49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition)
§ 175.31
(2) The word ‘‘OVERPACK’’ appears
on the outside of the overpack when
specification packagings are required.
[71 FR 14604, Mar. 22, 2006, as amended at 72
FR 25177, May 3, 2007; 73 FR 57006, Oct. 1, 2008;
76 FR 3383, Jan. 19, 2011; 79 FR 46040, Aug. 6,
2014; 80 FR 1164, Jan. 8, 2015; 83 FR 52899, Oct.
18, 2018]
§ 175.31
Reports of discrepancies.
(a) Each person who discovers a dis-
crepancy, as defined in paragraph (b) of
this section, relative to the shipment
of a hazardous material following its
acceptance for transportation aboard
an aircraft shall, as soon as prac-
ticable, notify the nearest FAA Re-
gional Office by telephone or electroni-
cally. The nearest Regional Office may
be located by calling the FAA Wash-
ington Operations Center 202–267–3333
(any hour). Electronic notifications
may be submitted by following instruc-
tions on the FAA’s website. The fol-
lowing information must be provided:
(1) Name and telephone number of
the person reporting the discrepancy.
(2) Name of the aircraft operator.
(3) Specific location of the shipment
(4) Name of the shipper.
(5) Nature of discrepancy.
(6) Address of the shipper or person
responsible for the discrepancy, if
known, by the air carrier.
(b) Discrepancies which must be re-
ported under paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion are those involving hazardous ma-
terials which are improperly described,
certified, labeled, marked, or packaged,
in a manner not ascertainable when ac-
cepted under the provisions of
§ 175.30(a) of this subchapter including
packages or baggage which are found
to contain hazardous materials subse-
quent to their being offered and accept-
ed as other than hazardous materials.
[71 FR 14604, Mar. 22, 2006, as amended at 85
FR 83402, Dec. 21, 2020]
§ 175.33
Shipping paper and informa-
tion to the pilot-in-command.
(a) When a hazardous material sub-
ject to the provisions of this sub-
chapter is carried in an aircraft, the
operator of the aircraft must provide
the pilot-in-command and the flight
dispatcher or other ground support per-
sonnel with responsibilities for oper-
ational control of the aircraft with ac-
curate and legible written information
(e.g., handwritten, printed, or elec-
tronic form) as early as practicable be-
fore departure of the aircraft, but in no
case later than when the aircraft
moves under its own power, which
specifies at least the following:
(1) The date of the flight;
(2) The air waybill number (when
(3) The proper shipping name (the
technical name(s) shown on the ship-
ping paper is not required), hazard
class or division, subsidiary risk(s) cor-
responding to a required label(s), pack-
ing group and identification number of
the material as specified in § 172.101 of
this subchapter or the ICAO Technical
Instructions (IBR, see § 171.7 of this
subchapter). In the case of Class 1 ma-
terials, the compatibility group letter
also must be shown.
(4) The total number of packages;
(5) The exact loading location of the
(6) The net quantity or gross mass, as
applicable, for each package except
those containing Class 7 (radioactive)
materials. For a shipment consisting of
multiple packages containing haz-
ardous materials bearing the same
proper shipping name and identifica-
tion number, only the total quantity
and an indication of the quantity of
the largest and smallest package at
each loading location need to be pro-
vided. For consumer commodities, the
information provided may be either the
gross mass of each package or the aver-
age gross mass of the packages as
shown on the shipping paper;
(7) For Class 7 (radioactive) mate-
rials, the number of packages over-
packs or freight containers, their cat-
egory, transport index (if applicable),
and their exact loading location;
(8) Confirmation that the package
must be carried on cargo-only aircraft;
(9) The airport at which the pack-
age(s) is to be unloaded;
(10) An indication, when applicable,
that a hazardous material is being car-
ried under terms of a special permit or
under a State exemption as prescribed
in the ICAO Technical Instructions
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter);
(11) The telephone number from
whom the information contained in the
Pipeline and Haz. Matls. Safety Admin., DOT
§ 175.33
information to the pilot-in-command
can be obtained. The aircraft operator
must ensure the telephone number is
monitored at all times the aircraft is
in flight. The telephone number is not
required to be placed on the informa-
tion to the pilot-in-command if the
phone number is in a location in the
cockpit available and known to the
(12) For UN1845, Carbon dioxide, solid
(dry ice), the information required by
this paragraph (a) may be replaced by
the UN number, proper shipping name,
hazard class, total quantity in each
cargo compartment aboard the air-
craft, and the airport at which the
package(s) is to be unloaded; and
(13)(i) For UN3480, Lithium ion bat-
teries, and UN3090, Lithium metal bat-
teries, the information required by
paragraph (a) of this section may be re-
placed by the UN number, proper ship-
ping name, hazard class, total quantity
at each specific loading location, the
airport at which the package(s) is to be
unloaded, and whether the package
must be carried on cargo-only aircraft.
(ii) For UN3480, Lithium ion bat-
teries, and UN3090, Lithium metal bat-
teries, carried under a special permit
or a State exemption as prescribed in
the ICAO Technical Instructions (IBR,
see § 171.7 of this subchapter), must
meet all of the requirements of this
(iii) For UN3480, UN3481, UN3090, and
UN3091 prepared in accordance with
§ 173.185(c), except those prepared in ac-
cordance with § 173.185(c)(5), are not re-
quired to appear on the information to
the pilot-in-command.
(b)(1) The information provided to
the pilot-in-command must also in-
clude a signed confirmation or some
other indication from the person re-
sponsible for loading the aircraft that
there was no evidence of any damage to
or leakage from the packages or any
leakage from the unit load devices
loaded on the aircraft;
(2) The information to the pilot-in-
command and the emergency response
information required by subpart G of
part 172 of this subchapter shall be
readily available to the pilot-in-com-
mand and flight dispatcher during
(3) The pilot-in-command must indi-
cate in writing (e.g., handwritten,
printed, or electronic form) that the in-
formation to the pilot-in-command has
been received.
