49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition)
§ 172.202
paper document is produced, the data
must be presented as required by this
(ii) The offeror must forward the
shipping paper (record) for a loaded
movement to the carrier prior to ship-
ment unless the carrier prepares the
shipping paper on behalf of the offeror.
The offeror is only relieved of the duty
to forward the shipping paper once the
offeror has received a copy of the ship-
ping paper from the carrier;
(iii) A carrier that generates a res-
idue shipping paper using information
from the previous loaded movement of
a hazardous materials packaging must
ensure the description of the hazardous
material that accompanies the ship-
ment complies with the offeror’s re-
quest; and
The carrier and the
offeror must have a procedure by which
the offeror can verify accuracy of the
transmitted hazard communication in-
formation that will accompany the
(b) [Reserved]
Continuation page.
A shipping
paper may consist of more than one
page, if each page is consecutively
numbered and the first page bears a no-
tation specifying the total number of
pages included in the shipping paper.
For example, ‘‘Page 1 of 4 pages.’’
Emergency response telephone num-
Except as provided in § 172.604(d), a
shipping paper must contain an emer-
gency response telephone number and,
if utilizing an emergency response in-
formation telephone number service
provider, identify the person (by name
or contract number) who has a contrac-
tual agreement with the service pro-
vider, as prescribed in subpart G of this
Retention and Recordkeeping.
person who provides a shipping paper
must retain a copy of the shipping
paper required by § 172.200(a), or an
electronic image thereof, that is acces-
sible at or through its principal place
of business and must make the ship-
ping paper available, upon request, to
an authorized official of a Federal,
State, or local government agency at
reasonable times and locations. For a
hazardous waste, the shipping paper
copy must be retained for three years
after the material is accepted by the
initial carrier. For all other hazardous
materials, the shipping paper must be
retained for two years after the mate-
rial is accepted by the initial carrier.
Each shipping paper copy must include
the date of acceptance by the initial
carrier, except that, for rail, vessel, or
air shipments, the date on the ship-
ment waybill, airbill, or bill of lading
may be used in place of the date of ac-
ceptance by the initial carrier. A
motor carrier (as defined in § 390.5 of
subchapter B of chapter III of subtitle
B) using a shipping paper without
change for multiple shipments of one
or more hazardous materials having
the same shipping name and identifica-
tion number may retain a single copy
of the shipping paper, instead of a copy
for each shipment made, if the carrier
also retains a record of each shipment
made, to include shipping name, identi-
fication number, quantity transported,
and date of shipment.
[Amdt. 172–29A, 41 FR 40677, Sept. 20, 1976]
: For F
tations affecting § 172.201, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the
Finding Aids section of the printed volume
and at
§ 172.202
Description of hazardous ma-
terial on shipping papers.
(a) The shipping description of a haz-
ardous material on the shipping paper
must include:
(1) The identification number pre-
scribed for the material as shown in
Column (4) of the § 172.101 table;
(2) The proper shipping name pre-
scribed for the material in Column (2)
of the § 172.101 table;
(3) The hazard class or division num-
ber prescribed for the material, as
shown in Column (3) of the § 172.101
table. The subsidiary hazard class or
division number is not required to be
entered when a corresponding sub-
sidiary hazard label is not required. Ex-
cept for combustible liquids, the sub-
sidiary hazard class(es) or subsidiary
division number(s) must be entered in
parentheses immediately following the
primary hazard class or division num-
ber. In addition—
(i) The words ‘‘Class’’ or ‘‘Division’’
may be included preceding the primary
and subsidiary hazard class or division
Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT
§ 172.202
(ii) The hazard class need not be in-
cluded for the entry ‘‘Combustible liq-
uid, n.o.s.’’
(iii) For domestic shipments, pri-
mary and subsidiary hazard class or di-
vision names may be entered following
the numerical hazard class or division,
or following the basic description.
(4) The packing group in Roman nu-
merals, as designated for the hazardous
material in Column (5) of the § 172.101
table. Class 1 (explosives) materials;
self-reactive substances; Division 5.2
materials; and entries that are not as-
signed a packing group (
Class 7)
are excepted from this requirement.
The packing group may be preceded by
the letters ‘‘PG’’ (for example, ‘‘PG
II’’); and
(5) Except for transportation by air-
craft, the total quantity of hazardous
materials covered by the description
must be indicated (by mass or volume,
or by activity for Class 7 materials)
and must include an indication of the
applicable unit of measurement, for ex-
ample, ‘‘200 kg’’ (440 pounds) or ‘‘50 L’’
(13 gallons). The following provisions
also apply:
(i) For Class 1 materials, the quan-
tity must be the net explosive mass.
For an explosive that is an article,
such as Cartridges, small arms, the net
explosive mass may be expressed in
terms of the net mass of either the ar-
ticle or the explosive materials con-
tained in the article.
(ii) For hazardous materials in sal-
vage packaging, an estimate of the
total quantity is acceptable.
(iii) The following are excepted from
the requirements of paragraph (a)(5) of
this section:
(A) Bulk packages, provided some in-
dication of the total quantity is shown,
for example, ‘‘1 cargo tank’’ or ‘‘2
(B) Cylinders, provided some indica-
tion of the total quantity is shown, for
example, ‘‘10 cylinders.’’
(C) Packages containing only residue.
