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49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition) 

§ 172.203 

included in the description of the pack-
age (for example, ‘‘12 1H1 drums’’ or ‘‘12 
drums (UN 1A1)’’). Abbreviations may 
be used for indicating packaging types 
(for example, ‘‘cyl.’’ for ‘‘cylinder’’) 
provided the abbreviations are com-
monly accepted and recognizable. 

(b) Except as provided in this sub-

part, the basic description specified in 
paragraphs (a)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this 
section must be shown in sequence 
with no additional information inter-
spersed. For example, ‘‘UN2744, 
Cyclobutyl chloroformate, 6.1, (8, 3), 
PG II.’’ Shipping descriptions for haz-
ardous materials offered or intended 
for transportation by rail that contain 
all the information required in this 
subpart and that are formatted and or-
dered in accordance with recognized 
electronic data interchange standards 
and, to the extent possible, in the order 
and manner required by this subpart 
are deemed to comply with this para-

(c)(1) The total quantity of the mate-

rial covered by one description must 
appear before or after, or both before 
and after, the description required and 
authorized by this subpart. The type of 
packaging and destination marks may 
be entered in any appropriate manner 
before or after the basic description. 
Abbreviations may be used to express 
units of measurement and types of 

(2) Hazardous materials and haz-

ardous substances transported by high-
way considered ‘‘household wastes’’ as 
defined in 40 CFR 261.4, and not subject 
to the Environmental Protection Agen-
cy’s hazardous waste regulations in 40 
CFR parts 262 and 263, are excepted 
from the requirements of this para-

(d) Technical and chemical group 

names may be entered in parentheses 
between the proper shipping name and 
hazard class or following the basic de-
scription. An appropriate modifier, 
such as ‘‘contains’’ or ‘‘containing,’’ 
and/or the percentage of the technical 
constituent may also be used. For ex-
ample: ‘‘UN 1993, Flammable liquids, 
n.o.s. (contains Xylene and Benzene), 3, 

(e) Except for those materials in the 

UN Recommendations, the ICAO Tech-
nical Instructions, or the IMDG Code 

(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter), a 
material that is not a hazardous mate-
rial according to this subchapter may 
not be offered for transportation or 
transported when its description on a 
shipping paper includes a hazard class 
or an identification number specified 
in the § 172.101 Table. 

[Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74665, Nov. 10, 1980] 





: For F





tations affecting § 172.202, see the List of CFR 
Sections Affected, which appears in the 
Finding Aids section of the printed volume 
and at 

§ 172.203

Additional description re-



Special permits. 

Except as provided 

in § 173.23 of this subchapter, each ship-
ping paper issued in connection with a 
shipment made under a special permit 
must bear the notation ‘‘DOT–SP’’ fol-
lowed by the special permit number as-
signed and located so that the notation 
is clearly associated with the descrip-
tion to which the special permit ap-
plies. Each shipping paper issued in 
connection with a shipment made 
under an exemption or special permit 
issued prior to October 1, 2007, may 
bear the notation ‘‘DOT–E’’ followed by 
the number assigned and so located 
that the notation is clearly associated 
with the description to which it ap-


Limited quantities. 

When a ship-

ping paper is required by this sub-
chapter, the description for a material 
offered for transportation as ‘‘limited 
quantity,’’ as authorized by this sub-
chapter, must include the words ‘‘Lim-
ited Quantity’’ or ‘‘Ltd Qty’’ following 
the basic description. 


Hazardous substances. 

(1) Except 

for Class 7 (radioactive) materials de-
scribed in accordance with paragraph 
(d) of this section, if the proper ship-
ping name for a material that is a haz-
ardous substance does not identify the 
hazardous substance by name, the 
name of the hazardous substance must 
be entered in parentheses in associa-
tion with the basic description. If the 
material contains two or more haz-
ardous substances, at least two haz-
ardous substances, including the two 
with the lowest reportable quantities 
(RQs), must be identified. For a haz-
ardous waste, the waste code (e.g., 

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Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT 

§ 172.203 

D001), if appropriate, may be used to 
identify the hazardous substance. 

