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49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition) 

§ 172.512 


Chemical ammunition. 

Each rail 

car containing Division 1.1 or 1.2 (ex-
plosive) ammunition which also meets 
the definition of a material poisonous 
by inhalation (see § 171.8 of this sub-
chapter) must be placarded EXPLO-
SIVES 1.1 or EXPLOSIVES 1.2 and 

[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as 
amended by Amdt. 172–103, 51 FR 5971, Feb. 
18, 1986; Amdt. 172–110, 52 FR 29528, Aug. 10, 
1987; Amdt. 172–111, 52 FR 36671, Sept. 30, 1987; 
Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52601, Dec. 21, 1990; 56 
FR 66260, Dec. 20, 1991; 57 FR 45460, Oct. 1, 
1992; Amdt. 172–248, 61 FR 28676, June 5, 1996; 
Amdt. 172–151, 62 FR 1231, Jan. 8, 1997; 62 FR 
39398, July 22, 1997] 

§ 172.512

Freight containers and air-

craft unit load devices. 


Capacity of 640 cubic feet or more. 

Each person who offers for transpor-
tation, and each person who loads and 
transports, a hazardous material in a 
freight container or aircraft unit load 
device having a capacity of 640 cubic 
feet or more shall affix to the freight 
container or aircraft unit load device 
the placards specified for the material 
in accordance with § 172.504. However: 

(1) The placarding exception provided 

in § 172.504(c) applies to motor vehicles 
transporting freight containers and 
aircraft unit load devices, 

(2) The placarding exception provided 

in § 172.504(c) applies to each freight 
container and aircraft unit load device 
being transported for delivery to a con-
signee immediately following an air or 
water shipment, and, 

(3) Placarding is not required on a 

freight container or aircraft unit load 
device if it is only transported by air 
and is identified as containing a haz-
ardous material in the manner pro-
vided in part 7, chapter 2, section 2.8, of 
the ICAO Technical Instructions (IBR, 
see § 171.7 of this subchapter). 


Capacity less than 18 m 3 (640 cubic 


(1) Each person who offers for 

transportation by air, and each person 
who loads and transports by air, a haz-
ardous material in a freight container 
or aircraft unit load device having a 
capacity of less than 18 m


(640 cubic 

feet) shall affix one placard of the type 
specified by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion unless the freight container or air-
craft unit load device: 

(i) Is labeled in accordance with sub-

part E of this part, including 
§ 172.406(e); 

(ii) Contains radioactive materials 

requiring the Radioactive Yellow III 
label and is placarded with one Radio-
active placard and is labeled in accord-
ance with subpart E of this part, in-
cluding § 172.406(e); or, 

(iii) Is identified as containing a haz-

ardous material in the manner pro-
vided in part 7; chapter 2, section 2.8, of 
the ICAO Technical Instructions (IBR, 
see § 171.7 of this subchapter). 

(2) When hazardous materials are of-

fered for transportation, not involving 
air transportation, in a freight con-
tainer having a capacity of less than 
640 cubic feet the freight container 
need not be placarded. However, if not 
placarded, it must be labeled in accord-
ance with subpart E of this part. 

(c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) 

and (b) of this section, packages con-
taining hazardous materials offered for 
transportation by air in freight con-
tainers are subject to the inspection re-
quirements of § 175.30 of this chapter. 

[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976] 





: For F





tations affecting § 172.513, see the List of CFR 
Sections Affected, which appears in the 
Finding Aids section of the printed volume 
and at 

§ 172.514

Bulk packagings. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs 

(c) and (d) of this section, each person 
who offers for transportation a bulk 
packaging which contains a hazardous 
material, shall affix the placards speci-
fied for the material in §§ 172.504 and 

(b) Each bulk packaging that is re-

quired to be placarded when it contains 
a hazardous material, must remain 
placarded when it is emptied, unless 

(1) Is sufficiently cleaned of residue 

and purged of vapors to remove any po-
tential hazard; 

(2) Is refilled, with a material requir-

ing different placards or no placards, to 
such an extent that any residue re-
maining in the packaging is no longer 
hazardous; or 

(3) Contains the residue of a haz-

ardous substance in Class 9 in a quan-
tity less than the reportable quantity, 

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Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT 

