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available includes times of scheduled activity, altitudes in use on each route segment, and actual route width. 

Route width varies for each MTR and can extend several miles on either side of the charted MTR centerline. 

Route width information for IFR Military Training Route (IR) and VFR Military Training Route (VR) MTRs 

is also available in the FLIP AP/1B along with additional MTR (slow routes/air refueling routes) information. 

When requesting MTR information, pilots should give the FSS their position, route of flight, and destination in 

order to reduce frequency congestion and permit the FSS specialist to identify the MTR which could be a factor. 



3.  Temporary Flight Restrictions 

a.  General. 

This paragraph describes the types of conditions under which the FAA may impose temporary 

flight restrictions. It also explains which FAA elements have been delegated authority to issue a temporary flight 

restrictions NOTAM and lists the types of responsible agencies/offices from which the FAA will accept requests 

to establish temporary flight restrictions. The 14 CFR is explicit as to what operations are prohibited, restricted, 

or allowed in a temporary flight restrictions area. Pilots are responsible to comply with 14 CFR Sections 91.137, 

91.138, 91.141 and 91.143 when conducting flight in an area where a temporary flight restrictions area is in 

effect, and should check appropriate NOTAMs during flight planning. 

b.  The purpose for establishing a temporary flight restrictions area is to: 


Protect persons and property in the air or on the surface from an existing or imminent hazard associated 

with an incident on the surface when the presence of low flying aircraft would magnify, alter, spread, or 

compound that hazard (14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(1)); 


Provide a safe environment for the operation of disaster relief aircraft (14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(2)); 



Prevent an unsafe congestion of sightseeing aircraft above an incident or event which may generate a high 

degree of public interest (14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(3)). 


Protect declared national disasters for humanitarian reasons in the State of Hawaii (14 CFR 

Section 91.138). 


Protect the President, Vice President, or other public figures (14 CFR Section 91.141). 


Provide a safe environment for space agency operations (14 CFR Section 91.143). 


Except for hijacking situations, when the provisions of 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(1) or (a)(2) are necessary, 

a temporary flight restrictions area will only be established by or through the area manager at the Air Route 

Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) having jurisdiction over the area concerned. A temporary flight restrictions 

NOTAM involving the conditions of 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(3) will be issued at the direction of the service 

area office director having oversight of the airspace concerned. When hijacking situations are involved, a 

temporary flight restrictions area will be implemented through the TSA Aviation Command Center. The 

appropriate FAA air traffic element, upon receipt of such a request, will establish a temporary flight restrictions 

area under 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(1). 


The FAA accepts recommendations for the establishment of a temporary flight restrictions area under 

14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(1) from military major command headquarters, regional directors of the Office of 

Emergency Planning, Civil Defense State Directors, State Governors, or other similar authority. For the 

situations involving 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(2), the FAA accepts recommendations from military 

commanders serving as regional, subregional, or Search and Rescue (SAR) coordinators; by military 

commanders directing or coordinating air operations associated with disaster relief; or by civil authorities 

directing or coordinating organized relief air operations (includes representatives of the Office of Emergency 

Planning, U.S. Forest Service, and State aeronautical agencies). Appropriate authorities for a temporary flight 

restrictions establishment under 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(3) are any of those listed above or by State, county, 

or city government entities. 


The type of restrictions issued will be kept to a minimum by the FAA consistent with achievement of the 

necessary objective. Situations which warrant the extreme restrictions of 14 CFR Section 91.137(a)(1) include, 

Other Airspace Areas