(2) The letters ‘‘RQ’’ must be entered 

on the shipping paper either before or 
after the basic description required by 
§ 172.202 for each hazardous substance 
(see definition in § 171.8 of this sub-
chapter). For example: ‘‘RQ, UN 1098, 
Allyl alcohol, 6.1, I, Toxic-inhalation 
hazard, Zone B’’; or ‘‘UN 3077, Environ-
mentally hazardous substances, solid, 
n.o.s., 9, III, RQ (Adipic acid)’’. 


Radioactive material. 

The descrip-

tion for a shipment of a Class 7 (radio-
active) material must include the fol-
lowing additional entries as appro-

(1) The name of each radionuclide in 

the Class 7 (radioactive) material that 
is listed in § 173.435 of this subchapter. 
For mixtures of radionuclides, the 
radionuclides required to be shown 
must be determined in accordance with 
§ 173.433(g) of this subchapter. Abbre-


, ‘‘


Mo,’’ are authorized. 

(2) A description of the physical and 

chemical form of the material: 

(i) For special form materials, the 

words ‘‘special form’’ unless the words 
‘‘special form’’ already appear in the 
proper shipping name; or 

(ii) If the material is not in special 

form, a description of the physical and 
chemical form of the material (generic 
chemical descriptions are permitted). 

(3) The maximum activity of the ra-

dioactive contents contained in each 
package during transport in terms of 
the appropriate SI units (


Becquerels (Bq), Terabecquerels (TBq)). 
The activity may also be stated in ap-
propriate customary units (



(Ci), milliCuries (mCi), microCuries 
(uCi)) in parentheses following the SI 
units. Abbreviations are authorized. 
Except for plutonium-239 and pluto-
nium-241, the weight in grams or kilo-
grams of fissile radionuclides (or the 
mass of each fissile nuclide for mix-
tures when appropriate) may be in-
serted instead of activity units. For 
plutonium-239 and plutonium-241, the 
weight in grams of fissile radionuclides 
(or the mass of each fissile nuclide for 
mixtures when appropriate) may be in-
serted in addition to the activity units. 

(4) The category of label applied to 

each package in the shipment. For ex-

ample: ‘‘RADIOACTIVE WHITE–I,’’ or 

(5) The transport index assigned to 

each package in the shipment bearing 

(6) For a package containing fissile 

Class 7 (radioactive) material: 

(i) The words ‘‘Fissile Excepted’’ if 

the package is excepted pursuant to 
§ 173.453 of this subchapter; or other-

(ii) The criticality safety index for 

that package. 

(7) For a package approved by the 

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) or 
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
(NRC), a notation of the package iden-
tification marking as prescribed in the 
applicable DOE or NRC approval (see 
§ 173.471 of the subchapter). 

(8) For an export shipment or a ship-

ment in a foreign made package, a no-
tation of the package identification 
marking as prescribed in the applicable 
International Atomic Energy Agency 
(IAEA) Certificate of Competent Au-
thority which has been issued for the 
package (see § 173.473 of the sub-

(9) For a shipment required by this 

subchapter to be consigned as exclusive 

(i) An indication that the shipment is 

consigned as exclusive use; or 

(ii) If all the descriptions on the ship-

ping paper are consigned as exclusive 
use, then the statement ‘‘Exclusive Use 
Shipment’’ may be entered only once 
on the shipping paper in a clearly visi-
ble location. 

(10) For the shipment of a package 

containing a highway route controlled 
quantity of Class 7 (radioactive) mate-
rials (see § 173.403 of this subchapter) 
the words ‘‘Highway route controlled 
quantity’’ or ‘‘HRCQ’’ must be entered 
in association with the basic descrip-


Empty packagings. 

(1) The descrip-

tion on the shipping paper for a pack-
aging containing the residue of a haz-
ardous material may include the words 
‘‘RESIDUE: Last Contained * * *’’ im-
mediately before or after the basic 
shipping description on the shipping 

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49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition) 

§ 172.203 

(2) The description on the shipping 

paper for a tank car containing the res-
idue of a hazardous material must in-
clude the phrase, ‘‘RESIDUE: Last 
Contained * * *’’ immediately before or 
after the basic shipping description or 
immediately preceding the proper ship-
ping name of the material on the ship-
ping paper. 


Transportation by air. 

