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If shutdown on a helideck, request the supervisor in charge provide a briefing on location of 

protective equipment and safety procedures. 


If while flying near a helideck and the visual red beacon alarm is observed or an unusually strong 

odor of “rotten eggs” is detected, immediately don the protective air pack, exit to an area upwind, and notify the 

suspected source field of the hazard. 

FIG 10


Closed Helideck Marking 

 No Radio 

(b)  Oil Field Supervisors 


If presence of hydrogen sulfide is detected, a red rotating beacon or red high intensity strobe light 

adjacent to the primary helideck stairwell or wind indicator on the structure should be turned on to provide visual 

warning of hazard. If the beacon is to be located near the stairwell, the State of Louisiana “Offshore Heliport 

Design Guide” and FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5390

2A, Heliport Design Guide, should be reviewed to 

ensure proper clearance on the helideck. 


Notify nearby helicopter operators and bases of the hazard and advise when hazard is cleared. 


Provide a safety briefing to include location of protective equipment to all arriving personnel. 


Wind socks or indicator should be clearly visible to provide upwind indication for the pilot. 

h.  Gas Venting Helideck/Heliport Operational Hazard Warning(s)/Procedures 

 Operations Near Gas 

Vent Booms 

1.  Background. 

Ignited flare booms can release a large volume of natural gas and create a hot fire and 

intense heat with little time for the pilot to react. Likewise, unignited gas vents can release reasonably large 

volumes of methane gas under certain conditions. Thus, operations conducted very near unignited gas vents 

require precautions to prevent inadvertent ingestion of combustible gases by the helicopter engine(s). The 

following practices are recommended. 

2.  Pilots 


Gas will drift upwards and downwind of the vent. Plan the approach and takeoff to observe and avoid 

the area downwind of the vent, remaining as far away as practicable from the open end of the vent boom. 


Do not attempt to start or land on an offshore helideck when the deck is downwind of a gas vent unless 

properly trained personnel verify conditions are safe. 

3.  Oil Field Supervisors 


During venting of large amounts of unignited raw gas, a red rotating beacon or red high intensity 

strobe light adjacent to the primary helideck stairwell or wind indicator should be turned on to provide visible 

warning of hazard. If the beacon is to be located near the stairwell, the State of Louisiana “Offshore Heliport 

Design Guide” and FAA AC 150/5390

2A, Heliport Design Guide, should be reviewed to ensure proper 

clearance from the helideck. 


Notify nearby helicopter operators and bases of the hazard for planned operations. 



Special Operations