Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT
§ 172.510
contains 454 kg (1,001 pounds) or more
gross weight of non-fissile, fissile-ex-
cepted, or fissile uranium hexafluoride
must be placarded with a CORROSIVE
placard and a POISON placard on each
side and each end.
(c) Each transport vehicle, portable
tank, freight container or unit load de-
vice that contains a material which
has a subsidiary hazard of being dan-
gerous when wet, as defined in § 173.124
of this subchapter, shall be placarded
ards, on each side and each end, in ad-
dition to the placards required by
§ 172.504.
(d) Hazardous materials that possess
secondary hazards may exhibit sub-
sidiary placards that correspond to the
placards described in this part, even
when not required by this part (see also
§ 172.519(b) (4) of this subpart).
[Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52601, Dec. 21, 1990, as
amended at 56 FR 66260, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR
45460, Oct. 1, 1992; Amdt. 172–127, 59 FR 49133,
Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 172–151, 62 FR 1231, Jan.
8, 1997; 62 FR 39398, July 22, 1997; 65 FR 58626,
Sept. 29, 2000; 72 FR 55692, Oct. 1, 2007; 79 FR
40610, July 11, 2014; 82 FR 15874, Mar. 30, 2017]
§ 172.506
Providing and affixing plac-
ards: Highway.
(a) Each person offering a motor car-
rier a hazardous material for transpor-
tation by highway shall provide to the
motor carrier the required placards for
the material being offered prior to or
at the same time the material is of-
fered for transportation, unless the
carrier’s motor vehicle is already plac-
arded for the material as required by
this subpart.
(1) No motor carrier may transport a
hazardous material in a motor vehicle,
unless the placards required for the
hazardous material are affixed thereto
as required by this subpart.
(2) [Reserved]
(b) [Reserved]
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as
amended by Amdt. 172–29A, 41 FR 40679, Sept.
20, 1976]
§ 172.507
Special placarding provi-
sions: Highway.
(a) Each motor vehicle used to trans-
port a package of highway route con-
trolled quantity Class 7 (radioactive)
materials (see § 173.403 of this sub-
chapter) must have the required RA-
DIOACTIVE warning placard placed on
a square background as described in
§ 172.527.
(b) A nurse tank, meeting the provi-
sions of § 173.315(m) of this subchapter,
is not required to be placarded on an
end containing valves, fittings, regu-
lators or gauges when those appur-
tenances prevent the markings and
placard from being properly placed and
[Amdt. 172–103, 51 FR 5971, Feb. 18, 1986, as
amended by Amdt. 172–143, 60 FR 50305, Sept.
28, 1995]
§ 172.508
Placarding and affixing plac-
ards: Rail.
(a) Each person offering a hazardous
material for transportation by rail
shall affix to the rail car containing
the material, the placards specified by
this subpart. Placards displayed on
motor vehicles, transport containers,
or portable tanks may be used to sat-
isfy this requirement, if the placards
otherwise conform to the provisions of
this subpart.
(b) No rail carrier may accept a rail
car containing a hazardous material
for transportation unless the placards
for the hazardous material are affixed
thereto as required by this subpart.
[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as
amended by Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52601, Dec.
21, 1990]
§ 172.510
Special placarding provi-
sions: Rail.
White square background.
The fol-
lowing must have the specified plac-
ards placed on a white square back-
ground, as described in § 172.527:
(1) Division 1.1 and 1.2 (explosive) ma-
terials which require EXPLOSIVES 1.1
or EXPLOSIVES 1.2 placards affixed to
the rail car;
(2) Materials classed in Division 2.3
Hazard Zone A or 6.1 Packing Group I
Hazard Zone A which require POISON
GAS or POISON placards affixed to the
rail car, including tank cars containing
only a residue of the material; and
(3) Class DOT 113 tank cars used to
transport a Division 2.1 (flammable
gas) material, including tank cars con-
taining only a residue of the material.