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It should be recognized that circling maneuvers may be made while VFR or other flying is in progress 

at the airport. Standard left turns or specific instruction from the controller for maneuvering must be considered 

when circling to land. 


At airports without a control tower, it may be desirable to fly over the airport to observe wind and turn 

indicators and other traffic which may be on the runway or flying in the vicinity of the airport. 



AC 90

66A, Recommended Standards Traffic patterns for Aeronautical Operations at Airports without Operating Control Towers. 


The missed approach point (MAP) varies depending upon the approach flown. For vertically guided 

approaches, the MAP is at the decision altitude/decision height. Non

vertically guided and circling procedures 

share the same MAP and the pilot determines this MAP by timing from the final approach fix, by a fix, a NAVAID, 

or a waypoint. Circling from a GLS, an ILS without a localizer line of minima or an RNAV (GPS) approach 

without an LNAV line of minima is prohibited. 

g.  Instrument Approach at a Military Field.

 When instrument approaches are conducted by civil aircraft 

at military airports, they must be conducted in accordance with the procedures and minimums approved by the 

military agency having jurisdiction over the airport. 



21.  Missed Approach 


When a landing cannot be accomplished, advise ATC and, upon reaching the missed approach point defined 

on the approach procedure chart, the pilot must comply with the missed approach instructions for the procedure 

being used or with an alternate missed approach procedure specified by ATC. 


Obstacle protection for missed approach is predicated on the missed approach being initiated at the decision 

altitude/decision height (DA/DH) or at the missed approach point and not lower than minimum descent altitude 

(MDA). A climb gradient of at least 200 feet per nautical mile is required, (except for Copter approaches, where 

a climb of at least 400 feet per nautical mile is required), unless a higher climb gradient is published in the notes 

section of the approach procedure chart. When higher than standard climb gradients are specified, the end point 

of the non

standard climb will be specified at either an altitude or a fix. Pilots must preplan to ensure that the 

aircraft can meet the climb gradient (expressed in feet per nautical mile) required by the procedure in the event 

of a missed approach, and be aware that flying at a higher than anticipated ground speed increases the climb rate 

requirement (feet per minute). Tables for the conversion of climb gradients (feet per nautical mile) to climb rate 

(feet per minute), based on ground speed, are included on page D1 of the U.S. Terminal Procedures booklets. 

Reasonable buffers are provided for normal maneuvers. However, no consideration is given to an abnormally 

early turn. Therefore, when an early missed approach is executed, pilots should, unless otherwise cleared by 

ATC, fly the IAP as specified on the approach plate to the missed approach point at or above the MDA or DH 

before executing a turning maneuver. 


If visual reference is lost while circling


land from an instrument approach, the missed approach 

specified for that particular procedure must be followed (unless an alternate missed approach procedure is 

specified by ATC). To become established on the prescribed missed approach course, the pilot should make an 

initial climbing turn toward the landing runway and continue the turn until established on the missed approach 

course. Inasmuch as the circling maneuver may be accomplished in more than one direction, different patterns 

will be required to become established on the prescribed missed approach course, depending on the aircraft 

position at the time visual reference is lost. Adherence to the procedure will help assure that an aircraft will 

remain laterally within the circling and missed approach obstruction clearance areas. Refer to paragraph 

concerning vertical obstruction clearance when starting a missed approach at other than the MAP. (See 





At locations where ATC radar service is provided, the pilot should conform to radar vectors when provided 

by ATC in lieu of the published missed approach procedure. (See FIG 5




Some locations may have a preplanned alternate missed approach procedure for use in the event the primary 

NAVAID used for the missed approach procedure is unavailable. To avoid confusion, the alternate missed 

Arrival Procedures