49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition)
§ 172.327
with the required identification num-
bers on placards, orange panels, or the
white square-on-point configuration, as
appropriate, for each side and each end
of the transport vehicle or freight con-
tainer from which identification num-
bers on the portable tank are not visi-
NON-ODORIZED marking on port-
able tanks containing LPG.
No person
may offer for transportation or trans-
port a portable tank containing
unodorized liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) as authorized in § 173.315(b)(1) of
this subchapter unless it is legibly
ODORIZED on two opposing sides near
the marked proper shipping name re-
quired by paragraph (a) of this section,
or near the placards. The NON-ODOR-
IZED or NOT ODORIZED marking may
appear on a portable tank used for both
unodorized and odorized LPG.
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52592, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; 69 FR
64471, Nov. 4, 2004; 76 FR 3367, Jan. 19, 2011; 80
FR 1150, Jan. 8, 2015; 81 FR 35540, June 2, 2016]
§ 172.327
Petroleum sour crude oil in
bulk packaging.
A Bulk packaging used to transport
petroleum crude oil containing hydro-
gen sulfide (
sour crude oil) in suffi-
cient concentration that vapors
evolved from the crude oil may present
an inhalation hazard must include a
marking, label, tag, or sign to warn of
the toxic hazard as follows:
(a) The marking must be durable,
legible and of a size relative to the
package as to be readily visible and
similar to the illustration shown in
this paragraph with the minimum di-
mension of each side of the marking at
least 100 mm (3.9 inches) as measured
from the outside of the lines forming
the border. The width of the border
forming the square-on-point marking
must be at least 5 mm. The marking
must be displayed at each location
, manhole, loading head) where ex-
posure to hydrogen sulfide vapors may
Transitional exception
—A marking
in conformance with the requirements
of this paragraph in effect on December
31, 2014, may continue to be used until
December 31, 2016.
(2) For domestic transportation, a
packaging marked prior to January 1,
2017 and in conformance with the re-
quirements of this paragraph in effect
on December 31, 2014, may continue in
service until the end of its useful life.
(b) The border of the square-on-point
must be black or red on a white or
other suitable contrasting background.
The symbol must be black and located
in the center of the square-on-point
and be clearly visible as follows:
Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT
§ 172.328
(c) As an alternative to the marking
required in (a) and (b) of this section, a
label, tag, or sign may be displayed at
each location (
manhole, loading
head) where exposure to hydrogen sul-
fide vapors may occur. The label, tag,
or sign must be durable, in English,
and printed legibly and of a size rel-
ative to the package with a warning
statement such as ‘‘Danger, Possible
Hydrogen Sulfide Inhalation Hazard’’
to communicate the possible risk of ex-
posure to harmful concentrations of
hydrogen sulfide gas.
[76 FR 3367, Jan. 19, 2011, as amended at 80
FR 1150, Jan. 8, 2015]
§ 172.328
Cargo tanks.
Providing and affixing identification
Unless a cargo tank is already
marked with the identification num-
bers required by this subpart, the iden-
tification numbers must be provided or
affixed as follows:
(1) A person who offers a hazardous
material to a motor carrier for trans-
portation in a cargo tank shall provide
the motor carrier the identification
numbers on placards or shall affix or-
ange panels containing the required
identification numbers, prior to or at
the time the material is offered for