Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT
§ 172.302
(1) Transported by highway only and
will not be transferred from one motor
carrier to another; or
(2) Part of a carload lot, truckload
lot or freight container load, and the
entire contents of the rail car, truck or
freight container are shipped from one
consignor to one consignee.
Previously marked packagings.
package which has been previously
marked as required for the material it
contains and on which the marking re-
mains legible, need not be remarked.
(For empty packagings, see § 173.29 of
this subchapter.)
NON-ODORIZED marking on cyl-
inders containing LPG.
No person may
offer for transportation or transport a
specification cylinder, except a Speci-
fication 2P or 2Q container or a Speci-
fication 39 cylinder, containing
unodorized liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) unless it is legibly marked NON-
ters not less than 6.3 mm (0.25 inches)
in height near the marked proper ship-
ping name required by paragraph (a) of
this section. The NON-ODORIZED or
NOT ODORIZED marking may appear
on a cylinder used for both unodorized
and odorized LPG.
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52590, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 172–151, 62 FR 1227, Jan. 8,
1997; 62 FR 39404, July 22, 1997; 63 FR 16075,
Apr. 1, 1998; 66 FR 45182, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR
45030, July 31, 2003; 69 FR 64471, Nov. 4, 2004;
70 FR 73164, Dec. 9, 2005; 71 FR 32258, June 2,
2006; 76 FR 3365, Jan. 19, 2011; 76 FR 56314,
Sept. 13, 2011; 78 FR 1072, Jan. 7, 2013; 78 FR
65478, Oct. 31, 2013; 81 FR 35540, June 2, 2016;
87 FR 44990, July 26, 2022]
§ 172.302
General marking require-
ments for bulk packagings.
Identification numbers.
Except as
otherwise provided in this subpart, no
person may offer for transportation or
transport a hazardous material in a
bulk packaging unless the packaging is
marked as required by § 172.332 with the
identification number specified for the
material in the § 172.101 table—
(1) On each side and each end, if the
packaging has a capacity of 3,785 L
(1,000 gallons) or more;
(2) On two opposing sides, if the pack-
aging has a capacity of less than 3,785
L (1,000 gallons); or
(3) For cylinders permanently in-
stalled on a tube trailer motor vehicle,
on each side and each end of the motor
Size of markings.
Except as other-
wise provided, markings required by
this subpart on bulk packagings
(1) Have a width of at least 6.0 mm
(0.24 inch) and a height of at least 100
mm (3.9 inches) for rail cars;
(2) Have a width of at least 4.0 mm
(0.16 inch) and a height of at least 12
mm (0.47 inch) for portable tanks with
capacities of less than 3,785 L (1,000 gal-
lons) and a width of at least 4.0 mm
(0.16 inch) and a height of 25 mm (one
inch) for IBCs; and
(3) Have a width of at least 6.0 mm
(0.24 inch) and a height of at least 50
mm (2.0 inches) for cargo tanks and
other bulk packagings.
Special permit packagings.
as provided in § 173.23 of this sub-
chapter, the outside of each package
used under the terms of a special per-
mit must be plainly and durably
marked ‘‘DOT–SP’’ followed by the spe-
cial permit number assigned. Packages
authorized by an exemption issued
prior to October 1, 2007 may be plainly
and durably marked ‘‘DOT–E’’ in lieu
of ‘‘DOT–SP’’ followed by the number
assigned as specified in the most recent
version of that exemption.
(d) Each bulk packaging marked with
a proper shipping name, common name
or identification number as required by
this subpart must remain marked when
it is emptied unless it is—
(1) Sufficiently cleaned of residue and
purged of vapors to remove any poten-
tial hazard; or
(2) Refilled, with a material requiring
different markings or no markings, to
such an extent that any residue re-
maining in the packaging is no longer
(e) Additional requirements for
marking portable tanks, cargo tanks,
tank cars, multi-unit tank car tanks,
and other bulk packagings are pre-
scribed in §§ 172.326, 172.328, 172.330, and
172.331, respectively, of this subpart.