A statement 

indicating that the shipment is within 
the limitations prescribed for either 
passenger and cargo aircraft or cargo 
aircraft only must be entered on the 
shipping paper. 


Transportation by rail. 

(1) A ship-

ping paper prepared by a rail carrier 
for a rail car, freight container, trans-
port vehicle or portable tank that con-
tains hazardous materials must include 
the reporting mark and number when 
displayed on the rail car, freight con-
tainer, transport vehicle or portable 

(2) The shipping paper for each DOT- 

113 tank car containing a Division 2.1 
material or its residue must contain an 
appropriate notation, such as ‘‘DOT 
113’’, and the statement ‘‘Do not hump 
or cut off car while in motion.’’ 

(3) When shipments of elevated tem-

perature materials are transported 
under the exception permitted in 
§ 173.247(h)(3) of this subchapter, the 
shipping paper must contain an appro-
priate notation, such as ‘‘Maximum op-
erating speed 15 mph.’’. 


Transportation by highway. 


lowing the basic description for a haz-
ardous material in a Specification MC 
330 or MC 331 cargo tank, there must be 
entered for— 


Anhydrous ammonia. 

(i) The words 

‘‘0.2 PERCENT WATER’’ to indicate 
the suitability for shipping anhydrous 
ammonia in a cargo tank made of 
quenched and tempered steel as author-
ized by § 173.315(a), Note 14 of this sub-
chapter, or 

(ii) The words ‘‘NOT FOR Q and T 

TANKS’’ when the anhydrous ammonia 
does not contain 0.2 percent or more 
water by weight. 


Liquefied petroleum gas. 

(i) The 

word ‘‘NONCORROSIVE’’ or 
‘‘NONCOR’’ to indicate the suitability 
for shipping ‘‘Noncorrosive’’ liquefied 
petroleum gas in a cargo tank made of 
quenched and tempered steel as author-

ized by § 173.315(a), Note 15 of this sub-
chapter, or 

(ii) The words ‘‘NOT FOR Q and T 

TANKS’’ for grades of liquefied petro-
leum gas other than ‘‘Noncorrosive’’. 


Transportation by water. 

Each ship-

ment by water must have the following 
additional shipping paper entries: 

(1) The name of the shipper. 
(2) A minimum flashpoint, if 60 




F) or below (in 


C closed cup 

(c.c.)), in association with the basic de-
scription, for Class 3 flammable liquid 
materials (as a primary or subsidiary 
hazard). For lab packs packaged in con-
formance with § 173.12(b) of this sub-
chapter, an indication that the lowest 
flashpoint of all hazardous materials 
contained in the lab pack is below 23 


or that the flash point is not less than 


C but not more than 60 


C must be 

identified on the shipping paper in lieu 
of the minimum flashpoint. 

(3) For a hazardous material con-

signed under an ‘‘n.o.s.’’ entry not in-
cluded in the segregation groups listed 
in section 3.1.4 of the IMDG Code (IBR 
see § 171.7 of this subchapter) but be-
longing, in the opinion of the con-
signor, to one of these groups, the ap-
propriate segregation group must be 
shown in association with the basic de-
scription (for example, IMDG Code seg-
regation group—1 Acids). When no seg-
regation group is applicable, there is 
no requirement to indicate that condi-

(4) For lithium cells or batteries 

transported in accordance with 
§ 173.185(f), ‘‘DAMAGED/DEFECTIVE’’; 
and for lithium cells or batteries trans-
ported for purposes of disposal or recy-

(j) [Reserved] 

Technical names for ‘‘n.o.s.’’ and 

other generic descriptions. 

