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National Transportation Safety Board 

§ 830.5 


NTSB headquarters is located at 490 

L’Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20594. 
Contact information for the NTSB’s regional 
offices is available at  To 


an aircraft, such as the owner, lessee, 
or bailee of an aircraft. 

Public aircraft means an aircraft used 

only for the United States Govern-
ment, or an aircraft owned and oper-
ated (except for commercial purposes) 
or exclusively leased for at least 90 
continuous days by a government other 
than the United States Government, 
including a State, the District of Co-
lumbia, a territory or possession of the 
United States, or a political subdivi-
sion of that government. ‘‘Public air-
craft’’ does not include a government- 
owned aircraft transporting property 
for commercial purposes and does not 
include a government-owned aircraft 
transporting passengers other than: 
transporting (for other than commer-
cial purposes) crewmembers or other 
persons aboard the aircraft whose pres-
ence is required to perform, or is asso-
ciated with the performance of, a gov-
ernmental function such as fire-
fighting, search and rescue, law en-
forcement, aeronautical research, or 
biological or geological resource man-
agement; or transporting (for other 
than commercial purposes) persons 
aboard the aircraft if the aircraft is op-
erated by the Armed Forces or an in-
telligence agency of the United States. 
Notwithstanding any limitation relat-
ing to use of the aircraft for commer-
cial purposes, an aircraft shall be con-
sidered to be a public aircraft without 
regard to whether it is operated by a 
unit of government on behalf of an-
other unit of government pursuant to a 
cost reimbursement agreement, if the 
unit of government on whose behalf the 
operation is conducted certifies to the 
Administrator of the Federal Aviation 
Administration that the operation was 
necessary to respond to a significant 
and imminent threat to life or property 
(including natural resources) and that 
no service by a private operator was 
reasonably available to meet the 

Serious injury means any injury 

which: (1) Requires hospitalization for 
more than 48 hours, commencing with-
in 7 days from the date of the injury 
was received; (2) results in a fracture of 
any bone (except simple fractures of 
fingers, toes, or nose); (3) causes severe 
hemorrhages, nerve, muscle, or tendon 
damage; (4) involves any internal 

organ; or (5) involves second- or third- 
degree burns, or any burns affecting 
more than 5 percent of the body sur-

Substantial damage means damage or 

failure which adversely affects the 
structural strength, performance, or 
flight characteristics of the aircraft, 
and which would normally require 
major repair or replacement of the af-
fected component. Engine failure or 
damage limited to an engine if only 
one engine fails or is damaged, bent 
fairings or cowling, dented skin, small 
punctured holes in the skin or fabric, 
ground damage to rotor or propeller 
blades, and damage to landing gear, 
wheels, tires, flaps, engine accessories, 
brakes, or wingtips are not considered 
‘‘substantial damage’’ for the purpose 
of this part. 

Unmanned aircraft accident means an 

occurrence associated with the oper-
ation of any public or civil unmanned 
aircraft system that takes place be-
tween the time that the system is acti-
vated with the purpose of flight and 
the time that the system is deactivated 
at the conclusion of its mission, in 

(1) Any person suffers death or seri-

ous injury; or 

(2) The aircraft holds an airworthi-

ness certificate and sustains substan-
tial damage. 

[53 FR 36982, Sept. 23, 1988, as amended at 60 
FR 40112, Aug. 7, 1995; 75 FR 51955, Aug. 24, 
2010; 87 FR 42104, July 14, 2022] 

Subpart B—Initial Notification of 

Aircraft Accidents, Incidents, 
and Overdue Aircraft 

§ 830.5

Immediate notification. 

The operator of any civil aircraft, or 

any public aircraft not operated by the 
Armed Forces or an intelligence agen-
cy of the United States, or any foreign 
aircraft shall immediately, and by the 
most expeditious means available, no-
tify the nearest National Transpor-
tation Safety Board (NTSB) office,




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49 CFR Ch. VIII (10–1–23 Edition) 

§ 830.6 

report an accident or incident, you may call 
the NTSB Response Operations Center, at 
844–373–9922 or 202–314–6290. 

(a) An aircraft accident or any of the 

following listed serious incidents 

(1) Flight control system malfunc-

tion or failure; 

(2) Inability of any required flight 

crewmember to perform normal flight 
duties as a result of injury or illness; 

(3) Failure of any internal turbine en-

gine component that results in the es-
cape of debris other than out the ex-
haust path; 

(4) In-flight fire; 
(5) Aircraft collision in flight; 
(6) Damage to property, other than 

the aircraft, estimated to exceed $25,000 
for repair (including materials and 
labor) or fair market value in the event 
of total loss, whichever is less. 

(7) For large multiengine aircraft 

(more than 12,500 pounds maximum 
certificated takeoff weight): 

(i) In-flight failure of electrical sys-

tems which requires the sustained use 
of an emergency bus powered by a 
back-up source such as a battery, aux-
iliary power unit, or air-driven gener-
ator to retain flight control or essen-
tial instruments; 

(ii) In-flight failure of hydraulic sys-

tems that results in sustained reliance 
on the sole remaining hydraulic or me-
chanical system for movement of flight 
control surfaces; 

(iii) Sustained loss of the power or 

thrust produced by two or more en-
gines; and 

(iv) An evacuation of an aircraft in 

which an emergency egress system is 

(8) Release of all or a portion of a 

propeller blade from an aircraft, ex-
cluding release caused solely by ground 

(9) A complete loss of information, 

excluding flickering, from more than 50 
percent of an aircraft’s cockpit dis-
plays known as: 

(i) Electronic Flight Instrument Sys-

tem (EFIS) displays; 

(ii) Engine Indication and Crew 

Alerting System (EICAS) displays; 

(iii) Electronic Centralized Aircraft 

Monitor (ECAM) displays; or 

(iv) Other displays of this type, which 

generally include a primary flight dis-
play (PFD), primary navigation display 
(PND), and other integrated displays; 

(10) Airborne Collision and Avoidance 

System (ACAS) resolution advisories 
issued when an aircraft is being oper-
ated on an instrument flight rules 
flight plan and compliance with the ad-
visory is necessary to avert a substan-
tial risk of collision between two or 
more aircraft. 

(11) Damage to helicopter tail or 

main rotor blades, including ground 
damage, that requires major repair or 
replacement of the blade(s); 

(12) Any event in which an operator, 

when operating an airplane as an air 
carrier at a public-use airport on land: 

(i) Lands or departs on a taxiway, in-

correct runway, or other area not de-
signed as a runway; or 

(ii) Experiences a runway incursion 

that requires the operator or the crew 
of another aircraft or vehicle to take 
immediate corrective action to avoid a 

(b) An aircraft is overdue and is be-

lieved to have been involved in an acci-

[53 FR 36982, Sept. 23, 1988, as amended at 60 
FR 40113, Aug. 7, 1995; 75 FR 927, Jan. 7, 2010; 
75 FR 35330, June 22, 2010; 80 FR 77587, Dec. 
15, 2015] 

§ 830.6

Information to be given in noti-


The notification required in § 830.5 

shall contain the following informa-
tion, if available: 

(a) Type, nationality, and registra-

tion marks of the aircraft; 

(b) Name of owner, and operator of 

the aircraft; 

(c) Name of the pilot-in-command; 
(d) Date and time of the accident; 
(e) Last point of departure and point 

of intended landing of the aircraft; 

(f) Position of the aircraft with ref-

erence to some easily defined geo-
graphical point; 

(g) Number of persons aboard, num-

ber killed, and number seriously in-

(h) Nature of the accident, the weath-

er and the extent of damage to the air-
craft, so far as is known; and 

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