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Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT 

§ 172.332 

Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized (less than 3% 


Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous 
Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions (great-

er than 20% hydrogen peroxide) 

Hydrogen peroxide, stabilized 
Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid 


Nitric acid (other than red fuming) 
Phosphorus, amorphous 
Phosphorus, white dry 


Phosphorus, white, 

under water 


Phosphorus white, in solu-



Phosphorus, yellow dry 



phorus, yellow, under water 



yellow, in solution 

Phosphorus white, molten 
Potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate mix-


Potassium permanganate 
Sulfur trioxide, stabilized 
Sulfur trioxide, uninhibited 

(2) In a multi-unit tank car tank, un-

less the tank is marked on two oppos-
ing sides, in letters and numerals no 
less than 50 mm (2.0 inches) high— 

(i) With the proper shipping name 

specified for the material in the 
§ 172.101 table or with a common name 
authorized for the material in this sub-
chapter (e.g., ‘‘Refrigerant Gas’’); and 

(ii) With the identification number 

specified for the material in the 
§ 172.101 table, unless marked in accord-
ance with §§ 172.302(a) and 172.332 of this 

(b) A motor vehicle or rail car used 

to transport a multi-unit tank car 
tank containing a hazardous material 
must be marked on each side and each 
end, as required by § 172.332, with the 
identification number specified for the 
material in the § 172.101 table. 

(c) No person may offer for transpor-

tation or transport a tank car or 
multi-unit tank car tank containing 
unodorized liquefied petroleum gas 
(LPG) unless it is legibly marked NON- 
opposing sides near the marked proper 
shipping name required by paragraphs 
(a)(1) and (2) of this section, or near the 
placards. The NON-ODORIZED or NOT 
ODORIZED marking may appear on a 
tank car or multi-unit tank car tank 

used for both unodorized and odorized 

[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1990, as 
amended at 56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR 
45458, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 172–148, 61 FR 28676, 
June 5, 1996; Amdt. 172–148, 61 FR 50254, Sept. 
25, 1996; 66 FR 33425, June 21, 2001; 69 FR 
64471, Nov. 4, 2004; 81 FR 35540, June 2, 2016; 
85 FR 83380, Dec. 21, 2020] 

§ 172.331

Bulk packagings other than 

portable tanks, cargo tanks, tank 
cars and multi-unit tank car tanks. 

(a) Each person who offers a haz-

ardous material to a motor carrier for 
transportation in a bulk packaging 
shall provide the motor carrier with 
the required identification numbers on 
placards or plain white square-on-point 
display configurations, as authorized, 
or shall affix orange panels containing 
the required identification numbers to 
the packaging prior to or at the time 
the material is offered for transpor-
tation, unless the packaging is already 
marked with the identification number 
as required by this subchapter. 

(b) Each person who offers a bulk 

packaging containing a hazardous ma-
terial for transportation shall affix to 
the packaging the required identifica-
tion numbers on orange panels, square- 
on-point configurations or placards, as 
appropriate, prior to, or at the time 
the packaging is offered for transpor-
tation unless it is already marked with 
identification numbers as required by 
this subchapter. 

(c) For a bulk packaging contained in 

or on a transport vehicle or freight 
container, if the identification number 
marking on the bulk packaging (e.g., 
an IBC) required by § 172.302(a) is not 
visible, the transport vehicle or freight 
container must be marked as required 
by § 172.332 on each side and each end 
with the identification number speci-
fied for the material in the § 172.101 

[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1994, as 
amended by Amdt. 172–151, 62 FR 1228, Jan. 8, 
1997; 62 FR 39398, July 22, 1997] 

§ 172.332

Identification number mark-




When required by 

§ 172.301, § 172.302, § 172.313, § 172.326,