(c) The aircraft operator must—
For shipping papers.
(i) Ensure a
copy of the shipping paper required by
§ 175.30(a)(2) accompanies the shipment
it covers during transportation aboard
the aircraft.
(ii) Retain a copy of the shipping
paper required by § 175.30(a)(2) or an
electronic image thereof, that is acces-
sible at or through its principal place
of business and must make the ship-
ping paper available, upon request, to
an authorized official of a federal,
state, or local government agency at
reasonable times and locations. For a
hazardous waste, each shipping paper
copy must be retained for three years
after the material is accepted by the
initial carrier. For all other hazardous
materials, each shipping paper copy
must be retained by the operator for
one year after the material is accepted
by the initial carrier. Each shipping
paper copy must include the date of ac-
ceptance by the carrier. The date on
the shipping paper may be the date a
shipper notifies the air carrier that a
shipment is ready for transportation,
as indicated on the air waybill or bill
of lading, as an alternative to the date
the shipment is picked up or accepted
by the carrier. Only an initial carrier
must receive and retain a copy of the
shipper’s certification, as required by
§ 172.204 of this subchapter.
For information to the pilot-in-com-
Retain for 90 days at the airport
of departure or the operator’s principal
place of business.
(3) Have the shipping paper and infor-
mation to the pilot-in-command read-
ily accessible at the airport of depar-
ture and the intended airport of arrival
for the duration of the flight.
(4) Make available, upon request, to
an authorized official of a Federal,
State, or local government agency
(which includes emergency responders)
at reasonable times and locations, the
documents or information required to
be retained by this paragraph. In the
event of a reportable incident, as de-
fined in § 171.15 of this subchapter, the
49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–23 Edition)
§ 175.34
aircraft operator must make imme-
diately available to an authorized offi-
cial of a Federal, State, or local gov-
ernment agency (which includes emer-
gency responders), the documents or
information required to be retained by
this paragraph (c).
(5) Specify the personnel to be pro-
vided the information required by para-
graph (a) of this section in their oper-
ations manual and/or other appropriate
(d) The information required by para-
graph (a) of this section and the ship-
ping paper required by (c)(1) of this sec-
tion may be combined into one docu-
[83 FR 52899, Oct. 18, 2018, as amended at 85
FR 27899, May 11, 2020]
§ 175.34
Exceptions for cylinders of
compressed oxygen or other oxi-
dizing gases transported within the
State of Alaska.
When transported in
the State of Alaska, cylinders of com-
pressed oxygen or other oxidizing gases
aboard aircraft are excepted from all
the requirements of §§ 173.302(f)(3)
through (5) and 173.304(f)(3) through (5)
of this subchapter subject to the fol-
lowing conditions:
(1) Transportation of the cylinders by
a ground-based or water-based mode of
transportation is unavailable and
transportation by aircraft is the only
practical means for transporting the
cylinders to their destination;
(2) Each cylinder is fully covered
with a fire or flame resistant blanket
that is secured in place; and
(3) The operator of the aircraft com-
plies with the applicable notification
procedures under § 175.33.
Aircraft restrictions.
This exception
only applies to the following types of
(1) Cargo-only aircraft transporting
the cylinders to a delivery destination
that receives cargo-only service at
least once a week.
(2) Passenger and cargo-only aircraft
transporting the cylinders to a delivery
destination that does not receive cargo
only service once a week.
[79 FR 15046, Mar. 18, 2014]
Subpart B—Loading, Unloading
and Handling
§ 175.75
Quantity limitations and
cargo location.
(a) No person may carry on an air-
craft a hazardous material except as
permitted by this subchapter.
Hazardous materials stowage.
Except as otherwise provided in this
subchapter, no person may carry a haz-
ardous material in the cabin of a pas-
senger-carrying aircraft or on the
flight deck of any aircraft, and the haz-
ardous material must be located in a
place that is inaccessible to persons
other than crew members.
(2) Hazardous materials may be car-
ried in a main deck cargo compartment
of a passenger aircraft provided that
the compartment is inaccessible to
passengers and that it meets all certifi-
cation requirements for: a Class B air-
craft cargo compartment in 14 CFR
25.857(b); or a Class C aircraft cargo
compartment in 14 CFR 25.857(c).
(3) A package bearing a ‘‘KEEP
AWAY FROM HEAT’’ handling mark-
ing must be protected from direct sun-
shine and stored in a cool and venti-
lated place, away from sources of heat.
(4) Except as provided in paragraph
(f) of this section, a package con-
taining a hazardous material accept-
able for cargo-only aircraft must be
loaded in an accessible manner.
(c) For each package containing a
hazardous material acceptable for car-
riage aboard passenger-carrying air-
craft, no more than 25 kg (55 pounds)
net weight of hazardous material may
be loaded in an inaccessible manner. In
addition to the 25 kg limitation, an ad-
ditional 75 kg (165 pounds) net weight
of Division 2.2 (non-flammable com-
pressed gas) may be loaded in an inac-
cessible manner. The requirements of
this paragraph (c) do not apply to Class
9, articles of Identification Numbers
UN0012, UN0014, or UN0055 also meeting
the requirements of § 173.63(b) of this
subchapter, articles of Identification
Numbers UN3528 or UN3529, and Lim-
ited or Excepted Quantity material.
(d) For the purposes of this section—
means, on passenger-
carrying or cargo-only aircraft that
each package is loaded where a crew
member or other authorized person can