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49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition) 

§ 172.336 

displayed on an orange panel unless it 
is displayed in proximity to the 

(g) No person shall add any color, 

number, letter, symbol, or word other 
than as specified in this subchapter, to 
any identification number marking 
display which is required or authorized 
by this subchapter. 

[Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74667, Nov. 10, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 172–104, 51 FR 23078, June 
25, 1986; Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29528, Aug. 10, 
1987; Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1990; 
56 FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; Amdt. 172–127, 59 
FR 49133, Sept. 26, 1994] 

§ 172.336

Identification numbers; spe-

cial provisions. 

(a) When not required or prohibited 

by this subpart, identification numbers 
may be displayed on a transport vehi-
cle or a freight container in the man-
ner prescribed by this subpart. 

(b) Identification numbers, when re-

quired, must be displayed on either or-
ange panels (see § 172.332(b)) or on a 
plain white square-on-point display 
configuration having the same outside 
dimensions as a placard. In addition, 
for materials in hazard classes for 
which placards are specified and identi-
fication number displays are required, 
but for which identification numbers 
may not be displayed on the placards 
authorized for the material (see 
§ 172.334(a)), identification numbers 
must be displayed on orange panels or 
on the plain white square-on-point dis-
play configuration in association with 
the required placards. An identifica-
tion number displayed on a white 
square-on-point display configuration 
is not considered to be a placard. 

(1) The 100 mm (3.9 inch) by 215 mm 

(8.5 inches) area containing the identi-
fication number shall be located as pre-
scribed by § 172.332 (c)(1) and (c)(2) and 
may be outlined with a solid or dotted 
line border. 

(2) [Reserved] 
(c) Identification Numbers are not re-




Then the alter-
native marking re-
quirement is: 

On the ends of 

portable tanks, 
cargo tanks, or 
tank cars.

They have more 

than one com-
partment and 
hazardous mate-
rials with dif-
ferent identifica-
tion numbers 
are being trans-
ported therein.

The identification 

numbers on the 
sides of the tank 
are displayed in 
the same se-
quence as the 
containing the 
materials they 

On cargo tanks .....

They contain only 


The tank is 

marked ‘‘Gaso-
line’’ on each 
side and rear in 
letters no less 
than 50 mm (2 
inches) high, or 
is placarded in 
accordance with 
§ 172.542(c). 

On cargo tanks .....

They contain only 

fuel oil.

The cargo tank is 

marked ‘‘Fuel 
Oil’’ on each 
side and rear in 
letters no less 
than 50 mm (2 
inches) high, or 
is placarded in 
accordance with 
§ 172.544(c). 

On one end of 

nurse tanks if 
that end con-
tains valves, fit-
tings, regulators 
or gauges when 
those appur-
tenances pre-
vent the mark-
ings and placard 
from being prop-
erly placed and 

They meet the 

provisions of 
§ 173.315(m) of 
this subchapter.


On cargo tanks, in-

cluding compart-
mented cargo 
tanks, or tank 

They contain more 

than one petro-
leum distillate 

The identification 

number for the 
liquid petroleum 
distillate fuel 
having the low-
est flash point is 
displayed. If the 
cargo tank also 
contains gaso-
line and alcohol 
fuel blends con-
sisting of more 
than 10% eth-
anol the identi-
fication number 
‘‘3475’’ or 
‘‘1987,’’ as ap-
propriate, must 
also be dis-

(d) When a bulk packaging is labeled 

instead of placarded in accordance with 
§ 172.514(c) of this subchapter, identi-
fication number markings may be dis-
played on the package in accordance 

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Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT 

§ 172.400 

with the marking requirements of 
§ 172.301(a)(1) of this subchapter. 

[Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74667, Nov. 10, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 172–74, 47 FR 40365, Sept. 
30, 1982; Amdt. 172–109, 52 FR 13038, Apr. 20, 
1987; Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29528, Aug. 10, 1987; 
Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52593, Dec. 21, 1990; 56 
FR 66255, Dec. 20, 1991; 65 FR 50459, Aug. 18, 
2000; 73 FR 4716, Jan. 28, 2008; 76 FR 43527, 
July 20, 2011; 78 FR 14714, Mar. 7, 2013; 78 FR 
65478, Oct. 31, 2013] 

§ 172.338

Replacement of identification 


If more than one of the identification 

number markings on placards, orange 
panels, or white square-on-point dis-
play configurations that are required 
to be displayed are lost, damaged or de-
stroyed during transportation, the car-
rier shall replace all the missing or 
damaged identification numbers as 
soon as practicable. However, in such a 
case, the numbers may be entered by 
hand on the appropriate placard, or-
ange panel or white square-on-point 
display configuration providing the 
correct identification numbers are en-
tered legibly using an indelible mark-
ing material. When entered by hand, 
the identification numbers must be lo-
cated in the white display area speci-
fied in § 172.332. This section does not 
preclude required compliance with the 
placarding requirements of subpart F 
of this subchapter. 

[Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29528, Aug. 10, 1987] 

Subpart E—Labeling 

§ 172.400

General labeling require-


(a) Except as specified in § 172.400a, 

each person who offers for transpor-
tation or transports a hazardous mate-
rial in any of the following packages or 
containment devices, shall label the 
package or containment device with la-
bels specified for the material in the 
§ 172.101 table and in this subpart: 

(1) A non-bulk package; 
(2) A bulk packaging, other than a 

cargo tank, portable tank, or tank car, 
with a volumetric capacity of less than 
18 m


(640 cubic feet), unless placarded 

in accordance with subpart F of this 

(3) A portable tank of less than 3785 L 

(1000 gallons) capacity, unless plac-
arded in accordance with subpart F of 
this part; 

(4) A DOT Specification 106 or 110 

multi-unit tank car tank, unless plac-
arded in accordance with subpart F of 
this part; and 

(5) An overpack, freight container or 

unit load device, of less than 18 m



cubic feet), which contains a package 
for which labels are required, unless 
placarded or marked in accordance 
with § 172.512 of this part. 

(b) Labeling is required for a haz-

ardous material which meets one or 
more hazard class definitions, in ac-
cordance with column 6 of the § 172.101 
table and the following table: 







Hazard class or division 

Label name 

Label de-


or section 


1.1 ....................................................................................

EXPLOSIVES 1.1 ............................................................


1.2 ....................................................................................

EXPLOSIVES 1.2 ............................................................


1.3 ....................................................................................

EXPLOSIVES 1.3 ............................................................


1.4 ....................................................................................

EXPLOSIVES 1.4 ............................................................


1.5 ....................................................................................

EXPLOSIVES 1.5 ............................................................


1.6 ....................................................................................

EXPLOSIVES 1.6 ............................................................


2.1 ....................................................................................

FLAMMABLE GAS ..........................................................


2.2 ....................................................................................

NON–FLAMMABLE GAS ................................................


2.3 ....................................................................................

POISON GAS ..................................................................


3 Flammable Liquid (Combustible liquid) ........................

FLAMMABLE LIQUID (none) ..........................................


4.1 ....................................................................................

FLAMMABLE SOLID .......................................................


4.2 ....................................................................................

SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTIBLE ..............................


4.3 ....................................................................................

DANGEROUS WHEN WET ............................................


5.1 ....................................................................................

OXIDIZER ........................................................................


5.2 ....................................................................................

ORGANIC PEROXIDE ....................................................


6.1 (material poisonous by inhalation (see § 171.8 of 

this subchapter)).

POISON INHALATION HAZARD ....................................


6.1 (other than a material poisonous by inhalation) .......

POISON ...........................................................................


6.1 (inhalation hazard, Zone A or B) ..............................

POISON INHALATION HAZARD ....................................