§ 172.519 

and conforms to § 173.29(b)(1) of this 



The following pack-

agings may be placarded on only two 
opposite sides or, alternatively, may be 
labeled instead of placarded in accord-
ance with subpart E of this part: 

(1) A portable tank having a capacity 

of less than 3,785 L (1000 gallons); 

(2) A DOT 106 or 110 multi-unit tank 

car tank; 

(3) A bulk packaging other than a 

portable tank, cargo tank, flexible 
bulk container, or tank car (


a bulk 

bag or box) with a volumetric capacity 
of less than 18 cubic meters (640 cubic 


An IBC. 

For an IBC labeled in ac-

cordance with subpart E of this part, 
the IBC may display the proper ship-
ping name and UN identification num-
ber markings in accordance with 
§ 172.301(a)(1) in place of the UN number 
on an orange panel, placard or white 
square-on-point configuration as pre-
scribed in § 172.336(d); and 

(5) A Large Packaging as defined in 

§ 171.8 of this subchapter. 

(d) A flexible bulk container may be 

placarded in two opposing positions. 

[Amdt. 172–136, 59 FR 38064, July 26, 1994; 
Amdt. 172–148, 61 FR 50255, Sept. 25, 1996, as 
amended by 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001; 69 FR 
64473, Nov. 4, 2004; 75 FR 5392, Feb. 2, 2010; 76 
FR 43528, July 20, 2011; 77 FR 60942, Oct. 5, 
2012; 81 FR 35540, June 2, 2016; 85 FR 27878, 
May 11, 2020] 

§ 172.516

Visibility and display of plac-


(a) Each placard on a motor vehicle 

and each placard on a rail car must be 
clearly visible from the direction it 
faces, except from the direction of an-
other transport vehicle or rail car to 
which the motor vehicle or rail car is 
coupled. This requirement may be met 
by the placards displayed on the 
freight containers or portable tanks 
loaded on a motor vehicle or rail car. 

(b) The required placarding of the 

front of a motor vehicle may be on the 
front of a truck-tractor instead of or in 
addition to the placarding on the front 
of the cargo body to which a truck- 
tractor is attached. 

(c) Each placard on a transport vehi-

cle, bulk packaging, freight container 
or aircraft unit load device must— 

(1) Be securely attached or affixed 

thereto or placed in a holder thereon. 
(See appendix C to this part.); 

(2) Be located clear of appurtenances 

and devices such as ladders, pipes, 
doors, and tarpaulins; 

(3) So far as practicable, be located so 

that dirt or water is not directed to it 
from the wheels of the transport vehi-

(4) Be located away from any mark-

ing (such as advertising) that could 
substantially reduce its effectiveness, 
and in any case at least 3 inches (76.0 
mm.) away from such marking; 

(5) Have the words or identification 

number (when authorized) printed on it 
displayed horizontally, reading from 
left to right; 

(6) Be maintained by the carrier in a 

condition so that the format, leg-
ibility, color, and visibility of the 
placard will not be substantially re-
duced due to damage, deterioration, or 
obscurement by dirt or other matter; 

(7) Be affixed to a background of con-

trasting color, or must have a dotted 
or solid line outer border which con-
trasts with the background color. 

(d) Recommended specifications for a 

placard holder are set forth in appendix 
C of this part. Except for a placard 
holder similar to that contained in ap-
pendix C to this part, the means used 
to attach a placard may not obscure 
any part of its surface other than the 

(e) A placard or placard holder may 

be hinged provided the required format, 
color, and legibility of the placard are 

[Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as 
amended by Amdt. 172–101, 45 FR 74668, Nov. 
10, 1980; Amdt. 172–123, 55 FR 52601, Dec. 21, 
1990; 65 FR 50460, Aug. 18, 2000] 

§ 172.519

General specifications for 



Strength and durability. 


must conform to the following: 

(1) A placard may be made of any 

plastic, metal or other material capa-
ble of withstanding, without deteriora-
tion or a substantial reduction in effec-
tiveness, a 30-day exposure to open 
weather conditions. 

(2) A placard made of tagboard must 

be at least equal to that designated