Unless other-

wise excepted, if a material is de-
scribed on a shipping paper by one of 
the proper shipping names identified by 
the letter ‘‘G’’ in column (1) of the 
§ 172.101 Table, the technical name of 
the hazardous material must be en-
tered in parentheses in association 
with the basic description. For example 
‘‘UN 1760, Corrosive liquid, n.o.s., (Oc-
tanoyl chloride), 8, II’’, or ‘‘UN 1760, 

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Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT 

§ 172.203 

Corrosive liquid, n.o.s., 8, II (contains 
Octanoyl chloride)’’. The word ‘‘con-
tains’’ may be used in association with 
the technical name, if appropriate. For 
organic peroxides which may qualify 
for more than one generic listing de-
pending on concentration, the tech-
nical name must include the actual 
concentration being shipped or the con-
centration range for the appropriate 
generic listing. For example, ‘‘UN 3102, 
Organic peroxide type B, solid, 5.2, 
(dibenzoyl peroxide, 52–100%)’’ or ‘‘UN 
3108, Organic peroxide type E, solid, 5.2, 
(dibenzoyl peroxide, paste, <52%)’’. 
Shipping descriptions for toxic mate-
rials that meet the criteria of Division 
6.1, PG I or II (as specified in § 173.132(a) 
of this subchapter) or Division 2.3 (as 
specified in § 173.115(c) of this sub-
chapter) and are identified by the let-
ter ‘‘G’’ in column (1) of the § 172.101 
Table, must have the technical name of 
the toxic constituent entered in paren-
theses in association with the basic de-
scription. A material classed as Divi-
sion 6.2 and assigned identification 
number UN 2814 or UN 2900 that is sus-
pected to contain an unknown Cat-
egory A infectious substance must 
have the words ‘‘suspected Category A 
infectious substance’’ entered in paren-
theses in place of the technical name 
as part of the proper shipping descrip-
tion. For additional technical name op-
tions, see the definition for ‘‘Technical 
name’’ in § 171.8. A technical name 
should not be marked on the outer 
package of a Division 6.2 material (see 
§ 172.301(b)). 

(1) If a hazardous material is a mix-

ture or solution of two or more haz-
ardous materials, the technical names 
of at least two components most pre-
dominately contributing to the hazards 
of the mixture or solution must be en-
tered on the shipping paper as required 
by paragraph (k) of this section. For 
example, ‘‘UN 2924, Flammable liquid, 
corrosive, n.o.s., 3 (8), II (contains 
Methanol, Potassium hydroxide)’’. 

(2) The provisions of this paragraph 

do not apply— 

(i) To a material that is a hazardous 

waste and described using the proper 
shipping name ‘‘Hazardous waste, liq-


solid, n.o.s.’’, classed as a mis-

cellaneous Class 9, provided the EPA 
hazardous waste number is included on 

the shipping paper in association with 
the basic description, or provided the 
material is described in accordance 
with the provisions of § 172.203(c) of this 

(ii) To a material for which the haz-

ard class is to be determined by testing 
under the criteria in § 172.101(c)(11). 

(iii) If the n.o.s. description for the 

material (other than a mixture of haz-
ardous materials of different classes 
meeting the definitions of more than 
one hazard class) contains the name of 
the chemical element or group which is 
primarily responsible for the material 
being included in the hazard class indi-

(iv) If the n.o.s. description for the 

material (which is a mixture of haz-
ardous materials of different classes 
meeting the definition of more than 
one hazard class) contains the name of 
the chemical element or group respon-
sible for the material meeting the defi-
nition of one of these classes. In such 
cases, only the technical name of the 
component that is not appropriately 
identified in the n.o.s. description shall 
be entered in parentheses. 


Marine pollutants. 

(1) For a proper 

shipping name used to describe a haz-
ardous material that is a marine pol-
lutant, either assigned the letter ‘‘G’’ 
in column (1) of the § 172.101 hazardous 
materials table, or that contains the 
text ‘‘n.o.s.’’, the name of the compo-
nent that makes the material a marine 
pollutant must appear in parentheses 
in association with the basic descrip-
tion. Where two or more components 
that make the material a marine pol-
lutant are present, the names of at 
least two of the components most pre-
dominantly contributing to the marine 
pollutant designation must appear in 
parentheses in association with the 
basic description. For material de-
scribed using ‘‘UN3077, Environ-
mentally hazardous substance, solid, 
n.o.s.’’ and ‘‘UN3082, Environmentally 
hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.,’’ 


§ 172.102(c)(1), special provision 441 for 
additional provisions. 

(2) The words ‘‘Marine Pollutant’’ 

shall be entered in association with the 
basic description for a material which 
is a marine pollutant. 

