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Radar surveillance of holding pattern airspace areas. 


Whenever aircraft are holding, ATC will usually provide radar surveillance of the holding airspace on 

the controller’s radar display. 


The controller will attempt to detect any holding aircraft that stray outside the holding airspace and will 

assist any detected aircraft to return to the assigned airspace. 



Many factors could prevent ATC from providing this additional service, such as workload, number of targets, precipitation, 

ground clutter, and radar system capability. These circumstances may make it unfeasible to maintain radar identification 

of aircraft to detect aircraft straying from the holding pattern. The provision of this service depends entirely upon whether 

controllers believe they are in a position to provide it and does not relieve a pilot of their responsibility to adhere to an 

accepted ATC clearance. 


ATC is responsible for traffic and obstruction separation when they have assigned holding that is not 

associated with a published (charted) holding pattern. Altitudes assigned will be at or above the minimum 

vectoring or minimum IFR altitude. 


If an aircraft is established in a published holding pattern at an assigned altitude above the published 

minimum holding altitude and subsequently cleared for the approach, the pilot may descend to the published 

minimum holding altitude. The holding pattern would only be a segment of the IAP 


 it is published on the 

instrument procedure chart and is used in lieu of a procedure turn. 


For those holding patterns where there are no published minimum holding altitudes, the pilot, upon 

receiving an approach clearance, must maintain the last assigned altitude until leaving the holding pattern and 

established on the inbound course. Thereafter, the published minimum altitude of the route segment being flown 

will apply. It is expected that the pilot will be assigned a holding altitude that will permit a normal descent on 

the inbound course. 

En Route Procedures