Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT
§ 172.312
(d) Each package which conforms to
a Type B(U) or Type B(M) package de-
sign must have the outside of the out-
ermost receptacle, which is resistant to
the effects of fire and water, plainly
marked by embossing, stamping or
other means resistant to the effects of
fire and water with a radiation symbol
that conforms to the requirements of
appendix B of this part.
(e) Each Type B(U), Type B(M) or
fissile material package destined for
export shipment must also be marked
‘‘USA’’ in conjunction with the speci-
fication marking, or other package cer-
tificate identification. (See §§ 173.471,
173.472, and 173.473 of this subchapter.)
[Doc. No. RSPA–99–6283 (HM–230), 69 FR 3668,
Jan. 26, 2004, as amended at 79 FR 40609, July
11, 2014]
§ 172.312
Liquid hazardous materials
in non-bulk packagings.
(a) Except as provided in this section,
each non-bulk combination package
having inner packagings containing
liquid hazardous materials, single
packaging fitted with vents, or open
cryogenic receptacle intended for the
transport of refrigerated liquefied
gases must be:
(1) Packed with closures upward, and
(2) Legibly marked with package ori-
entation markings that are similar to
the illustration shown in this para-
graph, on two opposite vertical sides of
the package with the arrows pointing
in the correct upright direction. The
arrows must be either black or red on
white or other suitable contrasting
background and commensurate with
the size of the package. Depicting a
rectangular border around the arrows
is optional.
(b) Arrows for purposes other than
indicating proper package orientation
may not be displayed on a package con-
taining a liquid hazardous material.
(c) The requirements of paragraph (a)
of this section do not apply to—
(1) A non-bulk package with inner
packagings which are cylinders.
(2) Except when offered or intended
for transportation by aircraft, pack-
ages containing flammable liquids in
inner packagings of 1 L or less prepared
in accordance with § 173.150 (b) or (c) of
this subchapter.
(3) When offered or intended for
transportation by aircraft, packages
containing liquid hazardous materials
in inner packagings of 120 mL (4 fluid
oz.) or less when packed with sufficient
absorption material between the inner
and outer packagings to completely ab-
sorb the liquid contents.
(4) Liquids contained in manufac-
tured articles (e.g., alcohol or mercury
in thermometers) which are leak-tight
in all orientations.
(5) A non-bulk package with hermeti-
cally sealed inner packagings not ex-
ceeding 500 mL each.
(6) Packages containing liquid infec-
tious substances in primary receptacles
not exceeding 50 mL (1.7 oz.).
49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition)
§ 172.313
(7) Class 7 radioactive material in
Type A, IP–2, IP–3, Type B(U), or Type
B(M) packages.
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52591, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66254, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
45458, Oct. 1, 1992; 64 FR 51918, Sept. 27, 1999;
66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 68 FR 45030, July 31,
2003; 71 FR 54395, Sept. 14, 2006; 71 FR 78627,
Dec. 29, 2006; 76 FR 3365, Jan. 19, 2011; 78 FR
1073, Jan. 7, 2013]
§ 172.313
Poisonous hazardous mate-
In addition to any other markings re-
quired by this subpart:
(a) A material poisonous by inhala-
tion (see § 171.8 of this subchapter) shall
be marked ‘‘Inhalation Hazard’’ in as-
sociation with the required labels or
placards, as appropriate, and shipping
name when required. The marking
must be on two opposing sides of a bulk
packaging. (See § 172.302(b) of this sub-
part for size of markings on bulk pack-
ages.) When the words ‘‘Inhalation Haz-
ard’’ appear on the label, as prescribed
in §§ 172.416 and 172.429, or placard, as
prescribed in §§ 172.540 and 172.555, the
‘‘Inhalation Hazard’’ marking is not re-
quired on the package.
(b) Each non-bulk plastic outer pack-
aging used as a single or composite
packaging for materials meeting the
definition of Division 6.1 (in § 173.132 of
this subchapter) shall be permanently
marked, by embossment or other dura-
ble means, with the word ‘‘POISON’’ in
letters at least 6.3 mm (0.25 inch) in
height. Additional text or symbols re-
lated to hazard warning may be in-
cluded in the marking. The marking
shall be located within 150 mm (6
inches) of the closure of the packaging.
(c) A transport vehicle or freight con-
tainer containing a material poisonous
by inhalation in non-bulk packages
shall be marked, on each side and each
end as specified in § 172.332 or § 172.336,
with the identification number speci-
fied for the hazardous material in the
§ 172.101 table, subject to the following
provisions and limitations:
(1) The material is in Hazard Zone A
or B;
(2) The transport vehicle or freight
container is loaded at one facility with
1,000 kg (2,205 pounds) or more aggre-
gate gross weight of the material in
non-bulk packages marked with the
same proper shipping name and identi-
fication number; and
(3) If the transport vehicle or freight
container contains more than one ma-
terial meeting the provisions of this
paragraph (c), it shall be marked with
the identification number for one ma-
terial, determined as follows:
(i) For different materials in the
same hazard zone, with the identifica-
tion number of the material having the
greatest aggregate gross weight; and
(ii) For different materials in both
Hazard Zones A and B, with the identi-
fication number for the Hazard Zone A
(d) For a packaging containing a Di-
vision 6.1 PG III material, ‘‘PG III’’
may be marked adjacent to the POI-
SON label. (See § 172.405(c).)
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52592, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 57 FR 46624, Oct. 9, 1992; Amdt.
172–151, 62 FR 1228, Jan. 8, 1997; 62 FR 39398,
39405, July 22, 1997; 63 FR 16075, Apr. 1, 1998;
64 FR 10776, Mar. 5, 1999]
§ 172.315
Limited quantities.
Modes other than air transport.
cept for an article or substance of Class
7 prepared in accordance with subpart I
of part 173, a package prepared in ac-
cordance with applicable limited quan-
tity requirements in part 173 of this
subchapter and offered for transpor-
tation by a mode other than air must
display the limited quantity marking
shown in paragraph (a)(1) of this sec-
tion. A package displaying this mark is
not subject to the marking require-
ments of § 172.301 of this subpart unless
the limited quantity package also con-
tains a hazardous substance or a haz-
ardous waste. Required markings need
not be duplicated if already marked as
prescribed elsewhere in this subpart.
As an alternative, a packaging may
display the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ mark
shown in paragraph (b) of this section
if the package conforms to authorized
substance and article provisions and
the inner and outer package quantity
limits in § 173.27(f) of this subchapter.
Marking description.
The top and
bottom portions of the square-on-point
and the border forming the square-on-
point must be black and the center
white or of a suitable contrasting back-
ground as follows: