part 141; a director of training cer-
tificated under 14 CFR part 142; or any 
other person employed by a flight 
school, including an independent con-
tractor, who has direct contact with a 
flight school student. This includes an 
independent or solo flight instructor 
certificated under 14 CFR part 61. 

§ 1552.23

Security awareness training 



General.  A flight school must en-

sure that— 

(1) Each of its flight school employ-

ees receives initial and recurrent secu-
rity awareness training in accordance 
with this subpart; and 

(2) If an instructor is conducting the 

initial security awareness training pro-
gram, the instructor has first success-
fully completed the initial flight 
school security awareness training pro-
gram offered by TSA or an alternative 
initial flight school security awareness 
training program that meets the cri-
teria of paragraph (c) of this section. 


Initial security awareness training 

program. (1) A flight school must ensure 

(i) Each flight school employee em-

ployed on January 18, 2005 receives ini-
tial security awareness training in ac-
cordance with this subpart by January 
18, 2005; and 

(ii) Each flight school employee hired 

after January 18, 2005 receives initial 
security awareness training within 60 
days of being hired. 

(2) In complying with paragraph 

(b)(2) of this section, a flight school 
may use either: 

(i) The initial flight school security 

awareness training program offered by 
TSA; or 

(ii) An alternative initial flight 

school security awareness training pro-
gram that meets the criteria of para-
graph (c) of this section. 


Alternative initial security aware-

ness training program. At a minimum, 
an alternative initial security aware-
ness training program must— 

(1) Require active participation by 

the flight school employee receiving 
the training. 

(2) Provide situational scenarios re-

quiring the flight school employee re-
ceiving the training to assess specific 
situations and determine appropriate 
courses of action. 

(3) Contain information that enables 

a flight school employee to identify— 

(i) Uniforms and other identification, 

if any are required at the flight school, 
for flight school employees or other 
persons authorized to be on the flight 
school grounds. 

(ii) Behavior by clients and cus-

tomers that may be considered sus-
picious, including, but not limited to: 

(A) Excessive or unusual interest in 

restricted airspace or restricted ground 

(B) Unusual questions or interest re-

garding aircraft capabilities; 

(C) Aeronautical knowledge incon-

sistent with the client or customer’s 
existing airman credentialing; and 

(D) Sudden termination of the client 

or customer’s instruction. 

(iii) Behavior by other on-site per-

sons that may be considered sus-
picious, including, but not limited to: 

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