(f) A bulk packaging marked prior to
October 1, 1991, in conformance to the
regulations of this subchapter in effect
on September 30, 1991, need not be re-
marked if the key words of the proper
shipping name are identical to those
currently specified in the § 172.101
49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition)
§ 172.303
table. For example, a tank car marked
‘‘NITRIC OXIDE’’ need not be re-
(g) A rail car, freight container,
truck body or trailer in which the lad-
ing has been fumigated with any haz-
ardous material, or is undergoing fumi-
gation, must be marked as specified in
§ 173.9 of this subchapter.
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52591, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66254, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt.
172–150, 61 FR 50624, Sept. 26, 1996; Amdt. 172–
151, 62 FR 1228, Jan. 8, 1997; 62 FR 39398, July
22, 1997; 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 70 FR 73164,
Dec. 9, 2005; 72 FR 55692, Oct. 1, 2007; 85 FR
75712, Nov. 25, 2020]
§ 172.303
Prohibited marking.
(a) No person may offer for transpor-
tation or transport a package which is
marked with the proper shipping name,
the identification number of a haz-
ardous material or any other markings
indicating that the material is haz-
ardous (e.g., RQ, INHALATION HAZ-
ARD) unless the package contains the
identified hazardous material or its
(b) This section does not apply to—
(1) Transportation of a package in a
transport vehicle or freight container
if the package is not visible during
transportation and is loaded by the
shipper and unloaded by the shipper or
(2) Markings on a package which are
securely covered in transportation.
(3) The marking of a shipping name
on a package when the name describes
a material not regulated under this
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52591, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66254, Dec. 20, 1991; 72 FR
55692, Oct. 1, 2007]
§ 172.304
Marking requirements.
(a) The marking required in this sub-
(1) Must be durable, in English and
printed on or affixed to the surface of a
package or on a label, tag, or sign.
(2) Must be displayed on a back-
ground of sharply contrasting color;
(3) Must be unobscured by labels or
attachments; and
(4) Must be located away from any
other marking (such as advertising)
that could substantially reduce its ef-
(b) [Reserved]
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as
amended by Amdt. 172–29B, 41 FR 57067, Dec.
30, 1976]
§ 172.306
§ 172.308
Authorized abbreviations.
(a) Abbreviations may not be used in
a proper shipping name marking except
as authorized in this section.
(b) The abbreviation ‘‘ORM’’ may be
used in place of the words ‘‘Other Reg-
ulated Material.’’
(c) Abbreviations which appear as au-
thorized descriptions in column 2 of the
§ 172.101 table (e.g., ‘‘TNT’’ and ‘‘PCB’’)
are authorized.
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52591, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 172–145, 60 FR 49110, Sept.
21, 1995]
§ 172.310
Class 7 (radioactive) mate-
In addition to any other markings re-
quired by this subpart, each package
containing Class 7 (radioactive) mate-
rials must be marked as follows:
(a) Each package with a gross mass
greater than 50 kg (110 lb) must have
its gross mass including the unit of
measurement (which may be abbre-
viated) marked on the outside of the
(b) Each industrial, Type A, Type
B(U), or Type B(M) package must be
legibly and durably marked on the out-
side of the packaging, in letters at
least 12 mm (0.47 in) high, with the
words ‘‘TYPE IP–1,’’ ‘‘TYPE IP–2,’’
‘‘TYPE IP–3,’’ ‘‘TYPE A,’’ ‘‘TYPE
B(U)’’ or ‘‘TYPE B(M),’’ as appropriate.
A package which does not conform to
Type IP–1, Type IP–2, Type IP–3, Type
A, Type B(U) or Type B(M) require-
ments may not be so marked.
(c) Each package which conforms to
an IP–1, IP–2, IP–3 or a Type A package
design must be legibly and durably
marked on the outside of the pack-
aging with the international vehicle
registration code of the country of ori-
gin of the design. The international ve-
hicle registration code for packages de-
signed by a United States company or
agency is the symbol ‘‘USA.’’