(6) For transportation by aircraft,
the total net mass per package, must
be shown unless a gross mass is indi-
cated in Columns (9A) or (9B) of the
§ 172.101 table in which case the total
gross mass per package must be shown;
or, for Class 7 materials, the quantity
of radioactive material must be shown
by activity. The following provisions
also apply:
(i) For empty uncleaned packaging,
only the number and type of packaging
must be shown;
(ii) For chemical kits and first aid
kits, the total net mass of hazardous
materials must be shown. Where the
kits contain only liquids, or solids and
liquids, the net mass of liquids within
the kits is to be calculated on a 1 to 1
basis, i.e., 1 L (0.3 gallons) equals 1 kg
(2.2 pounds);
(iii) For dangerous goods in machin-
ery or apparatus, the individual total
quantities or an estimate of the indi-
vidual total quantities of dangerous
goods in solid, liquid or gaseous state,
contained in the article must be shown;
(iv) For dangerous goods transported
in a salvage packaging, an estimate of
the quantity of dangerous goods per
package must be shown;
(v) For cylinders, total quantity may
be indicated by the number of cyl-
inders, for example, ‘‘10 cylinders;’’
(vi) For items where ‘‘No Limit’’ is
shown in Column (9A) or (9B) of the
§ 172.101 table, the quantity shown must
be the net mass or volume of the mate-
rial. For articles (
, UN2800 and
UN3166) the quantity must be the gross
mass, followed by the letter ‘‘G’’; and
(vii) For hazardous materials in lim-
ited quantities, the total net quantity
per package must be shown unless a
gross mass is indicated in Column 4 of
§ 173.27 Table 3, in which case the total
gross mass per package must be shown.
Where different hazardous materials in
limited quantities are packed together
in the same outer packaging, when a
gross mass is indicated Column 4 of
§ 173.27 Table 3, the net quantity of
each hazardous material must be
shown in addition to the gross mass of
the completed package.
(viii) For authorized consumer com-
modities, the information provided
may be either the gross mass of each
package or the average gross mass of
the packages.
(7) The number and type of packages
must be indicated. The type of pack-
ages must be indicated by description
of the package (for example, ‘‘12
drums’’). Indication of the packaging
specification number (‘‘1H1’’) may be
49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition)
§ 172.203
included in the description of the pack-
age (for example, ‘‘12 1H1 drums’’ or ‘‘12
drums (UN 1A1)’’). Abbreviations may
be used for indicating packaging types
(for example, ‘‘cyl.’’ for ‘‘cylinder’’)
provided the abbreviations are com-
monly accepted and recognizable.
(b) Except as provided in this sub-
part, the basic description specified in
paragraphs (a)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this
section must be shown in sequence
with no additional information inter-
spersed. For example, ‘‘UN2744,
Cyclobutyl chloroformate, 6.1, (8, 3),
PG II.’’ Shipping descriptions for haz-
ardous materials offered or intended
for transportation by rail that contain
all the information required in this
subpart and that are formatted and or-
dered in accordance with recognized
electronic data interchange standards
and, to the extent possible, in the order
and manner required by this subpart
are deemed to comply with this para-
(c)(1) The total quantity of the mate-
rial covered by one description must
appear before or after, or both before
and after, the description required and
authorized by this subpart. The type of
packaging and destination marks may
be entered in any appropriate manner
before or after the basic description.
Abbreviations may be used to express
units of measurement and types of
(2) Hazardous materials and haz-
ardous substances transported by high-
way considered ‘‘household wastes’’ as
defined in 40 CFR 261.4, and not subject
to the Environmental Protection Agen-
cy’s hazardous waste regulations in 40
CFR parts 262 and 263, are excepted
from the requirements of this para-
(d) Technical and chemical group
names may be entered in parentheses
between the proper shipping name and
hazard class or following the basic de-
scription. An appropriate modifier,
such as ‘‘contains’’ or ‘‘containing,’’
and/or the percentage of the technical
constituent may also be used. For ex-
ample: ‘‘UN 1993, Flammable liquids,
n.o.s. (contains Xylene and Benzene), 3,
(e) Except for those materials in the
UN Recommendations, the ICAO Tech-
nical Instructions, or the IMDG Code
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter), a
material that is not a hazardous mate-
rial according to this subchapter may
not be offered for transportation or
transported when its description on a
shipping paper includes a hazard class
or an identification number specified
in the § 172.101 Table.
[Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74665, Nov. 10, 1980]
: For F
tations affecting § 172.202, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the
Finding Aids section of the printed volume
and at
§ 172.203
Additional description re-
Special permits.
Except as provided
in § 173.23 of this subchapter, each ship-
ping paper issued in connection with a
shipment made under a special permit
must bear the notation ‘‘DOT–SP’’ fol-
lowed by the special permit number as-
signed and located so that the notation
is clearly associated with the descrip-
tion to which the special permit ap-
plies. Each shipping paper issued in
connection with a shipment made
under an exemption or special permit
issued prior to October 1, 2007, may
bear the notation ‘‘DOT–E’’ followed by
the number assigned and so located
that the notation is clearly associated
with the description to which it ap-
Limited quantities.
When a ship-
ping paper is required by this sub-
chapter, the description for a material
offered for transportation as ‘‘limited
quantity,’’ as authorized by this sub-
chapter, must include the words ‘‘Lim-
ited Quantity’’ or ‘‘Ltd Qty’’ following
the basic description.
Hazardous substances.
(1) Except
for Class 7 (radioactive) materials de-
scribed in accordance with paragraph
(d) of this section, if the proper ship-
ping name for a material that is a haz-
ardous substance does not identify the
hazardous substance by name, the
name of the hazardous substance must
be entered in parentheses in associa-
tion with the basic description. If the
material contains two or more haz-
ardous substances, at least two haz-
ardous substances, including the two
with the lowest reportable quantities
(RQs), must be identified. For a haz-
ardous waste, the waste code (e.g.,