(3) Except for transportation by ves-

sel, marine pollutants subject to the 

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49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition) 

§ 172.204 

provisions of 49 CFR 130.11 are excepted 
from the requirements of paragraph (l) 
of this section if a phrase indicating 
the material is an oil is placed in asso-
ciation with the basic description. 

(4) Except when all or part of trans-

portation is by vessel, marine pollut-
ants in non-bulk packagings are not 
subject to the requirements of para-
graphs (l)(1) and (l)(2) of this section 
(see § 171.4 of this subchapter). 


Poisonous Materials. 


standing the hazard class to which a 
material is assigned, for materials that 
are poisonous by inhalation (see § 171.8 
of this subchapter), the words ‘‘Poison- 
Inhalation Hazard’’ or ‘‘Toxic-Inhala-
tion Hazard’’ and the words ‘‘Zone A’’, 
‘‘Zone B’’, ‘‘Zone C’’, or ‘‘Zone D’’ for 
gases or ‘‘Zone A’’ or ‘‘Zone B’’ for liq-
uids, as appropriate, shall be entered 
on the shipping paper immediately fol-
lowing the shipping description. The 
word ‘‘Poison’’ or ‘‘Toxic’’ need not be 
repeated if it otherwise appears in the 
shipping description. 


Elevated temperature materials. 

If a 

liquid material in a package meets the 
definition of an elevated temperature 
material in § 171.8 of this subchapter, 
and the fact that it is an elevated tem-
perature material is not disclosed in 
the proper shipping name (for example, 
when the words ‘‘Molten’’ or ‘‘Elevated 
temperature’’ are part of the proper 
shipping name), the word ‘‘HOT’’ must 
immediately precede the proper ship-
ping name of the material on the ship-
ping paper. 


Organic peroxides, polymerizing sub-

stances, and self-reactive materials. 


description on a shipping paper for a 
Division 4.1 (polymerizing substance 
and self-reactive) material or a Divi-
sion 5.2 (organic peroxide) material 
must include the following additional 
information, as appropriate: 

(1) If notification or competent au-

thority approval is required, the ship-
ping paper must contain a statement of 
approval of the classification and con-
ditions of transport. 

(2) For Division 4.1 (polymerizing 

substance and self-reactive) and Divi-
sion 5.2 (organic peroxide) materials 
that require temperature control dur-
ing transport, the words ‘‘TEMPERA-
TURE CONTROLLED’’ must be added 
as part of the proper shipping name, 

unless already part of the proper ship-
ping name. The control and emergency 
temperature must be included on the 
shipping paper. 

(3) The word ‘‘SAMPLE’’ must be in-

cluded in association with the basic de-
scription when a sample of a Division 
4.1 (self-reactive) material (see 
§ 173.224(c)(3) of this subchapter) or Di-
vision 5.2 (organic peroxide) material 
(see § 173.225(b)(2) of this subchapter) is 
offered for transportation. 


Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). 


word ‘‘non-odorized’’ or ‘‘not-odorized’’ 
must be included in association with 
the proper shipping description on a 
shipping paper when non-odorized liq-
uefied petroleum gas is offered for 


Holding time. 

The date at which 

the actual holding time ends, as cal-
culated in accordance with § 178.338–9, 
must be provided on the shipping paper 
in association with the basic descrip-
tion for refrigerated liquefied gases 
transported in a portable tank. 

[Amdt. 172–29A, 41 FR 40677, Sept. 20, 1976] 





: For F





tations affecting § 172.203, see the List of CFR 
Sections Affected, which appears in the 
Finding Aids section of the printed volume 
and at 

§ 172.204

Shipper’s certification. 



Except as provided in 

paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, 
each person who offers a hazardous ma-
terial for transportation shall certify 
that the material is offered for trans-
portation in accordance with this sub-
chapter by printing (manually or me-
chanically) on the shipping paper con-
taining the required shipping descrip-
tion the certification contained in 
paragraph (a)(1) of this section or the 
certification (declaration) containing 
the language contained in paragraph 
(a)(2) of this section. For transpor-
tation by rail only, the certification 
may be received verbally or with an 
electronic signature in conformance 
with paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (a)(3)(ii) of 
this section. 

(1) ‘‘This is to certify that the above- 

named materials are properly classi-
fied, described, packaged, marked and 
labeled, and are in proper condition for