49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition)
Pt. 175
Subpart A—General Information and
Purpose, scope, and applicability.
Unacceptable hazardous materials
Exceptions for operator equipment and
items of replacement.
Special aircraft operations.
Exceptions for passengers, crew-
members, and air operators.
Compliance and training.
Passenger notification system.
Notification at cargo facilities of haz-
ardous materials requirements.
Inspecting shipments.
Reports of discrepancies.
Shipping paper and information to
the pilot-in-command.
Exceptions for cylinders of com-
pressed oxygen or other oxidizing gases
transported within the State of Alaska.
Subpart B—Loading, Unloading and
Quantity limitations and cargo loca-
Stowage compatibility of cargo.
Inspection, orientation and securing
of packages of hazardous materials.
Damaged shipments.
Subpart C—Specific Regulations Applica-
ble According to Classification of Ma-
Transportation of flammable liquid
fuel; aircraft only means of transpor-
Special requirements for oxidizers
and compressed oxygen.
Special requirements for Division 6.1
(poisonous) material and Division 6.2 (in-
fectious substances) materials.
Special limitations and require-
ments for Class 7 materials.
Separation distance requirements
for packages containing Class 7 (radio-
active) materials in passenger-carrying
Separation distance requirements
for packages containing Class 7 (radio-
active) materials in cargo aircraft.
Other special requirements for the
acceptance and carriage of packages con-
taining Class 7 materials.
Plutonium shipments.
Radioactive contamination.
Separation distances for undevel-
oped film from packages containing
Class 7 (radioactive) materials.
Handling requirements for carbon di-
oxide, solid (dry ice).
: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 44701; 49
CFR 1.81 and 1.97.
: 71 FR 14604, Mar. 22, 2006, unless
otherwise noted.
Subpart A—General Information
and Regulations
§ 175.1
Purpose, scope, and applica-
(a) This part prescribes the require-
ments that apply to the transportation
of hazardous materials in commerce
aboard (including attached to or sus-
pended from) an aircraft. The require-
ments in this part are in addition to
other requirements contained in parts
171, 172, 173, 178, and 180 of this sub-
(b) This part applies to the offering,
acceptance, and transportation of haz-
ardous materials in commerce by air-
craft to, from, or within the United
States, and to any aircraft of United
States registry anywhere in air com-
merce. This subchapter applies to any
person who performs, attempts to per-
form, or is required to perform any
function subject to this subchapter, in-
cluding—(1) Air carriers, indirect air
carriers, and freight forwarders and
their flight and non-flight employees,
agents, subsidiary and contract per-
sonnel (including cargo, passenger and
baggage acceptance, handling, loading
and unloading personnel); and
(2) Air passengers that carry any haz-
ardous material on their person or in
their carry-on or checked baggage.
(c) This part does not apply to air-
craft of United States registry under
lease to and operated by foreign na-
tionals outside the United States if:
(1) Hazardous materials forbidden
aboard aircraft by § 172.101 of this sub-
chapter are not carried on the aircraft;
(2) Other hazardous materials are
carried in accordance with the regula-
tions of the State (nation) of the air-
craft operator.
(d) The requirements of this sub-
chapter do not apply to transportation
of hazardous material in support of
dedicated air ambulance, firefighting,
Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT
§ 175.8
or search and rescue operations per-
formed in compliance with the oper-
ator requirements under federal air
regulations, title 14 of the CFR.
[71 FR 14604, Mar. 22, 2006, as amended at 81
FR 35543, June 2, 2016; 87 FR 79784, Dec. 27,
§ 175.3
Unacceptable hazardous mate-
rials shipments.
A hazardous material that is not pre-
pared for shipment in accordance with
this subchapter may not be offered or
accepted for transportation or trans-
ported aboard an aircraft.
§ 175.8
Exceptions for operator equip-
ment and items of replacement.
Operator equipment.
This sub-
chapter does not apply to—
(1) Aviation fuel and oil in tanks that
are in compliance with the installation
provisions of 14 CFR, chapter 1.
(2) Hazardous materials required
aboard an aircraft in accordance with
the applicable airworthiness require-
ments and operating regulations. Items
of replacement for such materials must
be transported in accordance with
paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(3) Items of replacement (company
material (COMAT)) for hazardous ma-
terials described in paragraph (a)(2) of
this section must be transported in ac-
cordance with this subchapter. When
an operator transports its own replace-
ment items described in paragraph
(a)(2), the following exceptions apply:
(i) In place of required packagings,
packagings specifically designed for
the items of replacement may be used,
provided such packagings provide at
least an equivalent level of protection
to those that would be required by this
(ii) Aircraft batteries are not subject
to quantity limitations such as those
provided in § 172.101 or § 175.75(c) of this
(4) Unless otherwise addressed by
FAA regulation or policy (e.g. Advisory
Circular), hazardous materials used by
the operator aboard the aircraft, when
approved by the Administrator of the
Federal Aviation Administration.
Other operator exceptions.
This sub-
chapter does not apply to—
(1) Oxygen, or any hazardous mate-
rial used for the generation of oxygen,
for medical use by a passenger, which
is furnished by the aircraft operator in
accordance with 14 CFR 121.574, 125.219,
or 135.91. For the purposes of this para-
graph (b)(1), an aircraft operator that
does not hold a certificate under 14
CFR parts 121, 125, or 135 may apply
this exception in conformance with 14
CFR 121.574, 125.219, or 135.91 in the
same manner as required for a certifi-
cate holder. See § 175.501 for additional
requirements applicable to the stowage
of oxygen.
(2) Dry ice (carbon dioxide, solid) in-
tended for use by the operator in food
and beverage service aboard the air-
(3) Aerosols of Division 2.2 only (for
dispensing of food products), alcoholic
beverages, colognes, liquefied gas light-
ers, perfumes, and portable electronic
devices containing lithium cells or bat-
teries that meet the requirements of
§ 175.10(a)(18) carried aboard a pas-
senger-carrying aircraft by the oper-
ator for use or sale on that specific air-
craft. A liquefied gas lighter design
must be examined and successfully
tested by a person or agency author-
ized by the Associate Administrator.
(4) A tire assembly with a serviceable
tire, provided the tire is not inflated to
a gauge pressure exceeding the max-
imum rated pressure for that tire, and
the tire (including valve assemblies) is
protected from damage during trans-
port. A tire or tire assembly which is
unserviceable or damaged is forbidden
from air transport; however, a damaged
tire is not subject to the requirements
of this subchapter if it contains no ma-
terial meeting the definition of a haz-
ardous material (e.g., Division 2.2).
(5) Alcohol-based hand sanitizers and
alcohol-based cleaning products that
are accessible to crewmembers in the
passenger cabin during the flight or se-
ries of flights for the purposes of pas-
senger and crew hygiene. Conditions
for the carriage and use must be de-
scribed in an operations manual and/or
other appropriate manuals.
[71 FR 14604, Mar. 22, 2006, as amended at 72
FR 55693, Oct. 1, 2007; 76 FR 3381, Jan. 19, 2011;
78 FR 1092, Jan. 7, 2013; 79 FR 46039, Aug. 6,
2014; 81 FR 35543, June 2, 2016; 87 FR 44997,
July 26, 2022]