Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT
§ 172.602
(b) In addition to conformance with
§ 172.519, the background on the CLASS
9 placard must be white with seven
black vertical stripes on the top half
extending from the top of the placard
to one inch above the horizontal cen-
terline. The black vertical stripes must
be spaced so that, visually, they appear
equal in width to the six white spaces
between them. The space below the
vertical lines must be white with the
class number 9 underlined and centered
at the bottom.
[Amdt. 172–123, 56 FR 66264, Dec. 20, 1991, as
amended at 57 FR 45460, Oct. 1, 1992]
Subpart G—Emergency Response
§ 172.600
Applicability and general re-
Except as provided in para-
graph (d) of this section, this subpart
prescribes requirements for providing
and maintaining emergency response
information during transportation and
at facilities where hazardous materials
are loaded for transportation, stored
incidental to transportation or other-
wise handled during any phase of trans-
This subpart applies
to persons who offer for transportation,
accept for transportation, transfer or
otherwise handle hazardous materials
during transportation.
General requirements.
No person to
whom this subpart applies may offer
for transportation, accept for transpor-
tation, transfer, store or otherwise
handle during transportation a haz-
ardous material unless:
(1) Emergency response information
conforming to this subpart is imme-
diately available for use at all times
the hazardous material is present; and
(2) Emergency response information,
including the emergency response tele-
phone number, required by this subpart
is immediately available to any person
who, as a representative of a Federal,
State or local government agency, re-
sponds to an incident involving a haz-
ardous material, or is conducting an
investigation which involves a haz-
ardous material.
The requirements of
this subpart do not apply to hazardous
material which is excepted from the
shipping paper requirements of this
[Amdt. 172–116, 54 FR 27145, June 27, 1989; 54
FR 28750, July 5, 1989, as amended at 55 FR
33712, Aug. 17, 1990; Amdt. 172–127, 59 FR
49133, Sept. 26, 1994; Amdt. 172–149, 61 FR
27173, May 30, 1996; 87 FR 79774, Dec. 27, 2022]
§ 172.602
Emergency response infor-
Information required.
For purposes
of this subpart, the term ‘‘emergency
response information’’ means informa-
tion that can be used in the mitigation
of an incident involving hazardous ma-
terials and, as a minimum, must con-
tain the following information:
(1) The basic description and tech-
nical name of the hazardous material
as required by §§ 172.202 and 172.203(k),
the ICAO Technical Instructions, the
IMDG Code, or the TDG Regulations,
as appropriate (IBR, see § 171.7 of this
(2) Immediate hazards to health;
(3) Risks of fire or explosion;
(4) Immediate precautions to be
taken in the event of an accident or in-
(5) Immediate methods for handling
(6) Initial methods for handling spills
or leaks in the absence of fire; and
(7) Preliminary first aid measures.
Form of information.
The informa-
tion required for a hazardous material
by paragraph (a) of this section must
(1) Printed legibly in English;
(2) Available for use away from the
package containing the hazardous ma-
terial; and
(3) Presented—
(i) On a shipping paper;
(ii) In a document, other than a ship-
ping paper, that includes both the basic
description and technical name of the
hazardous material as required by
§§ 172.202 and 172.203(k), the ICAO Tech-
nical Instructions, the IMDG Code, or
the TDG Regulations, as appropriate,
and the emergency response informa-
tion required by this subpart (e.g., a
material safety data sheet); or
(iii) Related to the information on a
shipping paper, a written notification
to pilot-in-command, or a dangerous
cargo manifest, in a separate document
(e.g., an emergency response guidance